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Everything posted by DuelGundam2099

  1. Now if only that had any truth to it. Anyway, I watched MD Geist 2 earlier, this easily made my top 20 anime of all time with it upping the action scenes, including the final battle, and reduced the sex junk. I also started watching Vandread: The Second Stage and like before it is still stupid except the effects and action have somewhat improved, real shame the new character is also annoying. I did like the back story of the Harvest though.
  2. To answer your question Focker that would be determined by the amount of boob shots, butt shots, how long they go on for, how much are in the frame, and the context.
  3. How are they not? Could not tell you since I never been. I can assure you no psychologist will help me get over this.
  4. I just watched the first MD Geist. Awesome as hell, although the sex scene needed to be cut and it could have had better music. If this series did not have a sequel I'd be massively irked by the cliffhanger ending.
  5. But the adaptions themselves are not porn.
  6. But it was adapted from video game porn, why would you even watch it from the get go?
  7. You are watching an eroge based anime, are you really that surprised you were watching junk?
  8. I just finished some anime called Vandread and needless to say it was very stupid. On one hand the music was awful, every character save for the old lady, that doctor guy, and Meia was unlikeable (Jura and Deta especially), the final battle was disappointing, and the idea of gender wars was vastly under played. On the other hand, the pacing was surprisingly good, I did like the mechs and the Nirava, the Harvest in and of itself was cool, and the mascot was amusing. Also, how is this a harem series? It looks like a more bad love triangle between two selfish snobs with one of them being a ufologist. This series might have been awesome if they actually made a gender war, you know, LEGIT. Like actual fighting between the two outside of the first episode. For some reason this series reminds me of Nadesico except without the pointless otaku and bureaucrat jokes; speaking of which I finally grew a heart with their aestivalises and other mecha. Sorry Nadesico, your mechs were not bad at all, it just took me a while to accept you. Anyway, I will watch Second Stage soon, but recently I found spots to watch some really beloved cult anime called MD Geist which seems to be up my ally, I wonder if it'll be death metal and violence? It seems actiony enough.
  9. If this episode is any indication, yes it very much is.
  10. Do not forget to tell your mother you love her! Happy mother's day everybody, time for episode 15.
  11. Hooray for killer squids! Real shame we had to sit through pointless babble and belly dancing to get to it.
  12. Good news everyone! I found more episodes! The bad news is that the uploader thought it was funny to advertise a site, oi. I can't control it and it comes up at random times so this might get annoying. You heard the cutesy and mispronounced Cerberus, lets dive the hell in! No less than four of this season's anime will be reference, all of which I started watching since the last review!
  13. I didn't even know how they won. I haven't seen a card game so far, just hunting them like a knockoff of Pokemon. I also don't see how Li being popular would have helped, that's like saying boys would watch Sailor Moon because it has a male character in it. I honestly don't get the logic in that. I thought we were talking about general popularity, not the otaku crowd.
  14. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=35152&page=39 http://forums.animesuki.com/showthread.php?t=116752&page=97 I'd also rather not have words put in my mouth, wait until I actually watch it, THEN make snarky comments! (please)
  15. Given how girly it is I find that difficult to swallow. Why would any normal boy want to watch junk like this? I would not have a clue given that I don't know when any anime I watched aired during the day nor do I really care.
  16. I started watching The Devil is a Part Timer yesterday because people seem to be flipping out and can't stop talking about it. I thought I was going to get slice of life junk, but this ended up to be kind of good. The disturbing part? I am enjoying this so far much more than anything I got out of Majestic Prince of Valvrave. Speaking of those two WOW are they just not trying. MJP waited until the first quarter of the series was over before going "oh yeah, we have villain characters too!" YOU WAIT THIS LONG JUST TO GIVE US RIDICULOUS HIJINKS THAT AMOUNT TO NOTHING!? GAH! At least it is trying, Valvrave on the other hand has very little action in it and the characters are so bad I almost want to drop this series. Hell, I dare say Gundam Age has better non-Y chromosome half monkeys than this does. And that music video, FRICK, I did NOT get interested in this series for garbage like that. This is an anime from KUNIO OKAWARA FOR FRICK SAKE! HE IS LEGENDARY, HIS MECHS DESERVE BETTER THAN TRASH LIKE THIS! And don't any of you give me "well it is supposed to be stupid DG2099", BWAHAHAHAHA! No. There is a good set up for this and even if Sunrise shows in the past had their moments, they never went full on stupid like. "But DG2099 the girls are the cute!" WRONG They are not "cute", I have seen real "cute". Plushie toys? Cute. Tiny animals? Cute. Silly jokes? Cute? Some drawings that look like teenagers that are clearly underaged and have nothing going for them other than being sadistic cackling hags and have no reason other than to whore themselves out to standardless creeps as they endlessly steal from the plot and make this series less and less bearable when it should be using mecha action and political elements that would make this series not just good, but solid and maximize it's potential!? NOT CUTE! NOT HOT! NOT EVEN FAPPABLE! I HOPE THEY GO THE "And everyone died" ENDING THAT IS HOW BAD THIS SERIES IS GETTING! GRAAAAAA24R8Y92RHY898GRRH99FE9G!!!!!! *cough* Oh yeah and Gargantia, it looks pretty but man they have to make the other episodes somewhat plot relevant. I also was not going to say this until I got half way done, but for the past couple of months I've been taking on Cardcaptor Sakura, one episode a day late at night and am at ep 31. You know, at first I actually gave this series a legit chance, because I figured that CLAMP could be competent and after seeing the series version of X I was very surprised and figured that "yes, they actually can be". I admit, at first it wasn't even bad, since there was no fan service, it had monsters of the week, both themes did grow on me, and I cannot deny that Kero is awesomely adorable and funny. Then it sunk in, I think around the point where Meilin showed up. It did not really improve. At all. It just kept taking, and taking, and taking, and taking, and kept on taking so much time with no pay off. It took a while before I realize how bland this was, how atrocious the fight scenes were handled, how insignificant the character development was, how tedious the sad excuses for jokes were, how useless the minor characters were, and how horrifically awful the story was being paced. Being inspired by Magic Knight Rayearth you say? Well the lackluster execution certainly show that! This series should have ended with episode 25 with this. How the FRICK did A) This junk get popular and more importantly B) Why did this get Anime Grand Prix's Anime of The Year Award? WHY? Stuff like Mobile Suit Gundam, SEED, and Destiny, Ideon, Evangelion, God Mars, Nadesico: Prince of Darkness, Nausicaa, Laputa, the first Full Metal Alchemist, Nadia, and both halves of Code Geass. While I have issues with the last three on the list, I can somewhat understand WHY they'd win that, they are somewhat entertaining when they try to be. THIS?....... I............ Don't even........... Just...... Someone either really liked girly junk at the time or someone associated with the series bribed them! Just.... GAH! Before anyone asks yes I've been watching it subbed because I saw the first episode dubbed and upon comparison (because I heard how badly edited episodes were) all I am going to say is "WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU OUT FIVE MINUTES OF AN EPISODE!?" That is just plain ridonkulous. Alright, this specific rant is over.
  17. Who is Wanzefan and what does jingoist mean?
  18. Wow am I stupid for over looking that. It does apparently: http://myanimelist.net/anime/1300/Omishi_Mahou_Gekijou:_Risky/Safety I'm starting to wonder if I've even seen a legit shojo anime, especially of the magical girl variety, because I notice that seinen series that look like they're aimed for chicks seem to suck balls.
  19. ............. Well, that is..... Very creepy. I wonder why those sites call it shojo then.
  20. MAL and AniDB say shojo and don't list it as magic girl.
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