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Everything posted by dapro

  1. FYI for people who ordered from Anime Export. They don't email notification that the item is in stock or request for shipping, or shipped. I just logged in knowing this and my MP-10 is shipped!
  2. Thanks! Just changed it again since I found an extra stand lying around. Forgot what a pain to insert the flight adapter. Just realized all of these are Hikaru Ichijyo.
  3. My monsterarts loot has finally arrived!
  4. Takes anime export how long to calculate my shipping cost? Request for shipping two days ago and not heard back yet... Edit: never got email notification from anime export, but log in and there it was waiting to be ship. Paid $45 to ship to California. Hope everything goes well since I heard there is no customer service from Anime Export.
  5. I am waiting to see how much is the Takara one first.
  6. I am waiting for anime export to bill me for shipping.
  7. Do you have to dislodge the legs to insert the fighter adapter that came with?
  8. TT Delly is better than Hasbro, but if the cost is twice as much, I'll get the Hasbro. Not too sure on Ironhide yet, need more pictures. Not really a fan of BW. The one picture of the gorilla, does it even have articulation? Looks like a freaking statue.
  9. is there any july 4th sale or discount code this year?
  10. I wonder we can get shoulder hinge replacement thru arcadia for the old yamato figures.
  11. I think Arcadia should hire you to take promo pics for their products!
  12. Thanks, learn something new everyday!
  13. I remember watching Akira when I was a kid. How much is this going for? Is this like hot toys figure? Sorry for lack of knowledge on this...
  14. Are the MP-10 reissue still available in japan for pre-order?
  15. No yellowing on mine.
  16. I am in for the three vf-1 setup. Just waiting for next discount\sale....
  17. I'll check mine when I get home since I got it from Ami Ami too.
  18. Mine arrived!
  19. ok, mine is in SF.Hopefully get it tomorrow or Monday!
  20. Cool pics, Anubis! I do see a little pink, but maybe only when taken from pictures and not from seeing in person.
  21. Nice! Mine is in the air over the pacific right now haha. If you have the yammy VF-1j, can you take a pic side by side to see the white is pinky or not? Thanks!
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