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Everything posted by capezio11

  1. ewilen: The 1/48 Yamato is 10.25 inches tall in battloid (w/o the laser(s) extended) so the Beta would still be shorter than that. How tall is the 1/60 Yamato? Around 8 inches?
  2. I've been looking for this for awhile but it looks like this is the first pick of a side by side of the Toynami 1/55 and the ARII 1/48 model. Check this out: Here is a pic from an auction on Ebay: Comparison of Gakken 1/35, Toynami 1/55 and ARII 1/48 Here is the original auction: Ebay auction Just as it appeared to me from other pics earlier on this thread, the 1/55 is almost the same size as the 1/48. Seems bigger than it should be to me for a 1/55. The arms on the Toynami don't look like they're extended all the way...
  3. Thanks guys for the advice that was helpful. And Hiriyu thanks especially for the link that's what I wanted to see.
  4. Its been 20 years since I saw RT and I've never seen Macross so I was curious as to how it was changed. I've read up on it recently but there is nothing like seeing for yourself (err or reading for yourself before buying?). I understand the story is darker overall with more adult themes but that doesn't tell me much. I'm just now finding out that RT was taken from Macross, so for the last two decades I have been blissfully unaware of this plagarism and bastardization of two other series to make RT. This is like finding out your wife of twenty years isn't who she said she was, and that in fact she is a transsexual from Canada who happened to meet you while on the run from the law and is still wanted in three states. (no offense to transsexuals or Canada I like you both....in a very platonic way) Anyway the point is you still can't just errase those twenty years! I need to find out if I'm ready to face the truth or if I'd rather stick with my fond childhood memories. Kinda like that guy in the Matrix...you know the one that wants back in even though he knows its a lie. So do you know of a text copy of the subtitles on the net? I guess what I really want would be a transcript of the subtitles from the DVDs??? Edit: forgot about the OVA thing. The follow-ups to Macross sometimes are referred to not as a movie or series but an OVA (I think) like the one Do You Remeber Love? So I wanted to know what that acronym meant.
  5. I've been trying to find a script of the tv series to read before I decide between getting Macross or RT on DVD. If anyone has a link they can give me I'd appreciate it. Oh and what does OVA stand for?
  6. You can go to Jeff Russell's Starship Dimensions for a good size comparison between a VF-1 and the Invid.
  7. Wow, thanks a lot everyone. I think I'll go with the 1/48 Yamato. The Toynami's front landing gear is F'd and the whole front end is a little out of wack from the chest plate on. The part I really don't like on the MPC is the metal "hinge" thing that attaches the legs to the fuselage. I have one last question: Does anyone know of a store in the Washington, DC area where I can look at the various toys in person?
  8. EXO, you've been really helpful so far so don't hold back now....lets have that opinion. I think I've kinda made up my mind. I'm pissed at every manufacturer b/c they all are screwing me on the scale issue!!
  9. Thanks everyone this is all helping. So I guess I don't care about the difference between the toys as far as Macross/Robotech. As far as the comparison between the shows I'll have another thread up in the appropriate spot later I'm sure So after a quick review based on your responses I'm thinking the Yamato 1/48 are the best for detail and also the Toynami MPC series at 1/55 seem to be about in the same league, followed by the Yamato 1/60. However, I've noticed that the Toynami has the front landing gear coming out of the rear edge of the nose and the nose itself looks to round overall, unlike the Yamato that has that characteristic undulation on the ventral side of the nose just at the cockpit and the front gear comes out behind that undulation. Which is accurate? (sorry its been 20 years since I saw the show) If they exist can anyone direct me to comparison shots of the Yamato and Toynami? I'm trying to make my own but its a pain. So how abut the Zentraedi and Destroids? I saw somone is making a 1/60 Monster. Who is making what when and in what scales? Thanks again everyone!
  10. Thanks EXO, general information and lots of links is what I need to start with. I got the Macross/Robotech difference. I grew up on Robotech but when it comes to the toys I see no difference....or should I? So if Yamato doesn't make Robotech toys does anyone just make Robotech toys? With the 1/48 does size mean more detail? Hey Alvaro what is a 1/60 GBP??
  11. Also one other thing... I saw something about "Perfect Transformation" or something like that and I thought they had that problem licked back in the 80s. I had a VF-1 back in the day (it would be worth big bucks now!) and it transformed without removing anything. So if there are any major lines out now that you have to remove things to transform them a heads-up would be appreciated! Thanks
  12. My first post here so hi everyone. I decided to start collecting Macross/Robotech toys and I have a few questions. My first priority is scale. I really want the most complete collection I can make within the same scale. 1. What scale do you recommend? 1/48, 1/55, 1/60 2. What manufacturer do you feel has the best quality? 3. Where can I see side by side comparisons of toys by manufacturer and/or scale? Number three is really important b/c in a comparison shot I saw awhile back some of the toys were just all wrong as far as the nose, the cockpit and location of the front landing gear. Also, I saw that Toynami is producing the Alpha fighter in 1/55, is there any chance of Yamoto producing a 1/48 Alpha or anyone else? Thanks!
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