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Everything posted by DuelGundam2099

  1. You're missing out on one of the greatest anime of all time, frothymug. Even if you might not enjoy it. Even I thought the first episode was lackluster.
  2. I've seen a lot of critiques over my favorite normal anime, you're the first to use repetition (and it is legit), I tip my hat off to you. If you want RL I can explain what is going on. Anyway, after seeing ep 4 of Ergo Proxy I can finally sum it up: Really good art style and potential military conspiracy plot with some good background music, but the lackluster opening and ending themes, sluggish pacing, and boring characters kind of kill it. Lets see if it really is as good as everyone says it is.
  3. A couple days ago I started watching Ergo Proxy. Really not sure how to talk about it really.... A mixed bag maybe? I'm only three eps in so far. I hope this isn't a "it looks pretty but is really dull" type of series.
  4. Whathisname's reporter sister from Gundam 00 that Ali killed. As for this episode it was cheesy in a good way, hooray for Commando Gundam!
  5. Yesterday I finished Hellsing. The music was stupid and it ended on one of those dumb cliffhanger notes, but overall it was very likeable. The day before that I finally got around to finishing the Machine Robo OVAs Wolf Sword Legend. Don't you love it how they don't explain how the main heroes travel to other planets in between episodes? Other than that I thought they were a nice way to wrap up the story even if poor Rom had to kick the bucket and the Meteor Sword ended up breaking.
  6. Dunbine only gets better from there! Anyway, earlier I started watching Hellsing (TV version) and went as far as the first three eps. Nothing really wrong with it thus far, but WOW are the opening and ending themes not match the tone or style of this series. "Why whatever could go with a series about vampires? Why country and alternative of course!" It doesn't even match the sequences! I have NEVER seen an anime do that.
  7. I missed the part where 52k8 said "red" in his post. *smacks self*
  8. That part I understood. Given his illusions in eps 21 and 24 it didn't seem like it. Maybe the manga did a better job at portraying this. Oh now I see, thanks RL! I see. I thought it was because he became so depressed and desperate.... Now I feel silly. I never did think of it from that perspective.As for the Berserk movies I will see them eventually.
  9. I just finished Berserk. The last five episodes are actually really dang good and the monsters are fuggin epic. The ending doesn't bother me too much (I will admit ending it Griffith raping Casca for no reason was immensely dumb and pointless) because it does fit the nihilistic tone of this series, but HOW THE HELL DID GUTS ESCAPE? I can literally buy everything else but that. HOW? You know what is also disappointing? More than anything else I've complained about? This track: It is friggin awesome, why couldn't this be the opening theme? Why just the preview music? Both OP and ED themes aren't that great, but at least the latter has a medieval tone to it. Thinking of taking on Trinity Blood or Hellsing next, not sure.
  10. I know that, my issue is that the writing made it seem like "oh and she's sick too" and go back and forth. It felt inconsistent. She did look sick before battle too so I assumed "maybe it was both at the same time". In his final battle he had cloth over his right eye socket, signs pointed it to him losing it. The anime didn't have that scene. I could get he was depressed after that, but having him do THAT too.... I feel like I'm missing events in between. He could have had a soliloquy or something.
  11. So I just got up to episode 21 of Berserk. Oi, this writing. Okay, points for trying to make Casca interesting to some degree and have some conspiracy plot going for it with plenty of well done action. The writing details though.... -Eps 11 to 14, Casca is experiencing x and that makes her unable to fight as well because.... I think it is supposed to make her dizzy. What is x? Well according to the writing it is either her time, a bad fever, or a combo of both. The issue? THEY WON'T STOP FLIP FLOPPING IT. JUST PICK ONE! I don't know, maybe it is just the dub, but dialogue endlessly shifts it around and given the visuals it could be any one of them. " But Duel they're being subtle!" Why would subtly work in a series where jugulars are chopped every other episode? -Why is armor so useless and yet cloaks can deflect arrows? -Yes, lets not show how Adon lost his right eye. How did he lose it? They actually showed how his teeth got knocked out. -Between the events of episodes 17, 18, and 19 Griffith manages to convince a few thugs to kidnap Foss's daughter.... When? No really, when did he have time for this? When was it even address Foss had children? Talk about random plot convention. -Why did Zod give Guts a sword in the middle of battle? Because he can? -How did Guts repair his sword between the cliff castle siege and his second battle with Griffith? -Why did Griffith have sex with Charlotte after Guts left? Did I miss some other events in between? Did he just go nuts after being defeated for once? It makes no sense! -You have to love how soft moans SOMEHOW MANAGE TO PASS THROUGH CLOSED DOORS. There is logic defying and then there is just flat out redundancy. Was this just from the dub or was this always in there? Just four episodes to go, really not expecting anything good from the ending.
  12. I think the conversation is civil thus far. That does not work with Hulu. Besides, the ads aren't the problem, it is them crashing the video, forcing me to refresh the page and go through another wave of otherwise avoidable ads. Perhaps because I just don't want to? Especially when I can see something without an account anyway somewhere else? Yes, I should waste perfectly good money used for living expenses over a monthly fee on a site for show streaming when the vast majority of their stuff has no interest to me whatsoever, most of which I can watch without account fees on said site, and those that do require an account I can easily find somewhere else.
  13. I actually do try to watch the official uploads every now and then. The problem with munchyroll is that you always have to wait a week to be available unless you want a giant monthly fee. Hulu has a bigger issue, I don't know if it is just me but the ads constantly crash whatever the hell I am trying to watch. This does not help that unlike morkeyroll the ads cannot be skipped and despite how many times I say "no" on the relevance tab they play the same ads over and over. This is also ignoring how FUNimation only gives four dubbed episodes at a time and the rest are subs, yes make me go through different voices after I get used to them. It is annoying how some series on both sites have the redundant "mature content" label and require an account to watch. This makes me wish more series go the route Bandai went with Gundam Build Fighters, just put it on an official YouTube channel the day it is out.
  14. I think you are mistaking streaming with downloading or buying pirated content. Also, how else can I watch older anime I have interest in?
  15. Did I say that or are you just making implications?
  16. Being free does not mean it cannot be criticized. You guys phrase your views no differently than I do, the only difference with me is the subject matter at hand.
  17. WHOA, CB may have had issues but I don't hate it, if antything I thought it was somewhat good, just not the amazing masterpiece everyone says it is. Zilch because I stream everything.For this whole "I'll loathe the ending" thing maybe I will, but at this point the cast is so boring (aside from Guts and Griffith) that I'll probably lose interest at this rate.
  18. Didn't Berserk recently have three movies? Did that help?
  19. I'm 10 episodes in, too late. Anyway, I just caught up to Kill la Kill and wow this anime doesn't even make sense within its own setting: At least TTGL TRIED to make sense of its logic (and did), this is just poor writing. Anime saved? No, no it is not, anime was never in danger of anything previously, but now it is under attack by Trigger happy loons.
  20. I don't read manga ever so that isn't going to happen.
  21. MAL and AniDB say no unfortunately.
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