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Everything posted by DuelGundam2099

  1. I just tried the kaiju simulator and I am not going to lie, I found it very difficult to turn. Not bad otherwise though.
  2. I made this with the jaeger maker: That reminds me, I need to get around to watching Atlantic Rim.
  3. Just be sure none of them are the Vajra homeworld.
  4. Well that is one way to end half a series. I wanted to know why Akira acted the way she did and where VVV2 was and both my questions were answered satisfactorily. I look forward to the second half, but a three month wait is going to be brutal.
  5. Earlier I finished the second Cardcaptor Sakura movie and I can safely say this is the worst anime movie I have ever seen, even worse than Tales From Earthsea. It was basically the boring parts of the series and was completely useless. I probably might have given this movie a break if they had foreshadowed the Hope card in the series, but when the movie itself is more about nonsensical slice of life junk than actual plot then that is a serious issue. Plus the music is bleh. Kero's antics barely saved this, in fact the franchise as a whole would be collectively horrific without him doing something funny. I.... GAH! Why can't CLAMP make something fun? The saddest part is that the ten minute Leave it to Kero bit for this movie was better than the rest of the franchise. Maybe CLAMP should be doing anime similar to Looney Toons or something. Also started watching the infamous Cybuster anime yesterday and despite being only two episodes in and it being clear adaption rape, music aside there is nothing bad about this. It really seems like a typical real robot series so far and it is set up nicely with.... WHAT!? A GOOD FIRST EPISODE!? NO WAY! I will definitely have to keep an eye on this one!
  6. You really went and watch HD didn't you? I don't know because I only watched the regular version, but the anime is old so eh.
  7. Thank you Archer. As for Gubaba, it is not like I don't TRY to leave, it is just once I do I never know where to go after that so I always wind up back where I started.
  8. I fail at being myself, I can never stay away from a place I join for very long. Anyway, up to ep 24 in Soul Eater. This series does get better, right? Because so far it is not. I am also thinking of taking on Destiny of The Shrine Maiden because /m/ likes it and it is only 13 eps.
  9. I tried, but I couldn't get a hold of any staff.
  10. You need to get banned from MAHQ to join me in that. I also wouldn't go with the remaster, it isn't the complete series! I like the regular uncut 50.
  11. We had a topic for this? I watched it opening day, friggin' fantastic.
  12. It'll turn the Gargantia into an Iron Gear knockoff.
  13. I just finished Another. I have to admit this series was great, it was very well done even if the pacing in the middle was kind of slow and the OVA was rather unnecessary (could they not have explained HOW dead people sneak into the middle school every year and why it messes with memory? Nope, we had to get slice of life and not-yuri fan service). Episode 8's fan service was beyond unneeded especially since the rest of the series had pretty much none of, which I have to give it credit for. Very enjoyable overall.
  14. How is "Sobu" a manly name? And what happen with Akira? And why does the last scene remind me of both Atragon and the second Ideon movie?
  15. I just got back from seeing it. Awesome special effects and action, but way too many jump cuts and zooms. Normally I don't say this, but I sort of prefer the older movies.
  16. I should probably tell everyone that I'm probably going to leave here for good in the near future. Not sure exactly yet, depends if I can get a hold of one of the admins. (I feel like a piece of trash for wasting Banshee's time) With that said I figured I might as well take on an anime in a genre I have little experience in, specifically horror. The horror anime in question? Another. I chose it because it was short. Only seen the first episode, kind of generic but it has potential even if Mei is a complete Rei clone. Hmm what else- Oh yeah the music is very unfitting, but not bad strangely enough.
  17. I wasn't going to come back but FOR FRICK SAKE (aimed for general reaction, not Banshee.... specifically) Why am I such a fuggin minority on EVERYTHING?
  18. Do not worry MW, I am gone. No happy for me. ;_;

  19. It gets good at episode 6 onward, you just have to chug some fecal matter before then. Depending on how this anime will go and how over the top the fan reactions get, I might make an essay as to how this impacts the genre as a whole. What? Can't think I do something critical? Think I'm retarded? You're on. *puts shades on* Rough draft comes after this half is over.
  20. I finished NGE and EOE before I got all depressed so a bad gauge I am not.
  21. I wish that was true, but I'm never cheerful anymore.
  22. I never found Evangelion depressing, just ambiguous.
  23. I just finished Excel Saga, easily one of the stupidest and most mean-spirited anime I've ever seen. Definitely bottom 10 of all time. Just.... Gah! Maybe I'll take on an anime renegadeleader1 likes after I finish Soul Eater.
  24. I concur, but not of the human variety though.
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