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Everything posted by DuelGundam2099

  1. Today I marathoned Mad Bull 34 and holy mother of f**k this was manly and awesome as hell. Yes the animation could have been better and it could have had less sex junk, but for an OVA like this it worked with its gritty atmosphere and the fact it was in the crime genre. Remember when villains were actually evil, protagonists were manly, and anime was told more in visuals than words? We need more of that these days. Basically it is one of the best OVAs ever made.
  2. I just watched some one shot OVA called Bride of Deimos. I was expecting some sappy love story, but got a very well made horror story with very good art to it. I am legitimately surprised at how good this was.
  3. Go with Zegapain, Dai-Guard, Metal Armor Dragonar, Dunbine, Ideon, Pretear, Witch Craft Works, Devil Lady, Shin Mazinger Z, or even Violence Jack. Last night I took on some two part OVA called Bounty Dog. The writing could have been better and and the color filters were annoying but otherwise I thought it was kind of good. Also watched eps 2, 3, and 4 of Patlabor. Well.... It is more interesting than the OVAs so far, but it has another 43 eps, plenty of time to screw up.
  4. Up to ep 14 in GTO, I am convinced this is a parody of the crime genre, otherwise this many felonies being committed at the same time would make no sense. I can't say it is a comedy as that would imply this is funny. Real shame too because there is actually some good writing in this. Also watched the first episode of TV Patlabor an hour ago. I like how they try to make this realistic yet labors are perfectly capable of kicking and throwing each other (way to contradict your own element!).
  5. Just got up to episode 11 in GTO. This really should be renamed to "people do illegal things with minors and somehow not end up in jail."
  6. I heavily enjoyed Braiger and will watch Baxingar once enough episodes are subbed. I am so glad I'm not the only guy here looking forward to this!
  7. After marathoning the last third today I just finished Trinity Blood. The pacing was incredibly sluggish, but everything else was good: Twists they were solid and made sense, great action, characters that were neat and none being annoying, well done art style, and the music has grown on me. The ending was also nowhere NEAR as bad or cliffhangery as people say it was. If the side characters were better and Cain was built up better this would have easily been better than the Vampire Hunter D movies, perhaps even the best vampire anime to date, but oh well. It did prove better than Hellsing. Also for some reason Esther reminds me of Kallen from Code Geass except not obnoxious or even bad. Come to think of it the character and costume designs remind me of Code Geass, did the creators rip Trinity Blood off? (that would explain a little)
  8. That would explain how Kamen Rider and Super Sentai have replacement series all the time.
  9. I don't suppose anyone could translate a little bit of the mechanics in this picture. I know the one at the bottom is Hound Type Vajra, all I'm looking for is the names of the two vajra ships above it.
  10. That is what made Samurai Flamenco the best toku parody ever.
  11. Yesterday I took on Dream Hunter Rem and today the two episode sequel series because they were supposed classics and short. Wow this OVA series was dumb. Ignoring the fact the first episode was a hentai (why? of course I did watch the edited version of said episode): -The main heroine has a gun and never uses it most of the time (instead lets fight with swords!) -The talking scenes have ludicrously slow pacing -Said main heroine ALWAYS NEEDS HELP, she is borderline unreliable -Spinal columns do NOT LOOK LIKE INTESTINES (did the animators know what the hell certain body parts were colored?) -Don't you love it when a samurai spirit has a bunch of arrows on his back without a bow to fire them? -Animation errors (ribs of skeletal monsters increase by four times or disappear, driver's seats of cars flip places) -Inconsistent logic (this series cannot make up its mind whether or not death in the dream world is possible and Rem can use her powers in the real world for no friggin reason) -Stupid bad guys (why do you need a Frankenstein knockoff when your carriage is invulnerable and fires spirit dragons? Why squish your boss's head when she accidentally knife's your skull in?) -Gigantic gaps in logic (why the hell would a clock tower turn into a robot? It isn't even like it was hinted or anything. Nobody gets arrested for willingly locking people away as they starve to death. Humans do not mummify in two weeks nor are they so brittle that the are reduced to dust that fast. Instead of simply putting a bomb in a harbor lets steal a model RC plane and then shoot at it!) -And the main heroine is quite a baddie herself (causing permanent damage to someone's eye just for peeping, buying illegal weapons and smuggling them back in her country) Too much stupid junk surrounding this franchise and yet SOMEHOW this is more remembered than Dimensional Hunter Fandora, a great OVA series with a similar title, came out the same year, was made by Go Nagai, had a cool heroine, and was fun as hell. I don't get why some awesome anime are forgotten while junk ones are free to grace the memory of fans. Ugh. I will give DHR some points for reducing their ecchi junk early on, they have some decent music, and Rem's pets are pretty adorable as hell.
  12. Ai-kun Goes Obari
  13. I watched eps 9 and 10 of Trinity Blood Sunday, but aside from side characters not being interesting not much to add so I'll instead talk about a one shot OVA I watched that night called Root Search: Life Devourer X. This is one of the top 15 worst anime according to MAL and.... It was actually decent. Yeah the ending was dumb, but art style wise and atmospheric music compensated it. I cannot tell if it was trying to rip off Alien, The Thing, or Stephen King's It (all three perhaps?). So yeah, it is an under rated classic much like Manos: The Hands of Fate.
  14. Goodnight, sweet prince. In all seriousness that was enjoyable to the very end. The cast was not interesting, some jokes did not work, and the music was horrid, but the series was very enjoyable all around.
  15. Yesterday I decided to take on Trinity Blood and just got to episode 8. Lackluster music and slow pacing aside this series is quite entertaining, I look forward to what becomes of it. Hell, it might even be better than Hellsing. Kind of weird that the novels are aimed for adult men while the manga are aimed for girls under 18, are seinin and shojo really that similar? I also have no idea why people hate Gonzo, aside from Vandread and to a degree Linebarrels of Iron their stuff is pretty good.
  16. I can tolerate one more episode. Anyway an hour ago I took on some one shot OVA called Dead Heat. Basically about robot racing with six minutes of concept art after the ending credits, I thought it was decent.
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