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Everything posted by DuelGundam2099

  1. So did the last episode follow the following format?
  2. Then that would be spam and off topic posting I will have no problem reporting. I also intend to make no such topic as you encourage a bad stereotype upon me.
  3. Because for some reason people keep posting news in the "what are you currently watching" thread. With that, post your anime news here.
  4. Went up to episode 24 in Patlabor, not much has changed other than the secondary chick on the team leaving and apparently in this setting customizing machines does not decrease their value SOMEHOW. Also seeing Phantom go down so easy compared to last time make it seem like a joke, real shame. Starting this June I am going to do it, a time I have been dreading. ​​
  5. Well I WAS going to take a break from anime for a while, partially because I thought I had the month off, BUT it turns out I won't be doing so until mid-June. With that said: Death Billiards- So wait, Little Witch Academia, with all the annoying characters and bad pacing, got favored as best short over THIS? This was great! I mean yeah the characters weren't interesting, but it was definitely better. Uta Kata Special- Dumb unneeded epilogue was dumb. It was beyond pointless beyond explaining how that mirror had a section of it broken off (which they could not do in the series because WHY?) Patlabor TV up to ep 20- Ota is a bad character, 'nough said. I cannot stand his endless yelling and his inability to fight properly. Admittedly I do like this more than the first OVA series, but the dullness overall is at Rayearth levels, which is a shame because I did like the water dragon in episode 19, who knew dragons existed in this franchise! Then again there has already been paleozoic mutants resembling Gaira from War of The Gargantuas, episode 4 had a giant badger, and movie three was about a carnivorous mutant amphibian (Wasted XIII who even got her name in the title!). And then there is Noa, who as ditzy as she was I thought could be likeable. Then episode 18 happened and she gets mistakenly kidnapped.... Normally I have no issue with damsel in distress characters, but SHE IS A COP! A LAW OFFICER! And it wasn't like she was ganged up on, it was one guy! Not even a muscular one or had a weapon on him! HOW DOES THAT WORK? Apparently it is enough to get her tied up and gagged ("and while we're at it lets ungag our hostage, it isn't like she'll bite us or give away our plans to the cops or anything!"). I know I'm harping on this a lot, but it raises too many questions. You know what also made no sense? "I am a politician from another country, let me join your police force so I can use your equipment despite having no knowledge how to use it!" The stupidity in this hurts. A lot. At least that plot thread from episode 7 got addressed (although it would have been nice to know what happened to Prototype Saturn) and I'd be lying if I said the ending theme hadn't grown on me some.
  6. Yes, Mazinger Z is indeed awesome as hell and these subs are *gasp* accurate!
  7. WHY THE HELL ARE YOU PEOPLE GOING NUDGE NUDGE WINK WINK BECAUSE OF FEET? Do you mean TOES? HANDS? TEETH? BRAIN? HEART? I'd say knees or muscles, but that is redundant.
  8. Rotten Tomatoes can go eat a bag of sticks, just got back from seeing it and it is the best Spider-Man movie thus far, even if Goblin and Rhino were oh so forced.
  9. They really didn't show off the monsters in the trailers at the time either and both were fresh franchises with no previous entry (although Jaws was based on a novel); Godzilla on the other hand, who is iconic and has been around 60 years while appearing in trailers. Kiiiiiiiind of different, just sayin'.
  10. I just finished GTO after marathoning it from ep 20 since yesterday. Good lord nothing changed, at least the pacing was good and I have to give credit for the principal being pretty friggin bold. Not going to bother retreading ground even if Onizuka should have been incapacitated by that bomb set off in episode 40. Just.... Ugh. On Saturday I got up to ep 8 in TV Patlabor, which is more tolerable than the OVAs thus far. I think Hal X-10 might be my favorite labor, but ep 7 having the "you must be ethical with labors" bit was dumb, especially considering the SRX-70 won't be used again. Honestly, what a waste of a labor, couldn't that company just give it to division 2 if 1 didn't want it? I like how it acts like it is so realistic and yet it flops on details like this. Edit: You know what? I'm taking a break from anime for a while after all the drek. Not for too long, maybe just until the final episode of Unicorn gets released or so. With that said, you won't be hearing from me here for a while so enjoy.
  11. Ha. Ha. Haha. Hahaha. Hahahahahaha. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I CAN'T F**KING BELIEVE IT. THEY DID IT. THEY GENUINELY DID IT. THEY SIDED WITH THE CINEMAPHILE SNOBS! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TIME TO PAINT MYSELF YELLOW SCREAM AND RUN AROUND CALLING MYSELF BANANA MAN! "Duel why are you so upset about this?" Ladies and gentlemen of Macross World I am about to show you something that happened four years ago and part of my past! And it is not pretty! http://www.tohokingdom.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=15&t=1008&sid=4d0cc27cd2b82d242cfc33bf4b6b0a32 Skip to page 2, but long story short I got in a fight with someone who can be considered Renegade Leader 1's snobby twin about whether or not EU was canon in Star Wars. For probably the only time ever (not really, but its the only topic un-pruned), I was the one considered correct in the subject in a debate. And now JJ Abrahams has waltzed in and declared that "the cinemaphile is correct and what you think is wrong" after so many years. One of the very few times I actually had people agreeing with me in a debate! My correctness, gone, given away to someone who kept defeating me over and over again. And now he wins. F**K. MY. LIFE.
  12. Since yesterday I tried marathoning Uta Kata and just got done with it. This is without a doubt the most boring anime I've seen in months. Where to BEGIN? Lets start off with the pacing, it is sluggish as all hell and only in the last two episodes is it actually reasonable. Until then it is mostly slice of life babbling endlessly with only eps 4, 7, and 10 having anything interesting happening in them. Each episode has the main heroine collecting or taking (it never explains) life forces of jinns with one of them following her the entire series that, until the last episodes, does not bother doing jack squat. Ugh. Ignoring how some jinns overlap each other, most are representatives of nature, and the last of the bunch represents MIRRORS. WHY? You broke your own motif? I also don't get why this happens, they never explain why the jinn powers need to be collected and based on the end of the last episode it seems like it is the final/mirror jinn and some disembodied voice (God? They never say) teaching people life is valuable (kind of a sick joke because mirror jinn used one of her minions to fall in love/be friends with their target). Then there is fan service, so many unneeded panty shots in this although unlike most ecchi anime they don't draw emphasis on them so I'll give them a point for having some restraint I guess. Add a really bland cast so uninteresting that most of them contribute nothing to what little plot there is and you get this series. Oh yeah and the last episode has yaoi and yuri fan service for no reason, the former of which wasn't even built up. I don't get it either, were the creators anti-homosexual or something? Because bad things happened to them. I like how this anime was deemed a tragedy yet not only did only two people (actually mirror jinn's minions who she can resurrect at any time give her magic powers) died and those affected were able to move on, does nobody know what tragedy is? The sad part is that there are good parts to this, mainly in the scenery art (character art was not noteworthy) and background music (opening and ending themes are lackluster) and I'd be lying if I said the final two episodes were not SOMEWHAT good. Still does not make up for all the schlock leading up to them. I will take on the OVA eventually, but there are other things I intend to take on so eh.
  13. I approve of this concept.
  14. I just got done finishing some six episode ONA called 6 Angels, noted for being one of the worst anime of all time.... And I'm not surprised. Stock music, half the cast being useless and annoying as hell, weird editing, suddenly throwing in angels at the last episode, pacing that goes either too fast or too slow, lackluster villains, and some flimsy execution. It is a real shame because there is some decent action and robots in this. In fact this might have been decent if some scenes were placed into different episodes, but oh well. It is not AS BAD as people say it is, but that is not saying a lot. I also caught up to ep 19 of GTO or as I am thinking of calling it: WHY THE HELL IS NOBODY IN JAIL? The Anime. It is like it is TRYING to insult the audience.
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