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Everything posted by DuelGundam2099

  1. Didn't they do this with Loki? Can't they just have a gender swap version of universe 616 in a what if comic or something?
  2. >anime is super mature >influenced a few movies >for movie lovers >recommending Outlaw Rocksteady So many generic statements in that it hurts. I should see that franchise about specters in shells at some point since Kawamori did work on it.
  3. AoE is now at the 752.5 Million marker, a couple more weekends and it should be able to reach the billion dollar movie club.
  4. Except that was the original continuity, the remake's space mission was referenced in Rise.
  5. I will go into detail when I am done with my eroge anime adaption take on, but WOW. Prism Ark had the worst first episode of any TV anime I have ever seen (and that is saying a lot). Absolutely horrendous.
  6. Yes that one. Anime openings need more death metal, case in point:
  7. That song makes me want to stab my ears with rusty sais.
  8. I know episode 1 is released. After I do my eroge adaption anime take on I will take on magic girl junk for the occasion.
  9. Said coal is a good fuel source.... Which is strange because I find more gems than coal.
  10. http://www.boxofficemojo.com/news/?id=3864&p=.htm Age of Extinction broke the record for biggest film opening in China and has now earned 301+ million with it soon to be released in Europe and Latin American countries, very likely this will hit the one billion mark.
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