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Everything posted by DuelGundam2099

  1. Just saw the first episode and I enjoyed it quite a bit (unlike Majestic Bleh and Borerave), really hoping we get squid snails again.
  2. Wikipedia says it was made from several.
  3. I know, I want to know the korean animated movies that were spliced to make it.
  4. STK is edited from several other movies and I would like to know which ones specifically (all of them). If you can give me a source that lists the movies then I'll give it genuine consideration. As for 02 being more awesome, the story did not have a lot of filler in it, the villains were better, and it cut out unneeded romance garbage and useless characters. The TV series still had a better main character and opening theme though. The ending themes are tied though.
  5. Just saw the first episode. Nice grunts and very cool to finally see a mecha wielding a kama, everything else was sort of boring though.
  6. The original was an awesome series, I never said it was bad. I will admit some of the middle was sort of slow.
  7. It doesn't even have a MAL entry, I'm not interested. That and what was bad with Orguss 02?
  8. I just finished Orguss 02 and wow was it awesome! Hell, I liked it more than the original TV series! The only thing I can complain about is the lack of the titular mecha doing much aside from the final battle, everything else was well executed. I also have no idea why people call the mech designs bad, I thought they were great.
  9. The Syfy channel is awesome enough to do it.
  10. I do not know if anybody else has been watching, but as of last week there is a new mecha series with character designs by that Hirai guy everyone at /m/ complains about so.... Yeah. Anybody watch it?
  11. His hand gun transforms into the angel gun though, technically it is the same gun but fused to his arm on and off.
  12. Those were only two guns, no third. Anyway I just watched Demon City Shinjuku, an anime movie that was recommended to me years ago but I never got around to watching it until today. I have to say I kind of liked it.
  13. I never said Trigun was crap. I was also paying attention quite well, they still never explained.
  14. Why? All I did was ask a question as to why something was titled something irrelevant. I can't find it at MAL or AniDB so I guess I can't see it. As for Archer's suggestion, if nobody else makes one, sure I'll take on the note of death.
  15. Agent Aika was mediocre and the sequels were detestable. I have also never seen Robotech so I'm not watching a sequel movie. Puni Puni won't happen until I see Excel Saga. As for E.Y.E.S., which I am not going to lie does remind me of Ultraman Cosmos, lets see. *searches* *finds it* Yeah, that can work.
  16. I just finished Trigun.... Not much payoff even if the final battle was kind of good. They could have also explained what exactly the plants were and why Vash and Knives had free will. Not only that, but why is the series called Trigun anyway? Nobody had three guns or anything. On that note, because the other 3/4ths of SD Gundam Force won't be available for a while, I am going to let YOU GUYS decide what I should see next! Here are the choices and with brief descriptions of what I think I know: -Another (some anime released last year about a girl with an eye patch and paranormal stuff) -Blood + (some anime that has vampires; I did not enjoy The Last Vampire but I thought the live action adaption was good) -Black Lagoon (some anime about mercenaries that do not pertain to the Universal Horror classic starring Gillman) -Death Note (some anime about shinigamis and killer notebooks starring a guy named after a letter) -Cowboy Bebop (some anime about a Keanu Reeves guy featuring jazz and a toxic blob in one episode; many call it the best anime ever for some reason) -Berserk (some anime set in the medieval ages starring manly men and monsters; abridged by the same guy that abridged Escaflowne) -Guilty Crown (some anime from two years ago about something or other starring some chick in a wheelchair that gets kidnapped a lot; also has a Christmas special) -Hellsing (some anime about vampires starring the son of Dracula and nazis) -Inukami! (some anime about fairies and sex jokes or something) -Cybuster (the infamous adaption of the Banpresto original featuring name changes and supposedly a whiny blonde taking the place of Valsione's pilot.... Crap I forgot her name. Granzon and Shu are in it too) -Miami Guns (some cop anime about rollerblade girls set in Chris Guanche's backyard) -Night Head Genesis (some psychological anime with horror and crime about possessed criminals) -Outlaw Star (some anime that was on Toonami about a guy with an X scar going through space) -Haruhi Suzumiya (some anime about middle schoolers fighting an alien cricket and the main character having god powers or something) -Girls und Panzer (some anime released late last year about tanks with none of the pilots having Y chromosomes, probably 'cause the club is sexist) -Great Teacher Onizuka (some anime about a teacher being funny) -VS Knight and Fire 40 Fresh (some anime that is a sequel to VS Lamune and 40 and the only anime to appear in the Another Century Episode games I have not seen) Now I'm off to be morbidly depressed 'cause nobody wants a kicked puppy.
  17. Hope you like stupid ecchi garbage Gubaba 'cause that is all it is.
  18. Up to episode 21 in Trigun. I will admit, it did get better, but still nowhere to the point of "best anime ever" level status. I also just watched some weird three episode OVA called Kigurumikku V3, a magical girl parody of old toku shows and WOW was it bad. Aside from a few jokes I kind of thought were funny there was nothing good about it, just bad fight scenes with random dialogue, too much fanservice (some of it being loli related, ewe), horrendous execution, and constantly dropped plot lines. Second worst anime I have ever seen, I would say first but Nanoha still clings to that title and still does so many things worse. *shrivels* At least this did not have bad music.
  19. I will stick to the end as I have never dropped an anime in my life; albeit I came really close with the first Nanoha series and Goldran. *shrivels* I will give Trigun credit of not having anything "bad" about it and I'll admit Vash is a neat character. I simply wouldn't say "Top 5 of all time forever etcetra". And lets get this out of the way: I am not a troll, I am not retarded, I do not have any mental disorders, I am not stupid, and I am not a hipster. I actually sit down, watch whatever it is I am watching in it's entirety, look at it from the intended paradigm for what it is trying to accomplish, judge it by it's own merits and see how it stacks up to other entities of the genre within peers of similar budget class, target audience, and time of creation. My judgment boils down to A) Does it find a proper primary audience, be it the intended primary audience or a solid substitute B) Are the techniques executed well enough to convey whatever it is it is trying to do and C) Does it click with me.
  20. Will my opinion be valid once I finish the series?
  21. I am not a troll though, these are my real opinions.
  22. Seems more like slice of life junk.
  23. I can fix that. *gives you 5 stars*
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