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Everything posted by DuelGundam2099

  1. It was planned since 2006 and they had a trailer a fourth one so unless the studio suddenly owes a ton of debt they will release a fourth movie.
  2. This topic gives me very sad feelings, not so much the show as much as it is my own depression. *sigh* I still miss MT. Also I do not know why you guys are limiting the discussion to mobile suits, what if Rin is more into battle ships? Gundam has a lot of them, high grades do exist, and that Gaw in episode 11 indicated they can be used in gunpla battles.
  3. The crooks from Crocodile 2: Death Swamp. Greedy, hateful, lustful, hubris, jealous, war-loving, cruel, oppressive, ruthless, and apathetic. The four of them personified the evils and dark side of humanity, consistent and always in control. Even against nature, the crooks indiscriminately slay all those that do not follow their warped views and interests. Their evil is quite unparalleled. Aside from the teenagers from Flu Birds I cannot think of any villain(s) that hold a candle to their villainy.
  4. Oh come now, I have been aware what everyone thinks of me since RL assumed I had "psychological issues" by not wanting sex junk in my entertainment. I know what people think of me and I could not care less because I know appeasing to everyone is a fool's errand.
  5. And unfortunately group thinkers think the garbage lies with the people that made them, not the actual product itself, knowing the staff never helps a decision such as that. "Anything"? By that logic bleach should be able to cure herpes, black widow venom helps bake Christmas cookies, bricks make good boats, and mirrors can be used to defend you from napalm. You cannot just use "anything" as a guideline. I prefer tiger shark, it is manlier and your point still gets across with animal analogies.
  6. Except I can: Movies do not take time off your life. Prove they can or your statement fails. Except it is relevant, ever heard of group thinking? Very real concept. That is a terribad idea though, it creates unneeded tension between you and whatever it is you are going to view. Just do what I do and go in with bare minimum knowledge (like genre, promo material, and a sypnosis).
  7. Because he fit the part and people know him. I don't know who that is nor could I care. Was he Serizawa? Mostly in the 80s and 90s when star power was at its peak, nowadays stars cannot carry a movie by themselves rather their source material and advertisements do.
  8. Examples? Kind of a tangent, but why do people associate Bay with explosions? There are rarely much more in his movies than there are in the average Hollywood movies since the new millennium. Like with Ratner and X-Men 3, yet people still think most of their issues were his fault. And that statement had nothing to do with anything. What movies were they? Why did you loathe them? Why even pick out a name? I would love to see the details about this because they looked perfectly fine in the trailers. Did you see enough movies of its genre and budget range? More like you gave false information and I corrected you.
  9. After seeing this in the theaters I can safely say this is one of the best movies of all time, bar none, tell Rotten Tomatoes to eat a bag of dicks because this movie is for masculine people only.
  10. I said it will not kill you, do not twist my words please. And sometimes said opinions are not properly informed. Technically the producers call the shots, otherwise the budget and advertising goes goodbye. In addition the director cannot be blamed for everything, too many factors come together so accountability should go into their respective areas. Producer, you mean producer. Going to need a citation for this (among all your other points).
  11. And unlike surgery watching a movie you find lackluster will not kill you. More like there are many people throwing around ideas with compromises between directors, cinematographers, writers, producers, actors, musicians, artists, stuntmen, and budget; people are under the delusion that they can just point to one or two names to blame a few problems with a movie (or any similar medium) especially when they ignore the other aspects entirely. You know what those people are called? Sheeple. I don't know about you, but I prefer looking at things at a whole and be a lone wolf, you know, not being herded by some random guy that will likely grill you to fit devourous consumption.
  12. Welcome back to MW, Sir Skull Leader. Don't mind me I am the guy who thinks Zero was the best entry of the franchise.
  13. After suffering through the first half of Fate/stay night I can safely say this is one of the most boring anime I have ever watched, what the hell is the appeal of this schlock?
  14. It does prove they could never happen in America, a quarter of the population is very anti-secular and most people will not vote for atheist politicians.
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