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Everything posted by DuelGundam2099

  1. So Samurai Flamenco aka the best tokusatsu parody ever ended today. After wasting a third of the last episode on stuff we already knew we get our conclusions which.... Was quite unexpected, I did not see that coming, props to the creators. Truly this was the best anime of the year. Not sure if I should take on Trinity Blood, Fruit Basket, Black Lagoon, or Blood + next. I have heard stuff about Dream Hunter Rem, but it was a hentai in the first episode at first so....
  2. Kill la Kill is without a doubt one of the worst anime of all time, in the final episode alone I could count no less than thirteen issues wrong with it: -torso face blasts, how did his face become part of his torso -Gamagoori shown to be stabbed with blood going out only for titanium to block the attack -sudden Nui clones with no explanation -butt pulls on how the Godrobes can't be controlled -they never explained how life fibers became active from the previous 20 years -titanic buttpull on how Ryuko can fuse everyone's clothes to her godrobe (nope, not buying it) -calling the final form "fashion week" -so the main bad guy can control life fibers yet can't control Ryuko or the godrobes because.... The fight would have been over in seconds, just cut off oxygen to her brain -how the hell are they talking in space? They clearly have this battle OUTSIDE THE ATMOSPHERE -too much f**king yelling -NOBODY DIES AFTER FALLING FROM ORBIT -YOU CANNOT FALL FROM ORBIT AND YOUR INERTIA TAKES A SUDDEN RIGHT ANGLE TURN -how are there still clothes existing on the planet? How most audiences don't find this series insulting is beyond me. Here's where I rank it: I'd rank it lower but a least it stuck to its genre.
  3. Today I started to take on Watamote at munchyroll because apparently it is one of those series that Japan did not care for yet US folks apparently enjoy. I am half way through and GOOD LORD IS THIS JUNK AWFUL. -Half the background characters don't have eyes while the other half does, it screams lazy -The music is horrendous, 'nough said -Why are so many light flares geometric shapes? Makes no sense and it too screams lazy -The pacing is SO FRIGGIN SLOW -The main character is beyond inept (too many examples) -She is also incredibly mean (putting ice cubes in her brother's coffee? WHY?) -So many terrible jokes (yes lets throw in cats humping to screw with the audience) -ANTS DO NOT WORK LIKE THAT -The main premise is for her to ge popular, but at ep 3 onward it seems more like she just wants a man (way to be consistent, title!) -Too much ecchi junk/male gaze (isn't the main protagonist female?) This anime also gave me a new pet peeve, it was kind of there with Vividred Operation, but I think warrants it: TOO MANY ENDING THEMES! WAIT TWELVE EPISODES BEFORE CHANGING IT! No wonder 2chan loathed it although a 2chan insider at /a/ said they hated the series for "not being realistic as Tomoko could easily get a boy", (in all fairness ugly girls could easily get nearly any straight guy, but even average guys are lucky to get any girl ever) but even without irrationality like that it comes off as quite terrible. Not just the character is bad, but pretty much everything else has massive faults. Maybe it was on a budget, I don't know, but if the supposed tanking numbers are true maybe stories like this won't be getting made for a long time and thank fudge. Why is it I find myself agreeing with Japanese anime fans more than American anime fans? Edit: And it is later in the day and I have finished it. The vast majority of problems still plagues the second half although the jokes became tolerable which is sort of a plus I guess. Unfortunately they decided to add breast bouncing as well for no reason. Positives to this? Well the other cast members were okay and when they were trying to have serious moments they were somewhat good. Unfortunately it had very little else going for it. Going to list some really dumb/bad moments from our heroine: -cheating in a card game against a child just to impress some stranger -thinking a kid cares about virginity -making her brother do all the house work while he studies -picking up random cats that might have rabies (does Japan have rabies?) -potential butt touching just when your friend is hugging you -clothes moving around on their own -saying she NO LONGER HAS USE FOR HER BROTHER And here I thought "Shanalra from Goldran cannot be topped as worse anime character ever" and BOY HOWDY WAS I SO WRONG. In addition she NEVER CHANGES. AT ALL. Her bad aspects got worse with time and she never got over her anxiety at all. Add some low budget CGI in the last daydream and a random up skirt shot in the last episode and you can tell this was just plain horrible. One of the worst anime ever made, bar none, and I've seen some bottom of the barrel titles. Check in next time when I give my final thoughts on Kill la Kill and Samurai Flamenco!
  4. Everybody get drunk and party! (except Marzan because he's designated driver)
  5. Congrats to RL1 for getting Iczer 1 and Tekkaman Blade 2, even if Nadia, Vivi Dred, and panzer females had to come with it. And so Witch Craft Works is over, yeah the main problems never went away and the main hero only seeing the heroine as just friend was disappointing, but that aside this was quite enjoyable. I dare say this is the best magic girl anime out there, even better than 70s Cutey Honey (and as a Go Nagai fan that is saying a lot). Not 10/10 material, but if they make a sequel series that might have potential. However that feeling was spoiled with VS Knight Ramune and 40 Fresh aka NOBODY HAS HEARD THE CONCEPT OF BUILD UP. Yeah the new Kill la Kill episode has the same problems as many previous episodes, but at least samurai guy FINALLY unsewed his eyes, so that is not what I am going to rant about. No, I'm going on about 40 Fresh because I just finished it an hour ago. Yes my source fixed the vids for those that read my last post. Shortly after episode 1 the series suddenly became incredibly dark. Like main villain molests his second in command and later the other main heroine. Drum is back and does nothing but cry while mounted on a wall. The music was really bad although the second ending theme was tolerable. Then there is the fact that the main villain is trying to save a whole galaxy so his idea is to ruthlessly invade earth to get a mech called the Mythic Knight. This would be fine and all if he did not go around molesting and torturing his people for no friggin reason. The final nail in the coffin was that the tag along loli was the real hero the whole time and just asks the Mythic Knight to stop RIGHT AS THE EARTH IS ABOUT TO BLOW AND THAT EVEN REVERSES THE DAMAGE. The twist itself was not bad considering her name is Lemon and it is implied she is the daughter of Lemonade from the series, but some indication she was special could have been nice and no I am not counting that weird fantasy in the final episode where Parfait kisses her in a delusion, she almost comes across as a pedophile when it has been firmly established she is straight and likes men. So with all those negatives what DO I like? The mecha and action were actually okay and in the second half the writing was well done for the villain's back story even if dumb time hacking nonsense filled up the exposition. The ecchi elements also made some degree of sense (powers being at their best when not being covered in clothing and piloting mecha while in water, the latter being kind of unique. The humor was actually funny (when they bothered having it and it was not immensely dark). And finally the lack of constant useless puns cemented this as being better than the TV series. It may not be bad like /m/ says it is, but it is kind of easy to see why. Might as well end this on the note that I made it to ep 5 of GTO and I have to wonder how the hell is the main character not in jail at this point? I am also aware of one of the events in the mid 30s and it seems mind boggling (maybe it'll make sense in context who knows).
  6. Been wanting to post this since Saturday. During that I finished VS Knight Ramune and 40 Fire. UGH. One third of the monsters of the week go unnamed, the jokes are still bad, Cacao got no better, and it turns out the secondary villains were all just "brain washed" (it may have been better if they acted SOMEWHAT DIFFERENTLY). For reasons unknown they decide to really up the ecchi elements for no good reason. Last five eps had an improvement in writing, unfortunately during that we had to have stock footage bananza so bad even SEED Destiny would go "nope". It explains some back story on Abraham (main villain) and the creation of the three main mecha. This would be find and dandy and all if the other two bothered showing up beyond their first appearances and their failure to stop Abraham in episode 12. Then there is the final two episodes, Abraham appears in the final showdown and holy mother of fudge this final battle was awesome, so much so that it made me wish this was in a better anime. I want to say it made up for a lot of the slop that happened up until this point, but I cannot unfortunately. The cast was that bad, the writing was that lackluster, not caring about the monsters of the week, and too many really sappy and unneeded ecchi moments. Two days ago I decided to finally take on the OVA sequel which I'll shorten to 40 Fresh. It is laced with ecchi junk and the setting makes no sense, but it proves more entertaining than the series (why does /m/ hate this exactly?). If you've ever wondered what an ecchi version of Macross 2 would seem like this is the closest you can get. I'd comment on more episodes except shortly after I watched it all of the stream videos for the series were dead. Looks like I won't be continuing this for a while and I'm not using the YouTube vids because mid episodes are cut out for no reason. On Sunday I took on the infamous Panzer Dragoon which is in the top six of MAL's worst anime ever (and I've already seen the other five). Basic, simply, and not bad overall. I swear people look too much into one shot OVAs. And finally after 40 Fresh was unavailable I decided to take on Wonder Momo on Crunchyroll, all five eps, since it was just over half an hour and MAL seems to hate it enough to put it into the bottom 10. Fast paced, good fights, tolerable music and cast, and nothing bad about it except for the cliffhanger ending (why do people think that is smart to any degree?). More of MAL being over reactive to shorts.
  7. Today I started watching VS Knight Ramune and 40 Fire, the sequel to NG Knight Ramune and 40, and just finished episode 8....................... ............................................. ............................................................... ................................................................................. This is going to be one of THOSE series. Lets analyze what is wrong with this, shall we? -The mecha, nothing wrong with them, but you can tell they ripped off Rayearth here, both in a narrative sense and design sense (I'd say motif but one here is a lightning wielder that is earth based and not with wind). -The puns are REALLY dumb. This wouldn't bother me if they did not take up a sixth of the dialogue. -For a kids show this is REALLY pervy. Lots of innuendos and some butt-crack lines. (I thought it was just me but they even make a 4th wall joke on the subject) -The opening is obnoxious, the ending is okay though. -Lets look at the cast, shall we?: The main is Ramunedo (I've seen his name translated to Lemonade and considering his mother's name is Milk that REALLY does not surprise me if it turns out to be right) the always hungry hero that is a complete moron. The lancer is some guy from the last series called Da Cider, he is equally stupid and is more mean spirited than the villains while traveling with a snake named Heavy Metal Ko, Parfait the love interest who endlessly yells (since she has the same voice actress as Asuka from NGE that is not surprising), Cacoa who is the only decent member of the human cast, PQ the lovable mascot, and the villain duo Dandy Narcissist and Lip Pheromone (NO I AM NOT MAKING THIS UP!) who are not only stupid, but try WAY TOO HARD TO BE SEXUAL. One's a muscle brain idiot that wears phallic clovers and the other can't stop groping her mammary glands! I'm going to ignore their boss Genosai for the time being since all he is doing is trying to revive his master/main antag Abraham; I will also ignore mentioning how stupid their hair is. So yeah, idiot cast save a mascot and a girl with functioning brain, filled with bad jokes, you'd think that would be the final nail in the coffin, right? Nope! They did something which was just insulting: They have monsters of the week and DO NOT BOTHER NAMING HALF OF THEM! Only 3 out of 7 have names? REALLY? It is not even like Godannar where you at least have numbers to guide your way up, they have a random word and two random letters! YOU DON'T DO THAT! The naming is fine, but going the lazy route by not giving some of them names? That is low. Three things drew this series to my attention: 1. Upon watching this I will have seen EVERY SINGLE ANIME that guest started in the Another Century's Episode franchise. Hooray for completest-ness! 2. According to /m/ the OVA sequel is one of the worst mecha anime ever made AND it somehow got a US release, complete with an English dub. I'd like to see just how much truth to this exists for the former. 3. The wikipedia is in horrific shape. LOOK AT IT!: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VS_Knight_Lamune_%26_40_Fire If I can fix the Braiger page I can fix this.
  8. So I just caught up to Witch Craft Works at ep 10. Okay, two complaints: The side characters are boring and I'm not sure I get what Takamiya was trying to do in eps 9 and 10. I will promote this series's positives in explaining why all the envy and rage around people's love for Kagari and why Takamiya is actually important to the witches. Didn't think they'd explain the former at least, but joke's on me I guess. Could this be the first MG anime.... I give a 10 out of 10? Dun dun dun! Probably not, but there are two eps to go so whatever.
  9. So this evening I decided to take on an anime that started airing this year and five eps in now I decided to take on Witch Craft Works. I was expecting a generically bad magic girl anime, but instead.... I got something.... Quite good! No, really, not trying to be snarky or anything, a magical girl anime that is SOLID. Not even "well it got better" solid, but FROM THE START solid. The only anime of this genre I encountered to be like this is Pretear (Cutey Honey does not count because Go Nagai is the exception to many anime rules out there) and for the first time (not counting CH: Flash) I found an anime of this genre with A GOOD FIRST EPISODE. GOOD FIRST EPISODE. Good first episodes are like finding a needle in a haystack, they are just rare. Now for actual thoughts: -Animation and art are good -Nobody in the cast is obnoxious -The action is somewhat good -There is amusing comedy -The music is decent (the ending reminds me of 80s pop for some reason) -HOLY MOTHER OF FUDGE NO FANSERVICE! The main heroine has G cup.... And nothing! No ecchi antics! No awkward moments! No perviness or slip ups that makes the girl smack the boy! I approve! Okay they do have a close up of some maid's bounce features for five seconds.... And that is it! -Robot rabbit soldiers, so friggin adorable, what is better? -A giant robot rabbit fighting a giant teddy bear! So lets count negatives: -The main character is kind of a wimp- Actually he does have a heart so it is passable-ish -The setting is not explored that well ....... And that is it! I might end up liking this series! Hell I already have hopes for this! This calls for fitting music!
  10. Today I marathoned through some magic girl anime called Magikano because I had nothing better to do. So THIS is where that anime gif of a guy getting his balls stomped on came from. Anyway, it blew chunks. The characters range from being either obnoxious or kind of likeable on a frequent basis (provided they are not background character), the final battle was not much of anything (and barely built up), a lot of the jokes were poorly written (mainly when it gets too fanservicy), the main basis at the beginning being sort of just dropped after episode 4, waaaaaay too many incest jokes, and the main nail in the coffin that killed it was THE ENDING. HOLY MOTHER OF F**K, they went with a "restart time back a year and go in a loop" ending? WHY? THAT IS STUPID! The saddest part is that like Chobits there is actually good parts here: Some of the comedy is ACTUALLY VERY FUNNY, none of the characters are genuinely bad when done well, there was some decent action, and the music was decent. Easily the best character was Yuri, like Shizuka from Kampfer she is actually decent all around and bothers using her brain, but the series itself drags down her full potential. Strangely enough this series did remind me of Kampfer to some degree, maybe because it is a harem, but oh well.
  11. I wonder if this means MOSPEADA will never appear in a SRW title.
  12. Robot Girls Z ended and I watched the last ep this morning. It was very short, but enjoyable, even if they should have cut down on ecchi junk. Then there is Kill la Kill. UGH ONCE MORE.
  13. Today I had nothing else to do so I marathoned Samurai Flamenco in its entirety, all 18 eps that aired. This is the first time I have watched 18 episodes of ANYTHING in a single day. Valvrave drawback finally started to wean, allowing me to finally ease into airing stuff, plus I didn't feel like taking on GTO. Now for the actual anime: THIS IS FRIGGIN AWESOME, THEY PARODY TOKU IN AN AWESOME MANNER, THEY PACE PROPERLY AND HAVE GOOD COMEDY, THE ACTION IS GREAT THERE ARE MANY TWISTS! Only thing bad about it is the music. Anime of the year? Why yes, yes it is, even better than Gargantia. Well okay, Build Fighters is better, but still.
  14. I just watched some one shot OVA called The Green Cat by the same guy that made Astro Boy. Probably the most violent depiction of a boy and his cat. I thought it was decent overall.
  15. Just saw this week's Kill la Kill. Oh hey this was well written and not as contrived as usual, real shame inconsistency plagues this to no end. As much as I derive this series on so much I will admit that the writing overall is actually decent. (most of the time)
  16. Last week's Kill la Kill was the worst so far, I'll save most of the issues later, but what I am going to say is STOP ACTING LIKE WE ARE STUPID WE KNOW YOU CAN SEE TAKE THOSE BANDAGES OFF YOUR F**KING EYES ALREADY! *cough* Monday I took on some anime movie called Steamboy, apparently made by the Akira staff. Well, that was one extremely well made movie, even if the beginning was kind of slow.
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