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Everything posted by dapro

  1. I just opened the VT-1. This is the first DX I owned that I actually opened due to reports weeks back of the tail fin issue. I am happy to report the tail fins are good on mine. I think maybe there were one bad batch. Haven't heard much since couple weeks ago.
  2. Great! I don't know anyone here that really collects Marcoss. Which part of the Bay you reside in?
  3. You live in the Bay Area now?
  4. I am interested to know what hair cream and how to apply it too.
  5. Yup, you got that correct. You can read Japanese?
  6. Couple things I got this past weekend.
  7. dapro

    Bye Yamcadia?

    I still like the 1\60 size. I will keep mine.
  8. HLJ is BS! I had it all the way to paypal and its porcessing then it brings me back to shopping cart. I am done.
  9. Dang it, its paypal checkout and processing... should I hit refresh???
  10. I finally at the paypal on HLJ!
  11. I am at the payment page of HLJ and its slooooow and keep getting gateway error
  12. Amiami limit to one per household. There was no limit last before right?
  13. You guys should target the GX-88 first so I can have a chance on the vf-1s. LOL
  14. SO BS. Missed the old Yammie days
  15. Does this come with super pack?
  16. will Amiami have PO?
  17. When is the pre-order begin?
  18. The front cone section is yellowing along with the back legs portions. Going to try to fix it during spring time when there is more sun light.
  19. I was thinking taping with masking tape over the color plastic portion. Just apply the creme on the white part that is yellowing.
  20. Anyone used this creme to remove the yellowing form their white valk? I am thinking of trying it on my vf-1j Miria.
  21. I need to figure out where to display this bad boy. I don't have space in detolf, maybe put it on top of a detolf or on my computer desk.
  22. I thought it was charged already, why are they waiting. SMH.
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