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Everything posted by DuelGundam2099

  1. It would not be the first time, sorry.
  2. That cult was hideauze decendents.
  3. He recently made an update video stating it won't start being uploaded until later this year. We might get a Valvrave review though.
  4. Yeah pretty much, at least Shinji thinks he has self-esteem, I accept that I have none these days. Come to think of it, what is the average price for a Macross remaster set anyway?
  5. I see. Could have sworn their shoes were black instead of dark brown (unless the vids I watch Macross 7 with had bad color quality.... It was on Youtube after all).
  6. Nobody else in this series acts angry. Besides, he was awesome in combat, he might even become my favorite character after L-Elf.
  7. I just watched Puni Puni Poemi.... The following sums up my reaction: This was disgusting and obnoxious, making this even worse than Straight Title Robot Anime, at least that did not have under age fan service (they even go as far as going "but it is animation and thanks to Japanese law we can show it!"). This is also ignoring the bad comedy, other sex junk, everyone talking too fast, and NO ACTUAL MAGIC I MIGHT ADD. Seriously? It can't even stick to the genre it was trying to parody? My head hurts from watching this owe owe owe owe owe owe owe owe. Edit: You know what? It is SO bad that it deserves the 1/10 spot by itself, as mundane as STRA was, it did not outright disgust me, so with that it gets another point.
  8. Alright, as some of you may know after episode 32 I just marathoned the rest of the series so I'll summarize my thoughts starting with a basic plot summary of what happens after: Now with the rest of the spoilers out of the way I'll finally give my actual thoughts: With that said, here is where I rank this series among the man anime I have watched: And now my favorite gundams list, because I have not gotten around to the re-numbering it'll be easy to tell who is from SD Gundam Force: For those wondering, Age-FX is the only Gundam not on that list.
  9. Here's a weird question: Did any of the Battle 7 operators other than Sally, Miho, and Kim have any names? I see character guides and when it comes to that group only those three are present, sometimes not even Kim. I think others might have been mentioned, but I do not remember.
  10. Well, I just finished SD Gundam Force, marathoning the last 20 episodes today. I'll post the thoughts in detail in the thread, but to say real quickly, this is one of the best entries in the franchise, most under rated by FAR. Plus V2 Gundam officially gets knocked off as my all time favorite gundam. Now if only that silly cliffhanger was not added on the last two minutes of the last episode.
  11. Clearly someone has it out for me. Also, do topics in this forum just disappear after a while?
  12. It seems as thought the hideauze were just humans that loved pokemon too much. I mean they EVOLVE! And why are people (not here) comparing this to Blue Submarine Number 6? There are no ghost subs or weaponized whales or mechs with shockwave claws or mutant mermaids or even speedboats. Don't feel bad, I can't identify the styles of directors or directing or any of that jazz even if my life depended on it. I also tend not to believe they even exist if watch Michael Bay movies have taught me anything. Kawamori needs to milk AK47 err I mean his idol anime some more, then he'll have enough money to open one up.
  13. Should I feel bad that I want a hideauze plushie? Tomino had low kill count series too, not sure why this would matter.
  14. DuelGundam2099 Clawshrimpy takes on episode 31!
  15. Which is why SKL is so superi- No, wait, Godannar has mimetic beasts. Frick. Anyway, kaiju names in case nobody has seen them yet: http://pacificrim.wikia.com/wiki/Kaiju It would be awesome if kaiju did destroy the pesky humans.
  16. Well it looks like I'm now a 2-star member. On another note, how did this topic become invisible on the member feedback forum?
  17. Alright folks, after this I'll make a parody review if this was done by the infamous Clawshrimpy, after that I will go back to the normal reviews. Sorry antibiotictab and Vifam7, I had no good material. DuelGundam2099 David Hington takes on episode 30! And everybody gets board warnings!
  18. How is saying that a spoiler when you don't even know the plot points?
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