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Everything posted by DuelGundam2099

  1. Just got up to 18 in Casshern Sins. On the plus side Braikking Boss is back and just as evil as ever. On the other hand: -It is still boring overall -Very little plot progression happens -Leda turns psychotic in episode 17 for no reason -Ringo officially makes my top 10 least favorite anime characters of all time -Lyuze in ep 18.... Having sex with a human for no reason and then killing him.... WHAT!? -Dune coming back in one ep for no real reason other than to die off for real and a couple flashbacks Just six more episodes and I'll be done and no I don't care what the ending will have in stored. I would not be surprised if this originated as a bunch of rejected ideas for short films by 4C Studio, Tatsunoko bought the license to the ideas, slapped Casshern's name on it to make people forget about the live action movie, and made an anime out of it. I swear this series feels more like anime short films more than it does a remake of a classic sci-fi TV series. First Giant Robo, then Kikaider, and now Casshern? How the hell did Go Nagai's stuff survive decay like this- Oh wait he's Go Nagai, no one in the anime industry save maybe Shoji Kawamori compares to the guy.
  2. You will enjoy Aquarion, fellow Godzilla fan.
  3. I recently got halfway through Casshern Sins. Still boring as hell and still depressingly mopy while pretty. At least the fighting is (slowly) improving and the ending theme has grown on me a tad. Strange how episode 8 is so similar to episode 8 in the original series, a homage perhaps? If it is, that would indicate that someone in charge did see the old series and if so why the hell is he making this remake such decay? Tekkaman Blade never had this issue (then again it had it's own issues as it was). At least I am halfway done. I also watched Patlabor Minimum: Minipato to get it out of the way, I couldn't not find it in english so I had to see it subbed in russian while using the MAHQ reviews as a guide. .... That place I once could go to and look upon. The yearn to return captivates me daily if not hourly as misery has the strength to conceal my heart. Once a place I could go to filled with delight and intellect is now but a conviction as to why I can never be happy, much like other places before it. As I wait, cold and alone, isolated and alienated from peers and friends of mine, you await the sweet release. Even if I save the world from the worst of mankind's nightmares I still would never be forgiven of a crime I never committed nor wanted to. Those days where you imagine a spinning piece of lead shredding your gums, skull, and cerebral tissue or respiration into a caustic air of the icide made for insects; the latter would be fitting as I was dubbed a quote nuisance unquote. Happy, I will miss this emotion dearly. Anyway, Minipato continues the tradition of Patlabor executing horribly what most other anime have little effort doing correctly and with less effort. It was like a cheap version of Gunbuster's Science Lessons except with bad comedy. I also was displeased where the second episode said "all robot shows before us were just toy commercials that animators hated and Patlabor was made to write a new chapter!" Wow, way to insultingly oversimplify a genre AND think that being more realistic makes you the greatest franchise ever. Hilarious how this franchise virtually died out by the time the second ova series came out with a barely revived third movie and this. While there is a level of truth, that just came across as completely smug. And yes Keith I will look into Ergo Proxy in the near future.
  4. So anybody here want to share their favorite mobile suits and armors? If so I'll start. Favorite Gundams Favorite Non-Gundam Mobile Suits/Armors This reminds me that I should get around to making a "least favorite mechas" list sometime. Real shame that would be a short list.
  5. I never stated anything like that.
  6. This morning I started watching Casshern Sins and just got done with episode 6. Wow, this has to be one of the most boring anime I have seen in a while. I can understand they were trying to be different from the original series, but even the live action movie was more faithful than this (and that did not even have Friender). They reduced Casshern from one pretty awesome fighting android hero with the feeling of isolation into "I have no memory and I act so emo because I am hounded but I cannot die and I feel pain all the time". The scary part is that he's the best character, everyone else is just "we're dying we're dying and we will all die" with some thinking "if we kill Casshern we might be immortal!" which might have to do with his regenerative properties.... That are not explained yet. They also made Friender pretty vicious and without the Hellhound (his flamethrower); I can understand why they cut out vehicle transforming, but this.... I don't know. The lack of Braikking Boss also makes for rather lackluster use of villains, they just make all his opponents anti-heroes. What's with the moral ambiguity? It is not really a bad thing, but here it is REALLY over done, kind of like The Grapes of Wrath. Also the music is bland as hell. Sadly I can't hate on this, the art style is too pretty and the action scenes are.... Decent. What do people see in this? What I can say is this much: Please get better, please. Please. PLEEEEEEEEEEASE!
  7. Morbid depression is morbid like a Florida tribune. Episode 8 has landed at New York harbor. So is anyone actually tuning into these reviews or am I just mumbling in the dark?
  8. Gainax should make some figures of the Space Terrible Monster Crowd, both Gunbuster and Diebuster versions, they'd at least make good models. Hell, I'd be interested if they made plushies of the bug types.
  9. I'll try leaving again later

  10. Greater than symbols. Thanks, although any time I posted a list like at MAHQ people would think I'm forcing opinions down their throats/reminding them how "bad" my taste is and Chris or ShadowCell would think I was disrupting on purpose. Funny times....... Yeah and part of the reason I posted my ranking list of the franchise was so that Gakken85 would not feel so weird.
  11. March 20, 2013: Goodbye everyone, TDSA goes bye bye. ;_;

  12. Here is how I rank the entire franchise: Zero/25th Anniversary Air Shows > 7/Plus > Wings of Goodbye > The Galaxy is Calling Me > Frontier > Original Series > 2 > The False Songstress > Do You Remember Love > 7 Encore > Plus > Dynamite 7 > Plus Movie > XX > Nyankuri > Flash Back 2012
  13. Life seems dreadful when you have no place to call home, here is episode 7. Tomorrow I might do episode 8 and quit due to depression 'cause I just haven't been happy for years and the past month has been so miserable that I've given death some serious thought. With that said....
  14. Blue Submarine Number 6 is okay, but Fafner is really cool. Yeah, pacing and music flipflops/is mediocre, but it has good action. The movie on the other hand, f**k, if they cut out Canon's bounce animations it could have easily been one of the greatest anime in history. Hell, it still made my top 25.
  15. It is as though I am the only Aquarion fan ever. Recently watched Kikaider The Animation, both the series and the 01 OVA. I'll give it credit for trying to be psychological, but compared to the old tokusatsu shows it just isn't as good or entertaining. Not to mention the ending in 01 was unnecessarily depressing.
  16. Considering it is my favorite entry in the franchise, no not really.
  17. I expected more of your hamfisted/plot talk. Except it wasn't.
  18. Well that was a typical ZZ critique. And why call Destiny schlock if you haven't seen it yet?
  19. My misery is so endless, here is episode 6. Also to note that is is Grappler Gouf, not Grabber, my bad!
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