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Everything posted by DuelGundam2099

  1. Say Xard, I spoofed you in the SD Gundam Force reviews. Hope you like it: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=38603

  2. DuelGundam2099 Xard takes on episode 22! Further proof that deconstructions are the only good entries in genres.
  3. Kind of funny how nobody realizes that those credits were put there by some guy on /m/ as a joke.
  4. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1663662/fullcredits?ref_=tt_ql_1 It looks like Shoji Kawamori got credited in the special thanks section.
  5. Say RL1, I spoofed you in the SD Gundam Force reviews. Hope you like it: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=38603

  6. DuelGundam2099 renegadeleader1 takes on episode 21! It scares me that kids actually watched something with this much adult undertones.
  7. Say Archer, I spoofed you in the SD Gundam Force reviews. Hope you like it: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=38603

  8. This morning I finished Vandread. Nice twists in eps 10 and 11 of the second stage and the final battle was well done, but man did it get stupid at times. The epilogue was also rather lackluster. I also started watching two anime series: The first being Soul Eater, looks like typical Shonen Jump manga adaptions, but as long as it ends better than Kekkaishi I won't mind even if the fan service in the first episode was ridiculous. I also started watching Excel Saga and if the first episode is any indication this will be a very painful experience. So that basically means I started watching five series and will be watching them all at once not counting stuff that is airing and SD Gundam Force (the other three series being the original Inazuman, Space Sheriff Gavan, and Kaiketsu Zubat, hooray for tokusatsu!). I never took on five shows at once and since I have nothing better to do with my existence as an exile of MAHQ I figured I might as well.
  9. DuelGundam2099 Archer takes on episode 20! I give this series a Pi out of a Baker's Dozen.
  10. The following users will be spoofed after this review: -Gubaba -renegadeleader1 -VF-15 Banshee -Xard -Marzan -anime52k8 -Keith -Wingnut -antibiotictab -Major Focker -Vifam7 -David Hingtgen -Archer If you want to be spoofed just say so, keep in mind this will be in no real order so the who gets spoofed when if purely random. With that said it is time for episode 19 so says the depressed clown.
  11. You know what? After the next episode review after this one I am going to do something different: Instead of reviewing it my way like a Cracked.com intern, I am going to act like random forum members and impersonate them while still reviewing! What? It isn't like anyone is reading them. Here comes episode 18 up the throat.
  12. I have played bingo, I simply never saw lesbians in Madoka Magica.
  13. Some days I simply never want to get out of bed because the idea of dying does not seem all that negative. Oh yeah and episode 17 is here.
  14. You didn't hurt my feelings, Gubaba, mine were smashed away a long time ago.
  15. Because it shut the hell up and did what it intended to do, in this case being entertainment. Contrary to popular belief I do not always expect everything to be entertaining, just what you are trying to accomplish (having a message, commentary, fun, artsy, etc) and how well you try to do it to that target audience. I try putting myself in the position of said audience with said mindset whenever possible and judge it based on the merits of itself and similar peers, not something as silly as a specific structure or awards. Why I like something like MD Geist is because it knows it's target audience and delivers, giving action fans action. If you want character development then guess what, thousands of other stories with THAT are out there for THAT audience, go watch one of those, do not act like story police and saying something like that is required or cannot be allowed just because of silly traditions or whatever. That is why media is so diverse, because not everyone will enjoy everything. You guys read stuff about me liking stuff like this because that is what I normally watch, but it is not the only thing I watch nor is it all I enjoy.
  16. Getting back on topic before people start derailing it for no logical reason, still going through the other half of Vandread and not much changes outside of samurai hair woman dying (which causes the gun freak to change outfits for some reason) and a new Vandread showing up. I was expecting a little more, but I guess that is too much to ask for.
  17. Why would you ask? (I'm at Anime Suki already anyway)
  18. Even if I did I would still be considered as irredeemable as colon cancer, so really there is no point in changing at all. Besides, I don't fake ignorance or even know what "feign" means. (sounds like Finnish flan if you ask me)
  19. No idea why I did not post this yesterday, I guess I got sidetracked. With that here is episode 16.
  20. You know RaptorMesh, both MD Geist movies are on Hulu so it is not like they are not available. The GHQ seemed like awesome villains to me.
  21. They had lobster mecha and pirates, so yes you were wrong to stop.
  22. Sorry Xard, but the OVA is raw. In all seriousness I don't think official subs exist, but a few fan subs are said to be out there.
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