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Everything posted by DuelGundam2099

  1. I've seen a lot of Asylum movies, this was pretty mediocre compared to what they have done in the past.
  2. So I just finished Girls und Panzer. It is basically like Patlabor: Good action parts under layers of boring characters and plot with the setting the only real think going for it substance wise. I will give the series credit for not being too fan servicy and trying to be smart with the battles it had. Well, ignoring the lack of combat gear and safety precautions anyway.
  3. Yesterday I started watching the Tatsunoko classic Hurricane Polymar since Anime Sols picked up the series and it is nice and campy, the titular hero reminds me of Bruce Lee. I also watched the first three eps of Girls Und Panzer. Normally I'd rip into this, but I have nothing on this. It is just bland nothing, nothing bad or good (I'll give them credit for not having horrendous music). I swear the hair styles are ripped off from other anime characters. Lack of male characters raises an eyebrow. I will give the creators credit for giving technical aspects. Finally I officially have a new pet peeve in anime: Anime that don't have the opening theme in the beginning of the first episode and use the opening as the ending theme for that episode. Where the hell did this trend start? I really want to know.
  4. Awesome movie is awesome, best of the trilogy.
  5. First eps are in that format when I watch them.
  6. It is free, it is premium membership that costs money.
  7. What if the people paid to translate are fans? Would that not make them official fansubs?
  8. Just watch it on munchy roll like the others said, be warned that the first half of Attack on Titan is kind of boring. Just pretend Marzan didn't say this part.
  9. Here is the real chart: Looking forward to Valvrave's second half, Build Fighters, Akito The Exiled ep 2, and Freezing Vibration.
  10. But I don't have the money to get to Tokyo. Also I could recommend you other hotblood mecha series, DA.
  11. That was just plain uncalled for, mecha2241.
  12. I didn't find Ghibli all that special even though I've seen 9 of their movies so eh.
  13. This isn't the anime news thread, Archer. Come to think of it why don't we have one? Anyway I'm thinking of taking on Symphogear since the anti-fun police have started attacking the threads on /m/ and I want to jump on the killjoy express.
  14. So yesterday I finished Devil Hunter Yohko and it was very consistent with the first episode except the creatures and final battles in the last two eps were surprisingly solid. This might have been solid itself if not for the annoying sex junk and flat comedy.
  15. I just watched the first episode of Devil Hunter Yohko or as I like to call it typical girly junk as magic girl junk filled with sex junk aka every other magical girl anime ever. Just when you think you understand anime fans they change the rules with their WTF-ness. I say this because apparently this was the first magical girl anime to get a US release; I WOULD have watched this dubbed but NOOOOOOO the only dub vids I could fine just went "Oh we're gonna be out of sync because we can HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" GAH! It is like when Ryujin calls me retarded despite the fact I am not (what I wouldn't give to prove that skunk otherwise). So I had to watch it subbed and it was almost as irritating as I imagined. Too little action, they needed to cut a ton of fan service out and make the main character less of a titanic ditz; I am also ignoring the fact her grandmother sometimes sounds like a 30 year old man. Probably my biggest issue was how cheap it looked, was this made on a budget? I could see a TV series at the time looking like this, but for an OVA it is lackluster and I only expect it to remain the same from here- Oh wait, ep 4 is gonna be one of those awful music video specials. *shrivels* Holy frick how did US folks that watched this back in the day not have a high aversion to magical girls after this? My only guess is that later episodes are at least better than this junk. One thing I will give this is that the pacing is somewhat good and the ending theme is kind of okay.
  16. I just finished Gundam Age: Memory of Eden and it was.... Pretty much what I expected. I will give them credit for giving Romary and Zeheart some more depth and somewhat improved action scenes. This could have benefited Age, but oh well. At least Bandai tried SOMETHING to improve it.
  17. Hey, I saw the first two sequels in theaters and I'm not stupid! Besides, they so-so as far as US movie revenue, most of that money was from other countries. There is a reason Hollywood rarely aims for strictly the US and barely acknowledge domestic audiences.
  18. Special effects movies that makes tons of money on a global scale with the last installment reaching the one billion mark. Why would they not?
  19. I have never encountered any fiction where I did not understand the story so.... Can't help you there RL.
  20. Better than the first: Better mecha, humans, plot, monsters, and all while maintaining the mood of the original. Also it has a sloth for a mascot. The US dub was recently released so if you like dubs it is available in that format. People complain about the first half being too monster of the week-ish, but I just pull out my steel-toed boots and kick them right in the junk until their vocal cords stop vibrating. Edit: Finally got around to seeing the third Patlabor movie which actually was not half bad. I mean for a franchise in the crime genre there was *gasp* CRIME! And they treated it like DETECTIVES. LIKE ACTUAL POLICE. NOT LIKE NIMRODS. Even if Waste 13 (the murderer) turned out to be a giant lungfish mutant. Why couldn't Protector O-She make the ovas and first two movies more like THIS? I mean sure the pacing is slow in places and it could have had more mecha aspects, but this had potential! Maybe Patlabor is like Indiana Jones or Pumpkinhead or Watchers where it simply improves with every next installment.
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