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Everything posted by DuelGundam2099

  1. http://thatguywiththeglasses.com/bt/the-sage/anime-abandon/41667-top-20-greatest-giant-robots Guess what is at number 6.
  2. Clover was just a baby and only about 70 meters tall, this Godzilla is rumored to be twice that size.
  3. Earlier I watched last week's and this week's episodes of Kill la Kill. Yeah, waaaaaay too many random powers coming from that Kamui Ryuko is using. At least samurai guy got what came to him. I also feel bad for data analyzer guy, he might actually be a decent character if he had an actual attack or something. Then there is this new girl that interrupts fights but hey it is totally okay because Maybe Trigger will go bankrupt after this or at least enough of a disaster to make them change, but with Gainax's ravenous North American fans that seems unlikely. I started watching Chobits because it has been a while since I took on Clamp's junk and.... Well this will be unpleasant. Not even sure why main guy can't tell his neighbor "oh yeah I found this gynoid in someone's trash" WHY WERE YOU HIDING HER SHE WAS JUST HARDWARE? Since I am watching this dubbed the word "cute" gets tossed around too much. You know what? Screw it, that is a new pet peeve of mine: Calling girls cute. Plushies, animals, plants, and even babies are cute, but after say preschool humans are not fuggin cute. Just.... GAH! And finally I got to episode 16 of Machine Robo: Revenge of Cronos yesterday and wow I did not expect the subs to get even more crabsticky, but they did. Action, pacing, and mechs are decent and there are good monsters of the week and music, but the animation and continuity are just so inconsistent it takes you out of it. I also like how in episode 14 some girl tries to kill Rom because he killed her father (in self defense) a few episodes back seemingly unable to forgive him yet he acts kind a few times and she goes "he can't be bad so I'll forgive him!" WHO WROTE THIS? Then there is Leina (Rom's sister), most useless damsel in distress character EVER! She contributes less than Daphne from Scooby Doo and no I am not taking that back. This would not bug me so much if the other characters were interesting and.... They REALLY ARE NOT, both protags and antags. Well, okay, Blue Jet does try to act cool and Rom likes being the big ham of justice, but otherwise eh. Triple Jim is almost as useless as Leina and Rod Drill is just a wild guy that likes sneaking up on enemies. The Gyandler are not much better: Gadess I will withhold thoughts until the end, he has potential to be awesome, Diondra is just a typical evil woman, Devil Satan 6 is just six generic thugs that would have been dead in the first episode if not for combining capabilities, and Grunjol (I don't know how to spell his name) is kind of a wimp.
  4. I thought Tristar Godzilla was awesome and I say that as someone who has seen all the Goji movies.
  5. They probably figured "well if fans are just going to make camrips we might as well get a little ad money from Google having the trailer online to get views."
  6. That would have been awesome to post sooner, I missed out by sacking out.
  7. This movie looks awesome, hopefully the editing will improve from last time.
  8. WHY IS THERE NO AUTO SAVE FEA- *cough* I just finished Night Head Genesis, which I can safely say is an underrated anime series with decent main characters and villains, good conspiracy plot, good writing, good action, nice trippy scenes, and good use of suspense and horror. The only downsides to this are the music being bleh (although the second ending theme is better than the first), pacing going back and forth between fast and slow although in the last quarter they fixed it, and aside from one runaway girl that later becomes a spirit no character shows up more than four episodes so don't expect much character development. Kill la Kill, haven't seen this week's episode yet, but I saw last week which was basically a bondage mummy battle. There was not much to it, not sure why people think this was manly. Earlier this week I started watching Machine Robo: Revenge of Cronos and WOW that animation is horrendous, it would make God Mars and Tobikage blush! At least the action seems decent. And then there is Valvrave which in episode 21 destroyed what chance it had from getting a 5, 6, or 7 out of 10 from me. Just.... GAH! So much bad logic! Tomino, Anno, and Kawamori would be disgusted. The only good thing coming from this is the Kirschbaums, they proved grunt units can be awesome. I never had this problem with Code Geass or Guilty Crown, but I guess third time is the charm when making something terribad!
  9. Well Beargguy is my favorite non-gundam MS so it is win either way!
  10. I feel bad for you guys; I personally didn't care for Ranka or her music, but I understand why people enjoyed them. You guys have my sympathy and an internet hug.
  11. Wouldn't people be watching the video first? Also I thought spoilers were just limited to plot and character stuff.
  12. The adorableness and cameos from were amusing. I am also pretty sure Knight Gundam never had
  13. I got up to episode 23 in Giant Gorg which I have to say has to be the most adventurous anime I have ever seen and it is well written to boot. This could end up being in my top 20 anime of all time.
  14. I got banned from MAHQ because the owner was under the assumption I caused disruptions on purpose, so I can understand where you're coming from Ghost Train. As for this topic I managed to continue Night Head Genesis up to episode 9, which now seems to be about predicting and stopping the apocalypse (plague style no less) complete with negative/dark energy (I don't think they really named it) being some obstacle. Today I also started watching Giant Gorg and got up to episode 7, generic music aside it is sort of fun and adventurous although the violent death count would make Tomino proud. Finally there is more Valvrave aka STOP THROWING IN FORCED EMOTIONAL SCENES. It is almost as bad as Gundam Age in that regard I swear. Edit: Oh yeah and there is Kill la Kill episode 8, which actually was not bad, I have to admit.
  15. I side with Angry Joe on most of the points, although NC has a point about the editing and zooming, both of which I found annoying.
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