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Everything posted by DuelGundam2099

  1. Currently up to ep 10 of Trigun.......... Kind of boring. I thought I was getting a sci-fi western with action, but all I am getting is badly executed comedy set in the old west with a sci-fi element here and there and the occasional gun battle just to remind the audience that it wants their attention. I liked the sci-fi western anime when it was called Xabungle, I liked the refined version when it was called Ryu Knight, and I liked the modern CGI enhanced version when it was called Gun X Sword.
  2. Well.... That is what I thought.... I wonder if the director really is a sad ending spammer though. Earlier I watched the first episode of Majestic Prince just to see what everyone was yammering about. Good action but way too much fluff? Yep, pretty much, I can also tell Pinkie's going to get annoying. I also started watching the mythical anime that is Trigun and got up to the first 6 eps. I have to say.... Good action, but not interesting, what do people see in this exactly?
  3. What does that have to do with whether or not an anime gets noticed?
  4. If what I heard is true then it is because the director supposedly has a habit of making sad endings and that's why nobody gave a flying fecal mound about it.
  5. I do, I am simply not a sheeperson and have my own will.
  6. I just finished some six episode series called Golden Boy. Not that interesting and it was kind of annoying, but at least it had a neat final episode. Junk Boy was funnier anyway.
  7. Real shame I am not trolling, I really did enjoy it.
  8. Nobody wants a new TDSA for Christmas because TDSA is a tedious ace. That and episode 13 is now available.
  9. Finished X a couple days ago. Very well done series! I also finally got to watch the Nadia movie, way better than the series ever tried by FAR, much like with Nadesico.
  10. Depressed am I in an endless night for there is no dawn for the one called I, episode 12 is here though.
  11. I am up to episode 20 in X. WOW, I did not expect CLAMP of all people to make an anime that is actually pretty solid. I cannot think of a legit complaint although this series could have had some more action in it. Eps 15 and 16 FINALLY connect it to Tokyo Babylon.... Which still makes me wonder what exactly Subaru was fighting at the time. On that note, why the hell does every guy in this series have such gigantic shoulders? I also watched some short film people have been gushing over called Little Witch Academia................. This was horrendous. I will give it credit for a nice first two minutes, the art style, and creature designs, but good lord was this annoying as hell. The characters are either all (ALL AS IN ALL OF THEM) extremely obnoxious, extremely stupid, extremely mopey, or extremely cruel (usually in some combo) and the comedy was flat to say the least. Remember when I said Casshern Sins was one of the worst anime I'd ever seen? I softened up some as I let it sink in. This probably won't get that, so I can say this is one of the worst anime I have ever seen. To think this is from the same people that made Inferno Cop.
  12. The following contains a borderline suicidal man's whacky thoughts and ultra-horrid jokes; better known in the english language as time to review episode 11.
  13. So since Sunday I've been going through the TV version of X and just finished ep 10. This is kind of creepy: It is clearly shojo junk, it is made by none other than the infamous CLAMP (who names themselves after tools and fails to use that?), people usually hate this anime albeit it is more toward the movie version (which was kind of bad but not to the extent everyone says it is, much like Alone in The Dark), and the music is not that great. Yet, somehow.... I don't detest it; if anything if I find it.... Kind of good. It reminds me of Gundam Seed and Destiny in a cosmic sort of way (maybe it is the visuals). The narrative is much better presented than in the movie, it is not that girly (somehow), there is well done character development, and the pacing.... is GOOD. Not "decent", not "tolerable", not "bad", not "horrendous", actually good. Two big questions: 1. Where the f**k was THIS crew when Magic Knight Rayearth was being done? I can understand the OVAs and music vids CLAMP did, but for pete sake, 49 episodes of THAT could have used whoever was working on THIS. Plus Masami Obari and Toshiki Hirano, of course. 2. How exactly does this connect to Tokyo Babylon? Not just from character perspectives, but from supernatural spirit perspectives, if X has 7 members on each side, what were the demons screwing things up in TB supposed to be? Earth dragon minions? On an unrelated note, looky there I hit 100 posts!
  14. I completely forgot to post the last episode here! So here is a double feature with episodes 9 and 10! This segment of the kicked puppy's reviews is brought to you by the story police! "What? Story police? Are you 12?" -Strike Zero Based on a real argumentative point in a Gundam Age topic. Pleasant times.... Episode 9: Episode 10: Coming up is a three parter!
  15. I just finished it and I am quite divided by this series because it is a magic girl series, but it isn't horrendous (quite rare!). It also was nowhere near as pedobait-ish as I heard in the rumors. I can easily sum up the series with likes and dislikes: Likes: -Amazing scenery -Amazing monsters of the week (10 in total) -Comedy was not bad -Nice art style -Good pacing Dislikes: -The editing, the pointless fan service shots are the majority of the problem, but (pun not intended) the frames and editing were just handled poorly in general -Fan service, while they do decrease it significantly in the second half it still is annoying -Poorly treating their monsters of the week (in this case the Alone); YOU DO NOT MAKE A MONSTER BASED ON A BACTERIOPHAGE VIRUS AND MAKE IT DO NOTHING! And poor Box Type and Lantern Type, even mimetic beasts from Godannar, Matariel from Evangelion, and Lagharto from RahXephon got better treatment than that. -Akane and Himawari were annoying; everyone else save from Kenjiro, Rei, and to a smaller extent Wakaba were just forgettable. And I have a nice special rant for the final boss being so smug. This is probably the only time I will ever get to use this picture. I also do not see the supposed mech references outside of the Kamina glasses (and orange is a terrible color choice unless you want to burn your coronas out).
  16. I just got back from seeing it. Loved it, one of the best movies I've ever seen, even better than the first. Stop fooling around and go watch it if you have any enjoyment from gun fights or military based movies. On a semi-related note, I find it amazing that there has not been a single movie this year I have not given a perfect 10/10, 2013 must be one epic year for movies.
  17. Those were some epic talking scenes that lasted 40 minutes straight.
  18. I just finished Casshern Sins and before I go into epic rant mode I'll list parts I liked: Casshern and Friender being (somewhat) in character, Braikking Boss and his final battle with Casshern, the action was good at times, the first ending theme was decent, and the art style was good. EVERYTHING ELSE HORRENDOUSLY SUCKED BAT TESTICLES THROUGH A STRAW. The "drama" was beyond melodramatic and dreadful due to the endless repetition, the theme of death was overused, the rest of the music was bad, characters did not know when to stay dead, the villains were abnormally stale (friggin' Nanoha did better in the villain department than anything Dio and Leda even tried! COMBINED!), the writing was subpar, the women went psychotic at times for no reason, Ringo being annoying as hell (top 6 worst anime characters? Oh yeah, THAT BAD), and that lack of explaining why Friender never rusted up like everyone else. Keep in mind I am not even touching on how badly Sins acts as an utter adaption rape from the old TV series from the 70s. Why the hell didn't Tatsunoko stop with Robot Hunter? This is also more of a pet peeve, but the dubbing kept mispronouncing Casshern's name (IT IS PRONOUNCED HARN, NOT URN! YOU MAKE IT SOUND LIKE HE IS AN URN FILLED WITH CASH!)! Art style only gets you so far, I am going as far as saying this makes my top 5 least favorite anime, beating out the likes of f**king Ultimate Girls; do you have ANY idea how difficult it is for an anime that is not a magic girl series to be worse than TRAIN DICKS AND KAIJU TESTICLES!? It is borderline impossible to do it by accident! This genuinely enrages me! As someone that enjoyed the original series I expected something GOOD out of this! I guess that was far too much to ask for.
  19. OVA, but unlike Kikaider and Casshern Sins they are much shorter in length and it has a good final fight so I can give it some slack. That monorail also gives me the creeps. *shrivels*
  20. These robots do not seem appealing. Maybe the aliens will look better provided they have names for them.
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