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Everything posted by DuelGundam2099

  1. Yesterday I finished Risky Safety and man was this not funny or even that amusing. I had a feeling the shojo genre is junk and if this is anything like it I guess I was right. I will give it a little credit for having decent ideas in the last third.
  2. That guy had some really awesome iconic creatures in movies I'll never forget. Rest in peace good sir.
  3. Plot devices do not exist, people that took parts of english class designed solely to lower your grade to assist human resources managers eliminate your applications too seriously to the point of making a wiki over them do.
  4. Some stuff I watched over Sunday and today in chronological order not counting the series mentioned at the bottom: -Battle Angel: It was okay, it tried way too hard being depressing though. Interesting concept, lackluster execution. The pointless sex junk kind of hurt it a bit too. -Battle Arena Toshinden: Lots of martial arts but not that interesting, at least it looked pretty since it was done by Masami Obari. Like above the pointless sex junk hurt it too. -Twilight of The Dark Master: Very cool OVA with vampires and mutants with nice art style and a well done final battle. Still had pointless sex junk that also hurt it too. -Cybernetics Guardian: Another cool OVA and with neat background music and fight scenes, real shame this one was hurt by unfulfilled sequel fuel. Saldo and Geno Cyber were works of art, 'nough said. -Psycho Diver: Yet another cool OVA with an interesting setting and art style, but not executed that well. More pointless sex junk got in the way. I also started watching and am half way through some short shojo series called Omishi Magical Theater: Risky/Safety. Supposedly it is a comedy and so far I am definitely not laughing, plus aside from Risky's antics it has nothing going for it and the music is bleh. On a similar note, the main character's voice actress sounds too old for the job, couldn't they get someone that at least sounded like a middle schooler?
  5. Well it does have the Macross even if it is driven by Dracula so.... http://fanfiction.wikia.com/wiki/The_Worst_Christmas_Fic_Ever
  6. I never thought Gargantia would have pointless fan service garbage, but oh well. Hopefully they'll make it up with something good like skull smashing or spine ripping or gouging or bone crushing or sea creatures or the return of the lobster mech and pirates or something normally reserved for stuff in shows like 1000 Way To Die.
  7. I just finished some 13 ep series called Miami Guns. I normally dislike ecchi comedies, but THIS. This had to have been the funniest anime I have ever seen and it was surprisingly action packed! Good characters, good pacing, good action, most of the jokes were funny as hell, the fan service did not feel forced, a good mascot, and it even had an octopus monster. The only down side was the bleh music, but with everything in consideration it was definitely worth the watch.
  8. There are only three kaiju and two are in the same fight scene. Plus it isn't that different from the first trailer, I'm kind of iffy as to how much action will be in the movie.
  9. I just finished Death Note, top 4 anime of all time easily, man that ending actually was done well. Oh Mikami you idiot, Light would have won if you didn't jump to conclusions so crazily. I would like to see an alternate ending of that though. I'm so glad the ending wasn't bad. The only things I didn't care for about this series were the opening and ending themes (and even then they were somewhat good) and L. Yeah, didn't care for the guy, interesting character and all, but the guy was was borderline nuts. I didn't mind it until about ep 16 where the detainment section of the story occurred, Bush allegory much? Still, it was worth the watch. Over the weekend I also watched some anime series called Guilty Crown because everyone at Animesuki is comparing it with Valvrave. I didn't expect GC to be a real robot series, but oh well. Oh boy did I have issues with this series: Really bad music, an annoying cat girl, mostly bland protagonists, pacing varying from slow to fast too often, a somewhat mediocre first half, and BAD MECH DESIGNS. It's right down there with Code Geass, Nadesico, and Rayearth as one of the few anime with mechs I actually did not like, thaaaaaaat's pretty bad. On the other hand it did pick up in the second half, the fight scenes were really good, the villains were awesome, and the kept the fan service to a minimal minus unneeded bouncing. Despite the complaints I kind of liked it. What is really strange is that GC uses the same types of characters as Aquarion Evol did WITH THE SAME VOICE CAST. Did Kawamori create Evol by taking Guilty Crown's plot and slapped Aquarion on for market value? After seeing this it is not that farfetched. The weirdest thing is that Zessica from Evol annoyed me (to be fair most of her shipping fans are far worse and compared to many other anime characters she isn't too bad), but Ayase was probably the best character* in GC and they both shared the same voice actress. She also had the same VA of Romary from Gundam Age, another super annoying character I don't care for, but that is another story. I don't know, I just find strange irony in that. *Not counting the GHQ of course, Daryl alone stole most of the series, the rest were icing on the cake but still good in their own right. I also noticed that Guilty Crown's staff must have had someone with a bondage fetish or something since I noticed every other episode someone was tied up and in the first two thirds gagged too. I can't complain, they did this to cat girl, although poor Ayase got it twice. I didn't even get why the second time, was it because she might try to help a fugitive escape 'cause she like him? Regardless, any anime that makes it's annoying characters shut the hell up for a bit gets bonus points.
  10. I doubt it'll be just a compilation, I mean the trailer had Gavil in it with up to date animation.
  11. Don't mind me I just kind of feel like being dead

  12. http://www.crunchyroll.com/straight-title-robot-anime See for yourself if you think it is the best anime ever.
  13. When the time comes I'll express my thoughts on Death Note (I've never seen 18 episodes of anything in a single day, what a record!) but first I have to vent from Straight Title Robot Anime because this might to be the worst anime I have ever seen. The real question is worth a 1/10? It would certainly be the first if it does! The "comedy" was completely horrendous, the music and characters were boring, and the ending was a typical "pull in all your effort and force emotions" ending. That won't work on me because fiction cannot sway my emotions. Regardless this was bottom barrel trash and I don't know whether to call it the worst or penultimate worst anime of all time. Is it worse than the original Nanoha? On one hand I loathe lolicon and furry fanservice, pedo music, lazy (and too few) monsters of the week including a vaginal mouthed tree, the mascot is a phallus with fur, and it has the worst cast in anime history; on the other hand the main villain was decent, the art style has SOME effort, and the ending was not ridiculously stupid. Whoever wins, I lose. DECISIONS DECISIONS.
  14. And that put a damper on my day. I wonder if Kawamori would ever make a Macross special with a planet called Dance, that would make Basara's main hit relevant.
  15. Probably because it is the beauty of anticipation.
  16. Unlike Chris Guanche I can forgive people over minor things. Well, I'm off to watch the famed Death Note, wish me luck!
  17. I just finished E.Y.E.S. of Mars to the suggestion of either Gubaba and Keith and I have to say: WOW. I liked a lot! The art style and action were really well done and I enjoyed the simplicity of it all, so much so that I go as far as putting this movie in my top 5 favorite anime of all time AND call it the best anime movie ever. Thanks whoever recommended this.
  18. I seem to be down to 3 stars again, I wonder why.
  19. Never even watched Steins Gate. I will tell you what I watched over the last week though! Started watching Star Driver since it is mecha and it was the only other mecha series airing at the time competing with SRW OG The Inspector and for some reason SD was liked more with people clamoring about how it is similar to the Utena. Bwahahahaha NO. It is nothing like Utena because this is actually good (and outside of school and one on one fights has nothing in common with that junk). I will admit it has a lot of stuff that annoys me like school junk, boring and useless characters, too much fan service of the sexual kind, and some bland music. On the other hand there is actually good music (specifically the first ending and second opening), the action scenes are superb with fantastic scenery, great art style and mechs, friggin' MONSTER OF THE WEEK WITH NAMES (I thought they stopped existing after Genesis of Aquarion!), and it has without a doubt the most adorable anime mascot ever. Look at this guy and tell me with a straight face he does not make you go "DAW!" Poor Shushu from Aquarion Evol goes down to second. Plus the last two fights were epically FABULOUS. During Saturday I watched Super Atragon, Toho's other attempt at trying to cash into the OVA market in the early 90s (the other being Ushio and Tora). It is like the good parts of Nadia and Blue Submarine Number 6 and being only two episodes long it really cuts out the clutter. Good job Toho! I expected nothing less from the same creators as Godzilla and Ikiru! Finally I started watching Freezing last night and finished it this afternoon. Like Star Driver it has a lot of elements I dislike, primarily unneeded fanservice, monsters not getting enough screen time, weak characters, and a bland opening theme. On the other hand the action was excellent, I kind of liked the ending theme, there actually was solid character development in this, what little screen time they got the Novas were cool as hell, and every villain got violently punished, kind of reminds me of Elfen Lied except this one cuts out unnecessary underage nudity. The best thing about it? The fan service was rarely treated in a comedic fashion, yeah there was an occasional comedic bit but for the most part they played it pretty seriously. I have to admit I was impressed. I normally would be ticked off by a silly cliffhanger note like with the end, but a sequel series is in the works and it is safe to say that when it comes out I will look forward as long as it improves and gives more about the Novas.
  20. There were sane people that liked X including myself. That and whether or not people like them has no factor when bringing all entries of a franchise together, you do not simply skip parts of history just because of some delusion that "nobody wants to mention them", it is highly selfish and unprofessional.
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