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Everything posted by DuelGundam2099

  1. I am aware it has less action than the last episode, which kind of makes me disappointed yet at the same time expected this to happen. Since there has been so little action in eps 5 and 6 then episode 7 should be mostly that. If people complain the last episode has "too much action" like they did with episode 4 I'm going to pimp slap someone. Either way I'll see ep 6 eventually.
  2. Darn suicidal thoughts can't get lost, on to episode 3!
  3. It can't be done, nobody seeded it so it can't be viewed.
  4. Outside of Hanson and Sanson and Gargoyle from a villain perspective I didn't care for the characters so that does not bother me.
  5. Seems too girly. People say the same about the Nadesico movie and I ended up enjoying it much more than I ever did with the series.
  6. Never heard of it, sounds like toxic chocolate though.
  7. The suicide ward can't contain me and my self destructive habits, on to episode 2!
  8. Japanese PBS funded that? That would explain a little. I forgot to mention Saturday that I took on three anime: The Adventures of Kotetsu, VOTOMS: Pailsen Files (movie version), and Macross Frontier Nyankuri which I can sum up my reactions as bleh, win, and ugh. Today I marathoned through This Ugly Yet Beautiful World. Wow Gainax, way to disappoint and HARD. Bad music, cast, pacing, focus, comedy, and pretty much everything not pertaining to the ending or the Extended Definitions. Easily one of the worst anime I have seen in a long time; while not as bad as trash like Nanoha, it is still pretty pathetic. I don't think I need to say I am going through SD Gundam Force since I made a topic for it.
  9. Because I have seen every entry in the Gundam franchise outside of half of SD Gundam Scramble, SD Gundam Festival, and the compilation movies for Turn A and 00, I figured this was inevitable. Like how Banshee went through ZZ Gundam I will trek through this complete with episode commentary, screen shots, very bad in-jokes, and me grieving over being banned from MAHQ. I don't think I'll ever get over it, but we'll get back to that later, on to the first episode! So anybody else watch this at some point? I know it was once on Toonami.
  10. I just finished Nadia and wow was this series dumb. First half of the series had very little going with a ton of bad jokes. It wasn't until around ep 18 where the giant ammonite showed up under Antarctica and some actual backstory was being revealed after that where it FINALLY took off. The island episodes? With the exception eps 8 and 16 (the latter of which is mostly because of the dithictis) they were EASILY better than anything the first 17 episodes presented. The Africa arc wasn't bad either not counting the horrendous musical numbers of ep 34. Ep 35 was not that great, but the last for episodes? Barely redeemed the rest of the series, THIS is what I was expecting from this anime. I didn't mind the obvious bounce animations in ep 38 and it was nice to have all the explanations and whatnot revealed (plus I do see a little inspiration for Evangelion in this despite how hard it is to believe this series could come from Gainax of all people), but that epilogue.... Samson marrying Marry when she turned sixteen. That.... WHAT!? Well, that was random! Kind of gross too! At least the opening and ending themes were very well done. I'd see the movie but nope! No seeders, meaning it can't be downloaded and therefore I porbably won't see it for an extremely long time.
  11. You're almost there Banshee! Briiiiiiing thiiiiiiiis tooooooo liiiiiiife! Kind of odd how this song has so many gundam AMVs yet only one is UC related.
  12. So Banshee, we eagerly await your thoughts on the finale, purus and all.
  13. While I didn't care for Ple, this really is sad, she did not even make it to her fiftieth birthday. She was also the voice of Ennil El from Gundam X who is my second favorite female anime character, so I can relate to her fans a bit. May she rest in peace.
  14. Broken exile is broken

  15. Well this is depressing: http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2013-02-22/voice-actress-chieko-honda-passes-away She didn't even get to see her fiftieth birthday.
  16. But Destiny is my favorite! Not like it matters, few people including me ever manage to enjoy it.
  17. Man I'm bad at leaving. =(

  18. I have to be the only person here that doesn't care for Unicorn's music. At least the ep will get released soon.
  19. Time does not shed tears, it makes them. So Banshee after Dubul Zeta Gundomu, what will you take on next?
  20. Maybe once this fails it will be a final nail in the coffin for Age.
  21. There is.... No more for I. I want the misery and pain to end knowing there is no restart button.

  22. Or is it Vivid Red? Heh, "dred" with "vivi". Anyway, just because it causes a bunch of hub-ub and I didn't want to feel left out I decided to go against my better judgment and see what is being called "Strike Witches light" as it comes out on Morkyroll. Personally? On one hand it is magic girl junk *shrivels*, the butt shots and transformation scenes are annoying (I'd say worse but they're in middle school), for such a heavy sci-fi atmosphere some things just don't add up, the music varies from okay to awful, and first time I'm saying this anywhere but everyone looks too shiny and blushy, it is irritating. On the other hand the setting visuals and style are very well crafted and colorfully pleasing and there are MONSTERS OF THE WEEK! So few of those exist in anime anymore and it really is something nice to see that in something that airs! And they have a marine animal and robotic motif to them! The characters aren't too annoying, kind of bland but nothing too bad, although who knows if that'll change. So anyone else watching?
  23. Infestation was an awesome game though.
  24. I do intend to watch the movie after I'm done with the series, I even requested it at Animecrazy.
  25. Yes I migrated here after....... But yes, I await your reaction to Judau's second wave of crossdressing antics and the animation of failed mobile suits.
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