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Everything posted by dapro

  1. This guy came in last week, SO fun to pose, thinking how to pose next, hmmm....
  2. SOC looks to be pose able. Wonder when Anime Island get it.
  3. Finally opened this guy up! He is pretty tall. He is same height as Kobe which is 6'6 in 1\6th.
  4. Dang, that was crazy. I didn't see the second one coming.
  5. Is there a link to the ebay auction?
  6. This has to be one of the best sculpts Hot Toys ever made.
  7. Unless you pay with cash or paypal gift, you will get your money back. Might take weeks but you will get money back.
  8. Just got Spit fire and the paint work on the head ain't bad. The eyes look good and no bloody mouth. It is the same size as the 2000 G, thought it would be bigger.
  9. Is this still available for order?
  10. I had good experience with them. I have ordered numbers of SH Monsterarts figures from them.
  11. Will there be numbers on the lions on the new Bandai?
  12. Sweet! Bought the Ultimate burning Godzilla too!
  13. You got link to order page?Edit: found it but order stop.
  14. Picked up this guy to play with MJ.
  15. Maybe I should look for a gun pod for my Vf-4g.
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