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Fort Max

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Everything posted by Fort Max

  1. This thread needs more pics.
  2. Wow, it looks great, now who can get a bigger version of this pic? Graham, save robotech, anyone?
  3. Wow, Beagles 3d showroom model certainly looks good. I'm not going to hold my breath that I'll have exactly that in my hands when it ships but I will be watching it very closely.
  4. Add me to those hoping for a re-issue of Scott's Alpha. *crosses fingers* The Beta will look nice nough on it's own if they don't though, I suppose....
  5. Cool pre-orders, thanks for posting them guys. I ordered a Blue Beta and a set of series 4 1/100's, it's been ages since I got anything from BBTS, I'd forgotten quite how slick their system is.
  6. That toy can't even be two years old.
  7. well mine is on it's way from HLJ so if I get one with the crooked shaft I'll just have to hope HLJ has another to replace it with.
  8. This thread is just going to go round in circles until Bandai shows the goods!
  9. Fair enough, I do have the Gunbuster and most of the diecast is either internal (lots of strengthening bars etc) or it's parts that don't really scrape against anything else. I think (hope) that Bandai leanrt their lesson with the SOC Dancouga which I belive (I don't own this one) had paint scraping issues where the metal "ear" parts of the mammoth had to be carefully folded isnide the chest. If it'd been plastic there wouldn't have been any trouble.
  10. They just announced a DX perfect transform Chogokin, it doesn't get more metaly and transformering then that.
  11. This is what people keep trying to tell you, Bandai are about the one company that can make painted metal transforming toys work.
  12. Yes, but Bandai are involved so the knives are out. Most of Aquarion's problems are inherrent in it's design. As bold as it was of Kawamori to try and mahe a Getter Robo type toy that worked it was never the best design decision in the world to have 1/3 of it's weight on it's back in each robot form.
  13. I've noticed that both versions have really different scuplts, the MH one has the better looking RA scuplt imo, especially in the torso and hip armour.
  14. Finally a straight up comparison shot. Well that seals it for me, Megahouse win by a mile. And both need support, the deisgn has a huge great backpack sticking out and wheels on struts, there's no way either of them would ever stand on their own unless you could put ballast in the front part of the armour.
  15. I can't wait to see the reasoning used around here to say "Yamato should have made these" when Bandai turns out a fantastic toy you can both afford and play with. Seriously, I know Bandai has stiffed Macross in the past, I've seen those toys and yes they're dissapointing. But those toys were cheap, easy efforts for a licence they weren't really backing. But this time Bandai has said they're doing a chogokin large sized Valkyrie, that won't be a cheap easy effort, it will be a fantastic toy.
  16. Ray was showing as low stock at HLJ so I requested shipment, fingers crossed.
  17. Chances are that Kaiyaido will do a Revoltech one now they're doing that red and white AS.
  18. Not nessacraily a month, could be early March. Maybe their shipment from the factory was delayed and they can't ship them out till necxt month now, who knows.
  19. It's the movie version of Ingram 1, it says so on the poster displayed at wondefest so it's not a rumour or nowt. The poster in question, http://www.hlj.com/hlj_gallery2/v/wonfest/...C_9393.jpg.html
  20. I don't think any of those are the flagship 1/60 Chogokin though, the Wonderfest reports mentioned simpler 1/100 figures so probably those.
  21. Well HLJ have changed their ride armours to a March release as well if it makes you feel any better.
  22. I saw it mentioned on TBDX, thought someone woulda posted it in the CM's Patlabor thread. Hadn't seen those scans though, cheers Graham.
  23. Houquet confirmed (not that there was much doubt), http://www.hlj.com/hlj_gallery2/v/wonfest/...C_9596.jpg.html
  24. I watched the tv spot the other day on the official site, this is looking like the best movie out this year.
  25. Alex, great review, thanks, really put my mind at rest after I ordered a Ray last night on whim. Dissasembly doesn't bother me much on these since it's an impossible design to begin with. Tires be damned, I think they put them on Yellows bike to make it stand out more. The visor is the wrong colour, no doubt about it but I'm no gonna let it stop me from enjoying this! That's the first one of those I've actually liked, pity about the other comments made on it. I'll bet your 1/18 doesn't have unfolding verniers in it's hub caps that need to face down in the ride armour mode it also doesn't have.
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