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Everything posted by DuelGundam2099

  1. SM try to think positive about this, I mean it is a Batman and Superman team up movie, as long as they keep continuity and have plenty of action this will be fine regardless of what modern hominids play the parts.
  2. It has more in common with Zegapain. It is basically SEED setting + Code Geass writing + Zegapain characters. You know Marzan I could recommend you some stuff if you want. Edit: Well I just finished the series version of Ninja Scroll. Despite junk like monster rape, weird stuff like severed heads being attached to dogs, monster incest, steam punk cyborgs, and the two clan heads having toddler bodies I thought this was pretty dang good, definitely better than the movie version. I also never thought I'd see a monster of the week series done RIGHT with a 13 episode series without being mecha related, but now I have been proven wrong and am satisfied. Also giving credit for episode 10's friendly monster Raiko, a fat yet sympathetic guy sounding like Bender (yes I watched the dubbed version of this) and had quite the dedication to his cause; he could have been a neat character if given enough screen time.
  3. Just got back from seeing it and enjoyed the fudge out of it.
  4. So yeah yesterday I started watching the series version of Ninja Scroll aka why are there robots in medieval Japan; kind of cool so far although the music is bleh. I also watched Blade of The Phantom Master and it was kind of good, but it felt like two ovas thrown together with little in common.
  5. You are missing nothing good; Otome is tolerable though. Then again you seem to be a fan of ecchi so unlike me you might get legit entertainment from it. Look on the bright side RL1, when someone does pick it up you can get excited for panty shots and alien tentacles to your hearts content.
  6. I just finished Zegapain. I'm not going to lie, while most of the issues were a bit of a downer, overall this has to be one of the best anime I've ever seen, top 10 easy! Not only that, but I also dare to say that Zegapain Altair is, as of today, my new all time favorite anime mech, it is just plain friggin awesome.... Which now makes me sad a little that Aquarion does not hold that title. On the other hand, I could throw my favorite Aquarion mechs with my favorite variable fighters list (and toss in guymelefs too) and make it a "best of Satellite mecha" list. Anyway, I have to give the creators credit for a well orchestrated final battle, very thought provoking philosophy and mentally stimulating symbolism, exquisite visuals, and a very well constructed romance. Not even joking, it is very rare for me to find romance in an anime as something other than shoehorned and this did it extremely well. I also found it weird that they revealed Mao was gay since it wasn't so much as implied, but oh well. This could have made top 5 if the music and villains were better. Overall, here is where I rank it among my top 25 of all time It is kind of weird since Dougram is my favorite anime mecha of the 20th century while Zegapain Altair is my favorite anime mecha of the 21st century. Despite all their faults they both make top ten. Both originate from Sunrise. Both have extremely few appearances in crossover titles like their popular counterparts. Both of them lose to fun, philosophy, and art by very little. Both of them have next to no fans at all. Both of them are essentially buried gems. Neither of their titular mecha are that powerful compared to other mecha in anime. With that I ask: Why? Why do I enjoy what I do? Why are they so high when so many that do so much so superior to them are inferior overall? So much of this going through my mind. And yet I can never share this with much of anywhere else.
  7. So yeah I caught up to Attack on Titan all the way to ep 18.... Alright, I admit, I was being a little harsh on this and it has improved. The characters are still kind of boring though. Since Wednesday I've been watching Zegapain up to episode 16 and I have to admit this is very friggin' good. I like the mechs, action, setting, philosophical aspects, very little fan service, and character development is good, but it has problems. Aside from not caring about the music, the characters are not that interesting, the pacing is kind of slow, despite the fan service being mild it is still annoying, and for pretty much no reason Zegapain Caladrius is just destroyed in the first few episodes (Hraesvelgr at least got destroyed by Anti-Zegapain Coaticue AFTER it made it to the half way point!). Seriously, even the new pachislot game kind of just forgot about it, which is a shame because it was kind of cool (not like the other three Zegapains but still).
  8. I don't think I have a guilty pleasure, a guilty pleasure would imply that- No, wait, Kottentail. That movie would have been better if they cut out the boobs.
  9. I forgot to mention that yesterday I watched the Ninja Gaiden OVA, you'd think there would be plenty of ninja action but nope, feels more like a cop story with mutants. Not bad though. Possible, but until I dive in we won't know for certain.
  10. Got anything worth betting on?
  11. I just finished Inukami! and to be honest.... This was surprisingly very well done. After episode 10, not unlike Gun X Sword it actually makes effort at being funny, gets less fan servicy, characters get decent development (a few inukami don't for whatever reason), some back story was set up, and Jasei has to be one of the best anime villains ever and I am not just saying that because he has the same voice actor as the Getter Robo Armageddon version of Professor Saotome. The final battle was also very well done. Youko being so angry to the end still makes her very annoying, but she isn't top 5 worst anime characters ever material (more like near the bottom of top 50); Tomohane and the otaku Naoki are also annoying although to lesser degrees. I feel bad for Shirou always being a butt-monkey, you'd think someone voiced by Sho Hayami would be better, but he was a cool character in his own right and I'll give the character credit for trying. To top it off the opening theme has grown on me a tad, not by much, but enough. I have to admit I did not think I'd enjoy this series, but I proved myself wrong. Bebop has been in my backlog for a while so I am going to watch it eventually. Currently debating as to what to watch next.
  12. What makes you say that? You have a minimal score of what qualifies as "like"? Does this include the movie? Want to have a bet on whether or not I will like it? Anyway, got up to ep 12 in Attack on Titan. I will bite, episode 11 was pretty good and the action has (somewhat improved), plus Armin is not so useless now. Maybe it'll end up being good, just not "the modern classic" much like how every episode of Unicorn except 4 is looked at as. I also intend to marathon the rest of Inukami tomorrow since I watched ep 13 this morning and I do not want distractions while Shark Week is on.
  13. Macross 2 was recently added. Other good titles include The Devil is a Part Timer, Godannar, Death Note, Pretear, Eureka Seven: Astral Ocean, Star Driver, Viper's Creed, the FMP series, X, and the greatest mecha series of all time: Aquarion. There is plenty of stuff on there I like/dislike/don't care for, but I have no idea on your tastes so there is some entry level stuff. Plus I am morbidly depressed so yeah.
  14. Neat find Shaorin, even though I've never seen Cowboy Bebop outside of a random episode on AS and part of the episode with the fridge blob.
  15. Oh hi Vepariga, never though I'd see you post he- Now that's not true either! I am not overtly critical on movies I watch in theaters or (most of) the tokusatsu I watch!
  16. This is incorrect, I have enjoyed things other people tend to enjoy as well and vice versa.
  17. I made it to episode 8. Minor improvements but that is not saying a lot. Apparently titans can be controlled if you enter the back of the neck.... after getting eaten.... I also did not mention this before but the editing is just off to the point where exposition could have been used. "Uh oh a cutesy titan is looking at me and I'm out of gas lol I'm away from it in the next scene somehow!" And for the first seven eps how come only Misaki can kill any of them? Everyone else just gets caught and munched. Or fanservice or boob bouncing or anything sexual which is a plus. Come to think of it I don't think I've seen much anime with butlers or maids or a super student council. I did and there is a possessed titan that kills others.... What am I supposed to understand? On an unrelated note I got up to episode 12 in Inukami which actually is improving with actual monster battles and the comedy is actually trying (not that it has much success though, but at least it tries), but Tomohane proves to be stupid now since she can't figure out "hmm this chocolate was on the ground and munched on by dogs SO I AM GIVING IT TO KEITA TO EAT IT"- This is first grade reasoning being skipped over! The holographic card was understandable since it is not, you know, edible, and can be cleaned. And then Keita.... Actually having the loli in one of his fantasies, just.... *shrivels* So wrong. Then again he says he does not like girls that are too young in the next episode so it kind of balances sorta I don't know. What I do know: The series improved. Not character wise, but story wise.
  18. I started watching Attack of Titan with the first four episodes.... So why do people like this trash again? The only things it has going for it so far are the titans themselves and the scenery, everything else comes off as forced (the comedy and attempts to be emotional), unnecessary (did we really need boot camp and refugee scenes?), or ugly (namely music and the character designs).
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