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Everything posted by penachoy

  1. A favorite classic for me Ten to Chi to (Heaven and Earth) Directed by Haruki Kadokawa
  2. Another picture of the JSI 1/18 Iranian IRIAF Marking F14A and JSI 1:18 Sukhoi SU-27/Shenyang J-11 at 2010 Hong Kong Toy Fair.
  3. Just came across this info from Merit International website. " Due to shipping delay from Germany, JSI 1/18 Iranian marking F14A did not arrive in time for display at Merit’s Booth at American International Toy Fair. This special sample show what a modeler can do with the F14A. Quite a few up grade has been added,……. Perhaps some of the new customization will be incorporated in the future release." Pictures of the Iranian marking F14A
  4. Just the sexy-ness of the figures just catches my attention. They are works of art! Here's my contribution...my favorites! Gurren-lagann's Yoko: Real Image ver. Manufacturer: Max Factory Scale: 1/6 Kinu Nishimura Collection Shiranui Mai Manufacturer: Max Factory Scale: 1/6
  5. I can see it now...diorama involving two GI Joe Tomahawks picking up a downed fighter pilot... a pair of Skyraiders providing close air support.
  6. Thanks for the heads up! I was able to place my pre-orders for the F-14s.
  7. With all this buzz about JSI great modern fighter release..I wonder if BBI will respond by releasing the 1:18 F-16 Viper Aggressor NAS Fallon and 1:18 F-18 Hornet Aggressor NAS Fallon..hmmmm ..What I'm hoping for is a flood of 1:18 modern fighters being released by both companies! There's enough of WW2 stuff out there.
  8. HOLLY CRAP! F-14 NOW FLANKER AND THE EAGLE!! please please please release all of them!
  9. It was disappointing that the 1/18 f-4 phantom was canceled...but this news about the 1/18 f-14 is awesome! Hopefully it does come out.. it would be a sweet item to have next to my BBI 1/18 F-16 and F-18! Definitely planning to buy at least two of them.
  10. thanks for the picture. cant wait to get the 1/60 VE-1 Elint Seeker!
  11. Hi all! Need help...Does anybody know what headscuplt Triad Toys used for their BARENLESS outfit? Thanks in advance.
  12. wow i cant wait either...amazing quality of animation...fast phase and intense!
  13. Just pre-ordered these puppies! Soul of Chogokin Daizengar & Aussenseiter I know there was a plastic kit that was released sometime ago. But finally well deserve SOC treatment!
  14. Bery naaaaaaaaaaaaaa-ice!!!!
  15. Gotta be....Dangaioh - Hyper Combat Unit "Psychic Wave!"
  16. Awesome movie! If your a fan of samurai...sword fights and intense action...this movie is for you.
  17. penachoy

    Latest custom.

    Awesome as always Kurt....great work!
  18. Now that we are going to have a masterpiece grimlock. Takara bring on masterpeice soundwave!
  19. What a teaser! I cant wait to see it. Finally no more red and blue lasers. Real bullets and death....very nice!
  20. interesting.......can anyone confirm this?
  21. penachoy

    Almost Done!!

    Looks great! I cant wait to see when the masterpiece is finally done. I was always curious to see a Roy YF-19.
  22. WOW! Ghostkiller gusty move man but very impressive. You should take different pictures of the different modes. Then someone needs to post it in the CUSTOM section. Great piece of work Ghostkiller!!!!.....
  23. YF-21 Hell's yeah!! Looks good...another one to add to the collection. Now how about making the bad guys Yamato?
  24. penachoy

    SV-51 CF!!!

    Seeing that paint scheme...man..that bird looks beautiful. Yamato needs to do this at least as an exclusive.
  25. Whats new is...its more expensive
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