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Fort Max

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Everything posted by Fort Max

  1. Yeah, I remember reading that. Well the Elmeth didn't happen and they did put out the Destroy from Destiny (completely forgot about that one, lol) so I;ve no idea what to expect from Bandai at any time, ever. They're either really predicatable or really random.
  2. Perhaps if enough peeps hold off on it it'll go on sale. Movie details sound good, more Gurren Lagann can only be a good thing imo.
  3. All of the above! (I hope) I wasn't interested in Godmars much (though I have seen a few eps) untill I saw those finished pictures and realised quite what an accomplishment it is, it may even be a more complex and slicker toy then the Gunbuster which is my current fave SOC. It's just so smooth and perfect in both modes, Bandai worked real hard on this and it shows in spades. To sum up, I am so getting a Godmars when I get paid on Monday. I may get Black Sarena but will more likely wait and see if it goes on sale later on, I've notcied that the Specs (bar the Evas) don't seem to sell as well as the main SOC's. Anyone seen any good pics showing how big the Black Serena is? It seems quite a high price compared to Bandai's other toys.
  4. I've been willing Bandai to do a Denby since the line's first year and still nothing bigger then a mobile suit has come out. No Dendrobium, no meteor and probably no GN Arms for Exia, I don't get it myself, it's not like Bandai at all.
  5. Huh, that's weird, neither of those showed up in my bitlord's internal search. Cheers Wolfx.
  6. Is there an english subbed .avi of ep 24 out yet? The first one I downloaded was a damn, dirty raw and the second was in Spainsh or Porteugese or something I couldn't understand a word of.
  7. Well I opened my MH Ray and had a run through the transformation and there are several heart attack moments in it but afterwards I took it apart a bit and it'snowhere near as complicated as it seems. My biggest bugbear was the rubbery polycap style joints that so much of this design uses, the ones the front fairing halves were on kept popping off all the time. The armatures that the wheels are on could have been made tighter or even lightly ratcheted, having them swinging around everywhere bothered me immensely. Then there's the engine, the first time I pushed this in it didn't go all the way so I had to use some force and when it suddenly overcame it's resistance it shot back and the shock snapped the peg holding the seat in it's transformed position! Now it just hangs limply in RA mode. Partly my fault for being careless (though how I was supposed to forsee that I don't know) and partly the fault of the manufactureing process leaving the engine stuck in it's groves and of course the fact that the peg was made of cheap soft pastic. But no matter, I actually like this toy now I've seen it's best and it's worst, if I can shore up the joints so it'll stand better then I'll probably love it more. I'll leave getting Stick for now but I'll pre-order Yellow when he goes up and then see how much Beagles little masterpiece is going to cost. Guys, is t safe to just pull the rider figure apart at the waist?
  8. It's looking very nice but there are gonna be a lot more Gurren Lagann toys to come and I have a feeling Bandai will SOC it at some point.
  9. Just watched the video, now I really do need that toy, I loved the first one.
  10. My Megahouse Ray finally turned up today but I don't know if I even want to open it now. The Beagle isn't going to be cheap afterall so I might not be able to afford it.
  11. His shoulder pads look fabricy too.
  12. Damn you all, you're making me want this now, after I already decided to skip it.
  13. I hate that screw in his foot! j/k That is Luuuuuuurve.
  14. Nothing at all in the hobby mags? I'd have thought this would be big news after the debut at wonderfest.
  15. I stopped watching this weeks ago after the Trinty twats came in and it seemed to be heading in the Seed super gumdam showdown route. My friend however kept watching and yesterday he told me that the episodes had taken on an almost Tomino like callousness towards the characters. Needless to say that piqued my interest so I just downloaded and watched episodes 18-23 in one sitting and I am feeling quite impressed. Overall it has few of the the famous Gundam cliches and not many predictable endings either, the whole tragedy that befell Lousie was nothing short of a war crime and I actually all but cheered when they got what was coming to them. 23 however has just left me feeling a little bit sad, it was a good ending but damn he was the best character. I'm more interested to see what Saji will do from here then just about anyone else in the cast though.
  16. Cool scans, L-Gaim I want, Daimos looks very well done and I might buy it but I doubt it. No mention of that mystery SRW SOC yet, guess we won't find out what it is they're planning for another month or two yet given that T-28 only has a little tiny teaser pic.
  17. Cool, finally somebody is doing something to sidestep fansubbing.
  18. That Baegle has "hella expensive" written all over it.
  19. Holy crap, the next SOC is a Super Robot Wars mech! http://f20.yahoofs.com/hkblog/_veuUfCRGAWr...b_____DryBl0vQB Could it possibly be, dare I get my hopes for... SRX! *brain explodes* Variable formation FTW!
  20. Yes! L-Gaim, finally a new SOC I actually want to buy.
  21. I was talking about the hobby mag pics of the Beagle Ride Armour prototype but those MH decals would be sweet too.
  22. My MH Ray has yet to arrive but I'm wondering if I should just stick it on ebay and wait for the beagle now instead. Has nobody managed to get that magazine and scan it yet?
  23. Ah well, it did have this massive feeling of too good to be true about it.
  24. How many other people actually prefer the Toynami design to the CM's one? I'm very surprised to have reached this realizaition but I'm just not that bothered about CM's set and haven't been for a while and yet yesterday I pre-ordered Toynami's Beta without hesitation. I think both have their strong points, CM's does have excellent looking missle bays but the landing gear and the plain nasty connecting bar spoil it. Toynami's design seems to have improved greatly, most noticeably now hiding the cockpit in robot mode and though we havn't seen any gimmciks yet their Alpha had all the hatches and whatnot so I don't see much reaosn to think this will be any different. There's also the asthetic to consider, CM's went with a more modern looking style whileToynami has actually created a more anime accurate look.I wouldn't be bothered if neither one was perfectly accurate but I do like the look of Toynami's more, it just looks more 80's and wins points for that alone. That said I wish they were more forthcoming with information, delays people can handle but keeping your customers in the dark is a bad idea for pretty much any buisness.
  25. CM's loves them some styrofoam.
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