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Everything posted by davidvfx

  1. I like everything from the ova ep 4... very coll teh animations In I support the idea of a continuation... macross III... I like the idea
  2. Extados Unidos Mexicanos.... (the original name from mi country... mexico!!!!!)
  3. ¿?.......where they go?
  4. i see the 5 comic (america-manga) ... i like I fan to of macross 2
  5. I think.... in the final scen of MACROSS 2 LOVER AGAIN with ISTHAR is no claer... but is the base for the macross 7 song energy.... remenber the energy come from Irthar sorry my Ingles is no very good
  6. see this........ from the Megazine: Previuw in the DC wildstorm seccion
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