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Everything posted by DuelGundam2099

  1. Not much better than most gundam first episodes. Not sure how a gundam can fit into a dom.
  2. Yesterday I watched Captain Earth up to episode 6, nothing particularly great although for a series about space robot fighting it sure is lacking. It does have a super adorable mascot thought.
  3. I am not trolling and it is you calling me a troll that is killing the thread.
  4. Except I am not trolling.
  5. I know it was a parody of 80s and early 90s otaku and yes I caught the Macross references. That does not prevent it from being bad.
  6. Things Ohta and Revy have in common: -They are humans with mouths that talk and have no physical handicaps -They are violently in love with weapons -Love violence -Have zero regards to human safety -Have no problem putting their coworkers in danger -Are told by their superiors not to go to far -Are obnoxious as hell -Use no anger management -Suck at comedy Same character to me. Anyway, earlier I watched Otaku no Video because I have not seen a Gainax anime in a while and I can safely say this is probably their worst anime (which is saying something). Bad pacing, bad jokes, bad music, boring characters, those dumb otaku portrait documentaries constantly stop the story for no reason (yes, chase after some random guy at night just to interview him!), and the ending comes out of left field so hard it felt like they were insulting the audience on purpose. The only good thing to come from this junk is the art style, which is not saying much considering most anime can accomplish that much.
  7. Except, of course, this one. I don't know who that is.Anyway, just episode 6, her willingness to kill completely unarmed people official cements the idea she is a complete monster.
  8. Just watched Black Lagoon episode 5. ............................... Wow. ............................... I have. Never. In my life. Seen any story. At all. In which. *drinks water* Nazis are the antagonists. Nazis. With firearms. Ready to kill. Yet somehow. Somehow. *deep breath* The protagonists are worse people, more villainous, and have less humanity. Worse than Nazis. ........................ Yeah. *cough* All thanks to Revy. She is essentially a rule 63 version of Otha from Patlabor. ........................ Nazis are somehow more humane than her. I just- *facepalm* This might be the first anime I actually drop. Tarintino's Inglorious Bastards remake does not count, that movie was just plain terrible in its own right.
  9. Four episodes into Black Lagoon.... I somehow do not find this anime that interesting. The action is good, but the music blows chunks and Revy is annoying as hell. G-Reco was not bad, but nothing interesting either. Tempted to watch Cross Ange, but last time Sunrise tried to remake Code Geass we got trash-rave the awful, having an all one-gender cast is bad even if they brought back Fukada from his post-Destiny hiatus. So torn.
  10. An hour ago I finished Panzer World Galient and it was friggin excellent. It would have been better if not for three things: 1. The last episode had the main villain (who was pretty cool) suddenly did a heel turn and just gave up. Reasonable considering his planet was going to be erased though. 2. Episodes 13 to 22 had some really slow pacing in them, the action scenes were fine, but dialogue that was not exposition or about character death felt like it was trying to eat up too much time and 3. While more of a nitpick the secondary protagonist mecha barely do much of anything even though they are supposed to lead the troops into battle. They did well in the last two eps, but before then they mostly stood around. Three big errors, but the series is still solid all around, a definite recommendation. Before I get my hands dirty into the Black Lagoon (maybe I should get a Gillman costume) I will dive into some compilations and specials including the final ep of KlK everyone talks about.
  11. The first series did not seem campy to me.
  12. It was a basic super robot anime with high art. Also when I meant "normal" I meant "normal by anime standards", there is an artsy anime I consider the best of all time.
  13. Aquarion is the best normal anime of all time, glad you enjoyed it.
  14. I have been behind on anime this year unfortunately. After Galient I am not sure if I should take on M3, Argevellion, and Captain Earth, or do a supposed classic like Blood +, Black Lagoon, or Outlaw Star.
  15. Claymore is one of the best anime of all time, definitely not recommended to drop. Anyway, I just started watching Panzer World Galient up to episode five and HOLY CRAP BARBARIANS VERSUS NAZIS STARRING ROBOTS AND FRIGGIN DINOSAUR BONES! The art style, the music, the mechs, the action, and even the first episode are all high class for anime of their time. The characters are a bit dull, but I will give them a chance.
  16. An hour ago I finally managed to finish Patlabor: The New Files. It was better than the TV series, but only because there was less of Ota and visuals. It had a bad habit of replacing the opening and ending themes EVERY FOUR EPISODES. Most anime these days do this, but New Files did it first, making it hipster! In all seriousness the lack of crime oriented stories in this cemented my idea that the creators either know nothing about mecha anime or cop shows or they did and failed on purpose.
  17. And one that is face palming!
  18. No happy romantic ending for the main characters? Sounds like anime.
  19. So recently I have been getting back into anime. First off was URDA, a low budget CGI ONA that was only five eps and I thought it was okay. Next was some thirty minute CGI anime on Crunchyroll called Yonna which had astounding visuals going for it even if story wise it was mediocre; MAL thinks it is bad for some reason, proving people are too whiny and cynical over CGI. After that was Afro Samurai, which aside from being too short was a fantastic five episode anime that had a lot going for it (anime should team up with Spike TV more often). Wanting to catch up with anime this year I went with Dai Shogun: Great Revolution which was almost as bad as Daimdaler (including the same pros and cons) except that their villains were decent, the mechs were handled better, eps 6, 11, and 12 were somewhat good, and there was no random main protagonist switching; however the animation is unquestionably some of the laziest in 21st century anime. Finally I decided to try and finish the Patlabor franchise with The New Files OVA series and good lord it has all the same problems as the TV series minus better animation; at least they finished the Griffin story even if it ended dumb and they should have ended it right there. Only half way done, but I doubt the second half will have anything better. One thing I have to say is that this is probably the first OVA series with more than a handful of episodes to have a solid first episode (real shame they screw up later ones, ugh).
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