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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. thank you ultimateone. i actually took an exacto blade and shaved off some of the plastic on the peg and it worked like a charm. it was a little nerve wracking, but after a bit it got on. thanks!
  2. Okay, I don't know where else to post this so here goes: I just assembled my 1/48 woodland low camo vf-1a with it's matching gbp armor set. However, the hands that come with the armor set won't fit into the sockets where the vf-1a's hands are plugged in. is there something obvious i'm missing or what? please help, cause I'd like to use the larger hands with the gbp armor as the original hands look way too disproportionate.
  3. any chance someone has L-W1 and L-W2 from a low viz?
  4. i found out from the TMP forums. dead giveaways are that the second release box flaps have no velcro on the corners and the sculpt for the headrest on the seat is 'scooped out'. the last bit about the head rests, should be pretty visible if you compare a max with your first release valks.
  5. After dropping some more money on amassing my 1/48 collection, i realized that the Hikaru I bought was a first release without the fixes and my Roy was a second release with the fixes. I asked my dealer if he had any second release Hikaru's and lo and behold, he had one. I bought it but now I'm wondering if I should worry about securing a first release Roy. Being the obsessive compulsive person that I am, I feel like I should get it just to be complete. But OCD aside, is it worth it? Thoughts? Opinions? Reasons?
  6. now why do you have to go spreading lies like that? it's an UN-official site. we're in no way affiliated with LEGO or Lucasfilm. haterist got banned for being an ass once, but we're nice. we let him back in to play in our sandbox
  7. awesome tips guys. thanks! looks like i did the right thing and asked first. i'll have to look into both the takatoys stickers and anasazi water decals. has there been any threads or articles on the best way to apply? i'm thinking a nice set of fine tweezers and a new x-acto blade are musts. any other tips? apu, if you must know, i dropped $660 on all the 1/48's including the super and strike parts set. still need a low-vizzle. haterist, yep, that would be me. and you are...?
  8. hello everyone. i'm a relative noob to the mw forums. i think i might have posted just once in the old forums asking what the difference between valkyrie and veritech was. anyways, my love for macross has recently been rekindled. i just dropped a few hundred dollars on getting almost all of the yamato 1/48's. the low visibility is now considered my holy grail. i have yet to open any of them and i figure this would be a great opportunity to do things right the first time. stickers: should i apply them or not? i hate using stickers because inevitably the glue will deteriorate, lose its hold, and then start to peel away. that's been my experience with most stickered toys and wanted to know what everyone's sentiment is on applying the stickers. is there a decal sheet out there that i can maybe put on instead? model decals hold forever.... anyways, thanks for listening and i look forward to reading your responses.
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