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ARMD Deck Swabber

ARMD Deck Swabber (2/15)



  1. A favorite classic for me Ten to Chi to (Heaven and Earth) Directed by Haruki Kadokawa
  2. Another picture of the JSI 1/18 Iranian IRIAF Marking F14A and JSI 1:18 Sukhoi SU-27/Shenyang J-11 at 2010 Hong Kong Toy Fair.
  3. Just came across this info from Merit International website. " Due to shipping delay from Germany, JSI 1/18 Iranian marking F14A did not arrive in time for display at Merit’s Booth at American International Toy Fair. This special sample show what a modeler can do with the F14A. Quite a few up grade has been added,……. Perhaps some of the new customization will be incorporated in the future release." Pictures of the Iranian marking F14A
  4. Just the sexy-ness of the figures just catches my attention. They are works of art! Here's my contribution...my favorites! Gurren-lagann's Yoko: Real Image ver. Manufacturer: Max Factory Scale: 1/6 Kinu Nishimura Collection Shiranui Mai Manufacturer: Max Factory Scale: 1/6
  5. I can see it now...diorama involving two GI Joe Tomahawks picking up a downed fighter pilot... a pair of Skyraiders providing close air support.
  6. Thanks for the heads up! I was able to place my pre-orders for the F-14s.
  7. With all this buzz about JSI great modern fighter release..I wonder if BBI will respond by releasing the 1:18 F-16 Viper Aggressor NAS Fallon and 1:18 F-18 Hornet Aggressor NAS Fallon..hmmmm ..What I'm hoping for is a flood of 1:18 modern fighters being released by both companies! There's enough of WW2 stuff out there.
  8. HOLLY CRAP! F-14 NOW FLANKER AND THE EAGLE!! please please please release all of them!
  9. It was disappointing that the 1/18 f-4 phantom was canceled...but this news about the 1/18 f-14 is awesome! Hopefully it does come out.. it would be a sweet item to have next to my BBI 1/18 F-16 and F-18! Definitely planning to buy at least two of them.
  10. thanks for the picture. cant wait to get the 1/60 VE-1 Elint Seeker!
  11. Hi all! Need help...Does anybody know what headscuplt Triad Toys used for their BARENLESS outfit? Thanks in advance.
  12. wow i cant wait either...amazing quality of animation...fast phase and intense!
  13. Just pre-ordered these puppies! Soul of Chogokin Daizengar & Aussenseiter I know there was a plastic kit that was released sometime ago. But finally well deserve SOC treatment!
  14. Bery naaaaaaaaaaaaaa-ice!!!!
  15. Gotta be....Dangaioh - Hyper Combat Unit "Psychic Wave!"
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