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Everything posted by DuelGundam2099

  1. I just got back from seeing it, it was just Top Gun with mechs, very mediocre outside of the fight scenes; kind of weird that I think Top Gun is better but that is another topic entirely. I guess this will be like live action Transformers: Get the cliches done in the first movie to make it mediocre/just okay, wait for the sequel when the good stuff comes.
  2. So yeah, Sunday night I watched the God Mars compilation movie, the first hour was mostly the same, but the last third was a lot of new footage that was very well done with elements of the final arc of the series. With that done.... All I have is the last 19 eps of Cybuster.... But I am too depressed to watch them at the moment. I swear I have the worst luck ever.
  3. Wall-E was boring.... Actually, most of Pixar's stuff in general are sort of bad and bland with visuals being the only thing they have. Not so much art as glorified toy commercials that suck up oscars they don't deserve. As for the topic, never saw the first, not seeing this.
  4. I am curious to know what made the caricature so "offensive".
  5. Did anyone else think that Prism Ace was a reference to Tsubaraya toku heroes? The Ultraman sound effects certainly gave that vibe.
  6. No I have not. Oh. Well, acting like someone of another race or ethnicity never bothered me so I never saw it as a negative. How? At least I am explaining myself as to why I like this movie, everyone just says "I don't like it" but don't go into detail.
  7. Video quality, lighting, pacing, action, sound, character development, and execution were all very well rounded all while sticking to the genre; pretty much how I judge every movie ever.
  8. If you guys disagree it would be beneficial to know why.
  9. I just got back from seeing it, awesome movie! Screw critics, this was fun for a 4th of July movie.
  10. Very, just don't expect much of an ending.
  11. They are, they're just calling it Gundam Build Fighters, it is more hip with the youth! Anyway, predicted final boss:
  12. I wanted to look forward to this but.... I don't feel excitement. I guess I'm now so depressed that I am not looking forward to this.
  13. Am I the only person here that saw no sadness in this at all? At least this series is better than Majestic Prince and Valvrave, could have been better if they cut some of the pointless clutter like ep 5.
  14. I don't even know your real name Marzan, so for all I know you could be. Then again I never did share my least favorite characters list with you guys.... Also, thank you frothymug.
  15. I just finished Soul Eater after marathoning it for the past couple of days. Oh boy what to say with this. On one hand the art style was very well done, it had good fight scenes with neat monsters and an epic final battle, a great ending, while not at first I did enjoy the earlier opening and ending themes, and there were some good characters of the heroic, villainous, and ambiguous spectrums. On the other hand what characters were not good reeeeeeeeeally brought it down. While there were other minor problems like hit or miss jokes, the later themes being not that good, Arachniphobia not being as well executed as it could have been, slow pacing, and the lack of keshin eggs promised in the beginning, the characters that were not good just plain hurt it. Blair? Useless as hell. Liz and Patty? Annoying as hell. Oxford? Uninteresting as hell. Coffee carpenter guy and eye patch? Unfunny as hell. Black Star? Obnoxious as hell. Free? Stupid as hell. The mouse witch? Pointless as hell. Ebron? Wasted as hell (and I mean that in terms of potential). Angela? Bratty as hell. Tsubaki? .............. Blandest character in any anime I have ever seen and yes I am counting a ton of OVA and movie trash when I say that (after episode 10 or so nothing happens to her at all). Apologies to Sheryl Nome, you have been dethroned. VERY HARD. Death The Kid is the only characters that are neither very good or very bad, he might have made a solid character if his symmetry obsession would just STOP at some point. With that all said the series was very well done overall.
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