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Everything posted by DuelGundam2099

  1. I just watched The Five Star Stories. This has to be the most boring anime movie I have ever watched, lets count the flaws shall we? -Main character being a trap (the jokes get old) haunted by his dead wife because.... Why? His hair also changes color for no reason -Elite guards going rogue for no reason -Slow as hell pacing -Some fat politician can't make up his mind whether or not he wants to do anything with the main female lead -Very little action (although what little there was it was actually decent) -Five stars but only four solar systems in the constellation? Can nobody add? -Boring characters -Too short -Mediocre music It is like L.Gaim except it does not have Tomino's magic and is on a high budget, which is a shame since the artwork is actually very good. I also started watching Berserk a couple days ago and got to episode 6. The music is not that good and you can tell it was on a budget, but not bad so far.
  2. I just finished Cowboy Bebop, movie included. Well it is solid, but masterpiece? Nah. Ed wondering off with Ein just seemed random, the cast was not interesting, the final battle was too short, and the lack of plot development hurt it some. I will give the series credit for having well written humor. The movie itself was somewhat better than the series even if the first half felt somewhat slow. Not sure if I should take on Berserk or Outlaw Star after this.
  3. ............................. I............ Hell naw. Depp's not bad or anything, but people tend to typecast him and Doctor Strange is a serious character.
  4. I am not disliking it, just critiquing it. As for Gundam recommendations I'd recommend starting with After War Gundam X, most people agree it is solid, combines action and adventure well, and has high quality music and animation for its time.
  5. It is amazing how much cheating is tolerated in this game. Also a thumbs up for a better OP and ED compared to what we had before.
  6. I am not a troll, must I metamorph into a parrot at this point? Also, why you do this to me, Vep?
  7. Half way through Cowboy Bebop. So lets see: it did not get any better, the music, while decent, is not too great, the characters are uninteresting, the villains does not much going for him, and logic is ignored too much (guns do NOT WORK IN SPACE, you exhale not inhale while in a vacuum, rotten lobster does not turn into mutant fungus, you cannot hack advanced security with handheld/junk part computers, and how is Earth's surface "damaged" because it looked perfectly fine in episode 9). I am also starting to see the more "adult" aspects of this series, although it could have still been on prime time television (unlike say Trigun which had very little questionable content). Do western anime fans like this so much because it acknowledged gay people exist? At this point and given when this aired I would not be surprised. At least the art style has effort and Ed is basically Elpeo from ZZ Gundam done right so eh.
  8. Not to mention nuclear weapons would alter the planet's climate and poison sea life after a while and as long as the Anteverse invaders have the planet intact and humans are extinct they win. Plus in the movie it was stated that they tried nukes on the rim and it failed horribly.
  9. Terrible example using Golion, Golion's weapons actually do damage Death Blacks and Mecha Blacks, they weaken the monsters so that the Ten Kings Sword is a sure fire death and no room for "well dang the sword didn't kill him!". Weaken opponents before finishing them. Of course without pilots Golion just goes on a bloodthirsty rampage with his sword, but that is another story entirely.
  10. China gave America air bases for fuel during WWII, notably among their planes the Enola Gay. I also think the alien kaiju like King Ghidorah and Viras represented the unknown of outer space (since the Space Race was going on at the time). I actually felt the same way myself all the way here in America. Oh wow I was not aware of that.
  11. A few days ago I finished Giant Gorg once the the last episode was subbed. Not a bad ending, but nothing particularly great about it, but the series overall was very nicely done. I also started watching Cowboy Bebop, getting four episodes in. At least the art style's good, the anime itself feels like a Braiger knockoff with high production values. Also, how was this not on Toonami? Is America basically "PG-13 content? It can only be viewed after midnight!" I really expected serious R-rated content, but like with Trigun I just get some cursing and crime. Kind of reminds me of when I first watched South Park, you expect the build up to be very hardcore content and all you get is just some censored F-Bombs, very little violence, and no nudity. This is why I like Go Nagai, when it comes to content the man delivers and hard. Okay I went off topic. So yeah, Outlaw Rocksteady is basically a Braiger remake with a high budget while replacing robots with fighters, having character designs ripped off from Ryu Knight, and characters right out of their older stuff. No really, Spike's partner (I forget his name) is basically the captain from Giant Gorg with cybernetic parts. Faye reminds me of Sara from L.Gaim, I think it is her bad luck. No idea who Spike is supposed to be just ye- Oh wait he's Hittel from Ryu Knight! Personality wise they seem similar anyway. So Sunrise basically went "lets recycle bits from some of our mecha classics while ripping off another mecha classic and then have it with no mecha to fool people that know no better!" Well dang, no wonder America ate this up, they had nothing to compare it too.
  12. Did taking place in Hong Kong most of the movie also contribute to this by any chance? I'm curious.
  13. PLAY BALL! Talk about plastic particle liberties. I also can't believe something non-gundam entered the tournament, bravo Sunrise!
  14. I just finished Claymore which I can safely say has made my top ten anime of all time. I mean WOW. Yeah the ending was only decent with obvious sequel fuel (that will probably never happen), yeah the side characters were not that interesting, and regeneration seems to be in-consistent at times, but that is REALLY scrapping it for criticism. There was nothing I did not enjoy from this, you guys should watch it.
  15. Pass due to being ecchi junk, if I want to watch this I'll wait until its over and see as many episodes I can at once.
  16. Not sure if serious or sarcasm, but no problem technoblue! Be warned, Tekkaman Blade has ludicrously stupid clip shows. If you watch it and VVV's second half side by side you'll notice similarities in foreshadowing. Also don't expect much to happen plot wise until episode 30. Cameos from the original Tekkaman's (human) cast occur near the end of the series, but unless you've seen the original series you wouldn't notice. Oh and lots of famous voice actors are in the cast. Zegapain on the other hand.... Well I think you guys know my views on that already. Anyway, up to episode 11 in Claymore. So flippin' awesome it is ridonkulous.
  17. I never thought Keith and I shared an opinion on anything, even calling that scene not-R word. Zegapain and Tekkaman Blade say hello.
  18. R2 was better than the first half, what are you talking about? Anyway I started watching Claymore earlier and am already four episodes in. The characters are not that interesting but everything else seems to be fine and actiony so far.
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