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Everything posted by DuelGundam2099

  1. You didn't like the first Aquarion series? WTF is wrong with you!
  2. I just watched the second Patlabor movie. Do you not just love it when a movie is essentially a well thought out military conspiracy story for the first third with well done visuals and then spends the rest of it's time jumping around scenes building up toward some civil war that never amounts to anything and finishes with a mediocre climax? That is this, wow Patlabor way to disappoint again! At least it was better than the last movie even if most of it is for the art style and having a solid beginning.
  3. Well I just watched the new episode, anyone else think it felt like a rehash of the last episode? A fight scene continuing from the last episode that only lasts four minutes, some philosophy, short fight scene, emotional babble with a mobile suit fight in a hanger, and finishing the episode with the beginning of another battle. Felt very similar, but at least this will get most of the talking scenes out of the way when the final episode comes, lets hope it's like episode 4!
  4. Do not mind me I just feel like wanting to die, here is episode 5.
  5. You guys have it backwards, the anime are 12 years old.
  6. And I thought this was going to be a real robot series. The humans look bland but at least the titular mecha doesn't. I was planning on seeing this, although the promotional material does not make it seem so exciting. I will say this much, I hope it don't suck walnuts.
  7. I recently finished L.Gaim: Full Metal Soldier, officially marking that I have watched every Tomino mecha anime save for the Xabungle compilation movie. I swear, Tomino gets too much flak over nothing. Anyway, very enjoyable action and music from this ova, it easily could have made the series better.
  8. Last night I watched some one shot ova called Dark Cat. Man was the editing weird and very low budget; it also looked very hentai-ish. I also marathoned through Panty and Stocking With Garterbelt and just finished it. I was expecting to hate this and while the overload of fan service was annoying along with the music, I surprisingly did not hate it. I thought it was decent: Good action, good monsters of the week, good comedy, the characters did not annoy me, and I think it is silly that people call the ending to the last episode a "troll" ending. It was more random than anything else and it fit the rest of the series, why the hell did people complain so badly- Oh yeah, it is Gainax, and people are under the delusion that their endings are incredibly bittersweet and bad. Also it didn't feel like a western cartoon as much as it did Gurren Lagann with a small budget.
  9. I did not care for the anime that much, it just was not that interesting. It would have been better if they did not take 22 episodes to get to America.
  10. For those that have been living under a rock for the past four months, Kaiju Combat is a PC fighting game from Sunstone Games featuring giant monsters currently constructing its very first release and upon launch will be one of the first video games in history to have all of its big decisions from the fans themselves. All of the original giant monsters were designed by fans that donated 500 dollars to the kickstarter for this video game. If the first release is successful enough they will launch more titles featuring many licensed monsters from giant monster franchises such as Godzilla, Gamera, Ultraman, and possibly anime titles (Glavil from Macross 7? Afos from Macross Zero? They does meet the standards!). Right now the permanent roster for the first release is being done; round 1 of 3 finished midnight of today and round 2 is currently being done. Anybody that contributed to the kickstarter with 5 dollars or more (like me) get official voting rights. Newcomers are welcome too if they preorder the game. This developing franchise is being spearheaded by Simon Strange, a video game developer that has been part of the giant monster fandom and has done several Pipeworks titles including the Atari Godzilla trilogy and Rampage: Total Destruction. The first title will feature the titular monster from the recently released novel Project Nemesis by Jeremy Robinson as the final boss; the 20+ year old Japanese Sci-Fi club Monster Attack Team also collaborated with Sunstone for the first true original kaiju of the franchise via a squid alien invader named Ikameijin. The guest roster also includes several monsters from the group Kaiju Land as the free release and round 1 voted in three fan monsters named Tornaq (a polar bear spirit), Macrosaurus (an obese tyrannosaur), and Katyusha (a Russian mouse with a cannon on her back; think Pikachu meets sci-fi Rambo). https://kaijucombat.wiki.zoho.com/About-Kaiju-Combat.html
  11. I wasn't, I was just going in expecting something entertaining whatever it may be (like I do with everything).
  12. The first Patlabor movie, basically a long episode of the first series with better art style and somewhat better action, still very bad though. I'll watch the second movie in the near future and I am not looking forward to it.
  13. Normally I don't double post in anime watching topics but I need to blow off some steam and in two parts: Part A: I started my descent into the infamous Clamp franchise X on Sunday night through their music video and prequel OVA before taking on the infamous movie version Monday morning. They were kind of boring although X is kind of like Alone in The Dark by Uwe Boll, while it is bad it is not to the point that people make it out to be. I want to say that something from Clamp was the worst thing I've seen this week, boy howdy was I WRONG. Part B: Mobile Police Patlabor, specifically the original OVA series. F**K, I have seen some pretty deplorable excuses for anime series, but THIS.... I heard so many good things coming from it (or at least the series), how it had a strong female lead and how the mecha were super realistic and scientific and whatnot. I was expecting a silly cop series, but what I got was shallow jokes, a bland cast, far too much dialogue, mediocre music, too much build up to events that have virtually little payoff, and aside from the AL-97 Atlas and maybe the KV-98 Pickle had no mecha worth standing out. I know I give a ton of crap about Rayearth (series and OVA), Goldran, Macross Plus, and to lesser extents Wings of Rean and Gundam 0080; but at the very least, despite their faults, they were engaging. Maybe not all the time, but they had moments that were memorable and I was willing to pay attention. This? I got nothing. I genuinely wanted to enjoy the series that launched mecha anime I liked such as Full Metal Panic, J-Decker, and Viper's Creed. No real charming moments, nothing really engaging, a lack of genuine suspense, an inability to care. It was nothing. I'll give it props for having a mutant with some kaiju homages in episode 3, but other than that, well, f**k. I tried to enjoy it, but I simply couldn't! Maybe the movies and series will be a step up. Regardless, the original Patlabor has to be, without a doubt in my mind, the worst mecha anime I have ever seen. It is still above some of the worst anime I've seen period, but for this genre specifically? I have yet to find anything worse. The only good thing about it is that it had no fan service. AND PEOPLE LIKE IT! WHAT AM I MISSING!?
  14. No suicide hotline is going to solve my problems, off to episode 4 we go.
  15. So many memories on that site. I wonder if Wingnut will throw in commentary here too since he's also a mechatalky.
  16. Who the hell is Darth Neo and General Hate? Anyway, as someone who's favorite gundam entry is Destiny feel free to ask me a bunch of questions be it to the series itself or ask "why the hell would someone like this/not count this as a flaw?" Not watching the remaster, I don't rewatch anime ever. (I never saw a reason for it other than picking up on missed/forgotten stuff or editing for a review or AMV)
  17. For some reason that specific pilot suit reminds me of Evangelion Unit 00.
  18. Clamp in general just doesn't make anything entertaining, just girly junk that barely has anything worth an attention span's worth of time. If you're going to watch Dangaizer be warned that the ending is extremely abrupt.
  19. This evening I watched all of Dangaizer 3, the supposed cult hit from Masami Obari. On one hand it does have a lot of things I don't like such as a stupid cliffhanger ending, too much fan service, a borderline pedo, and pointless talking that takes up more time than it should. On the other hand it looks very pretty from an artistic point of view, the action was very well done, said action was not short, and those mechs, f**k, they were awesome as hell! Dangaizer 3 alone has easily become one of my all time favorite anime mecha now! Masami Obari, despite his love for fan service being overboard, still manages to prove why he's one of the greatest people in anime history. Why couldn't Rayearth be more like this? Oh yeah, Clamp.
  20. Saw it, fantastic movie, but be warned as it is very violent.
  21. Marzan seems to be a Kawamori fan like me, but even he couldn't make the magic girl genre tolerable, that's Go Nagai exclusive territory.
  22. ^Don't, Arjuna sucks meatballs from episode 4 onward.
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