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Everything posted by DuelGundam2099

  1. Lols. Yeah well.... Blank slates are characters to. *grumbles something inappropriate* Yeah I have nothing. Boo, Chaos was my favorite gundam from Destiny, even if color scheme played a big role in that decision.
  2. You cannot skip so many grades and acquire three PHDs by age 13, it cannot be done in America.
  3. This finally got subbed if anyone cares anymore.
  4. Gundam fans in a nutshell, hur: http://1-media-cdn.foolz.us/ffuuka/board/m/image/1385/31/1385314260470.png That is pretty cold Banshee, even I nearly felt something from that and fiction never gets emotions from me. He was an actual character since episode 2, did you just ignore him up until now? And you didn't mention the destruction of Chaos Gundam? Oh joy.
  5. Well I know one of the first movies I am watching next year is going to be.
  6. Requesting Deathscythe Gundam because his annoying pilot won't show up.
  7. That gif makes no sense, shouldn't it be Ultraseven with Eleking?
  8. Yes because heaven forbid Superman does not want the government spying on him. *gasp!* At least he was kind enough to give it back to them. They kind of addressed that in the middle. Did you see the movie it its entirety, 2D?
  9. Why did they spell it Apsarus? Isn't it officially spelled with an L or was I deluded this whole time?
  10. For how long? Decades? Zod is every bit as strong as Sups AND he has been heavily trained in combat. And then Zod was de-powered, making him as frail as a normal human. Not to mention this version of Zod is not that different. LETTING people get murdered? It isn't like Superman went "Oh the Kryptonians are killing everyone, totally fine." He did not have any other choice, Zod was never going to stop and if nothing on Earth could restrain him they sure as hell aren't going to restrain Zod. In addition kryptonite has not been introduced (yet) in this universe, meaning as long as the sun is shining both of them will not run out of energy.
  11. Would people stop complaining about "Superman killed the main villain!? BUT WHY!?" or at the very least explain what ELSE he was supposed to do?
  12. -The last episode of Gargantia aka Kugel redoes the entire first eight episodes with new stuff.... And it was awesome! They cut out the clutter that dragged the series down (not counting the terribad music or fanservicy blushy characters *shudders*) and replaced it with stuff that was actually *gasp* fuggin GREAT! Dang it I'm PO'd now! -Kill la Kill ep 7. Okay, HUGE issue with the "moral" of this episode -Valvrave ep 18. Oh for flip sake. This isn't even like Linebarrels of Iron where the complaints are even gene- Actually, no, this IS Linebarrels! THIS IS A LINEBARRELS OF IRON AS DONE BY KUNIO OKAWARA! PURU PURU PURU PURU PURU PURU PURU PURU PURU! AND YOU GET AN AT FIELD! AND YOU GET AND AT FIELD! AND YOU GET AN AT FIELD! OPRAH IS HANDING OUT ZONDAR SPORES TO EVERYONE! BRING YOUR OWN PROTOCULTURE! WHEEEEEEEE!
  13. Ai-kun Builds Gunpla
  14. Yes it has. So not looking forward to the next ep even if Apsalus is in it.
  15. The MPAA hates sex and would give it an R or NC-17. I was raised by their standards and so was much of the US, so their way of thinking is staying for a long time.
  16. What do you think they'll be doing in the following episodes? Hell, one episode later they do the latter (I''m surprised you didn't mention it). No. Stopping at 30? Banshee, brah, you're going to want to make your stop at episode 33. Also, why skip 29?
  17. Alright, I'll take note of what you guys said here.
  18. Maybe because those were MY scores for those movies? I am not trolling nor have interest to.
  19. You mean those 3/10 and 5/10 movies that have nothing going for them outside of looking pretty? Those are pretty bad places to start. I'd say those are the worst of Toho, but if you've seen Dogora.... Does that go for everything or just recent stuff?
  20. I did not say who it happened to specifically so I did not see it as a spoiler. Well they certainly handled it poorly here. Plus I know nothing about samurai myths, I do know they acted as private armies of lords and abused the hell out of peasants like Medieval European knights (specifically the UK and France). Oh and rogue ones are called ronins.
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