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Everything posted by DuelGundam2099

  1. I just took on the first episode of Bodacious Space Pirates which I jokingly nicknamed lesbian butt pirates because it looked like yuri if the threads on /a/ were any indication. Didn't feel like taking on anything else in my backlog like Patlabor: The New Files, the one shot OVA Crimson Wolf, or Mawaru Penguin Drum (sometimes I find random anime to throw in if they're available) and since this was crazed back when it was airing (unlike all the mecha stuff airing at the time) I gave it a shot. The episode itself was okay, but good lord, that music is absolutely horrific. Easily some of the worst I've heard in a while. To top it off this will be my last anime series before I decide to do my massive take on of eroge adapted anime.
  2. Last night I started watching Nobunagun and have been marathoning it until finishing it just now. On one hand the action and monsters are awesome as hell with some well done art and fleshing its military elements out. One the other hand the cast is boring and has horrible music and comedy. Still though the good outweighs the bad even if it slowed down in the middle. Also I was lied to, there was no mecha in this, just power armors.
  3. I just got back from seeing it. So here is where I rank the movies: X3 > The Wolverine > First Class > Days of Future Past > X-Men Origins > X2 > X1 The only reason I rank this movie over Origins was because of turning Deadpool into Weapon XI while here everyone is in character from the comics.
  4. Watching the worst anime out there? You poor soul. Anyway, I just finished watching some two part OVA called Samurai: Hunt For The Sword. The comedy bits were dumb, but the action was somewhat good and it was interesting to see an anime not from the 00s to use early digital coloring.
  5. I just finished the TV version of Patlabor. None of the villains after the Griffin episodes came back for no reason, the jokes were still dumb, the ending was mediocre, and GOSH DARN IT OHTA IS A HORRIBLE CHARACTER! I have not brought this up much, but this guy was absolutely obnoxious, annoying, unsympathetic, and somehow he never gets fired! AT ALL! He makes for a horrible cop! Top ten worst anime characters by FAR! Captain Goto being laid back all the time was sort of annoying, but nowhere near Ohta's caliber. This series might have been better if they discarded most of the episodes, pretty much any of them that don't involve the Phantom, Griffin, Economies, or Zeros. It is a shame because I did like the episodes with creatures in it. Ep 44 was enjoyable as it was a nice shout out to 60s and 70s tokusatsu, I will give it that. Part of me wants to take on The New Files next and end it even though I still have the new live action stuff to get through, part of me wants to pick up a series that aired recently like Buddy Complex or Nogunagun or Nobunaga since I haven't since I finished the worst anime of all time, and part of me wants to finish something on my back log like Blood + or Appleseed 13 or Outlaw Star. Not sure where to go next.
  6. IT IS FINALLY OVER! After a thousand centuries of Bandai endlessly milking this longer than they should have it ends and it ended with a bang. A nice bang filled with tons of action where everything ended and came together magnificently. Real shame we had to chuck through so many endless dialogue storms that took up all the other episodes except for 4. At least it looked pretty.
  7. Just got back from seeing it and really enjoyed it, glad I was wrong about my doubts with Gareth Edwards. Also, Godzilla underused? Maybe in the first half, but the second half seemed to have the average amount of time Godzilla should be in a Godzilla movie. So uh.... *grumbles about agreeing with the majority for no reason*
  8. Remember when Godzilla was remembered for the kaiju cast and not silly human blabbering? Pepperidge Farm remembers.
  9. First off, new anime news topic, wanna talk about anime news then do it there, do it here and it is more or less spam: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=41107 I was going to wait a while but oh well. Patlabor up to episode 32, more face palming edition. Having Clancy being replaced by a person identical to her was dumb- Oh wait she is also a crybaby when it comes to ghosts, never mind. Episode 27 had ghosts. Seriously? GHOSTS? It doesn't fit the tone of the series! It is as though the writers had no idea how to make this series CONSISTENT. There is no consistency in this! Episode 28 has.... Surprisingly good build up!.... Only for the next one to have "lets make an episode dedicated to food poisoning and make it a long boring dragged out joke!" I'm not expert on Japanese real estate, but how the hell did only one restaurant be willing to serve THE FRIGGIN POLICE FOOD!? That is a constant stream of customers right there, paid by the tax payers! How in the holy mother of fu- Eps 30 and 31 were also somewhat good only for episode 32 to go "lets just bring Clancy back and put whatshername in the hospital for a while". The stupidity hurts. Also why did they abandoned the Griffin's wings? "Yes, let the authorities have evidence into our illegal activity!" Are they TRYING to kill their own build up on purpose? If so they succeeded.
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