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Fort Max

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Everything posted by Fort Max

  1. That little robot was quite amazing I wonder the price point on that guy.....Z?????????? The video captions mentioned something along the lines of 380,000 yen FM
  2. Go to HLJ, download the sci-fi toy show movie and there's a few seconds of footage of the monster shot at the Tokyo toy show where it was in monster mode. Looks great and the cannons look pretty long to me. Fort Max
  3. Go Yamato, pimp that sexy beast.. Rawr!! With this sudden mass showing of the monster and the pics on Yamatos site it should hopefully be out before the end of the year. Fort Max
  4. No, not Yamato. That's the old Studio Half Eye 1/100 scale YF-19 perfect-variable resin garage kit. Graham seriously, seeing that pic really makes me question why it was (and is) so hard for yamato to release a yf 19fp... they could have easily modified the current sculpt, (fix the legs a bit and make it leaner, etc) and slap some fast packs and you would have had many grateful fans buying it in no time. Instead, they leave people guessing on whether or not it's cancelled or not. What's SO difficult? they already had the fast pack versions of the 21 and 11B going (which were all old sculpts with FPs anyway) why not just complete the series and bring some closure to it? personally I've long since given up any expectations for it... but that picture kinda made my closet-ed feelings surface a bit. Basically, Kits are made out of resin, resin isn't suitable for toys, plastic can't be formed as thin as resin can be. Also plastic requires different engineering and fixing techniques. That might not be totally acurate but it's more or less sound. Fort Max
  5. All that's on my list for now is the Koenig monster and the YF19-FP if it ever happens. Fort Max
  6. Uber, uber droolage. This has shot to the top of my robot buying list, it's just so .... awesome, *starts to cry* Fort Max
  7. Fort Max

    1/60 Gbp

    I wouldn't bother waiting for that, those e-mail confirmations often come hours after they actually ship it and HLJ have actually gotten better at getting new stuff out the door as soon as it comes in. Case in point, a new Tf came out yesterday abnd I was surprised to find that HLJ had not only got it in but had allready sent it it on it's way to me. Last time I pre-ordered from them, it took them three days to get it sent after it came in. These look nice, I might get one while I wait for that monster. Fort Max
  8. I'm all for unique and complex toys but one expensive piece at a time please. Fort Max
  9. How hard can it be to design a single hinge when you've allready made Soooo many impressive toys. You guys are throwing around 1/48 GBP like it's solid information, is it fact or just wishfull thinking? Fort Max
  10. When in doubt, good old Hobby link will sort you out, http://www.hlj.com/scripts/hljpage.cgi?BAN922945 Well,of course it's a good reproduction of the bike,but the one i'm asking for help is a REAL KANEDA'S MOTORBIKE Oh that, it's just a promotional model that's been at variuos shows in Japan. If there were any plans to make a real working replica of the bike it would be everywhere on the internet. I'd stick with the 1/12 if I were you. HLJ's pics of the Koenig are great, thank heavens they didn't miss it. Fort Max
  11. When in doubt, good old Hobby link will sort you out, http://www.hlj.com/scripts/hljpage.cgi?BAN922945 Wickedness, who needs wheels when you've got tanks to land on. Fort Max
  12. This "no Photos" rule that Shizouka has seems a bit daft, why put something on display if you don't want it to be seen I can understand that they feel that allowing endless photos to be taken might hurt next years attendance figures but I can't imagine anyone who likes it skipping on going unless they had too. Has anyone been to it before, is it as much fun as it looks or is it like E3 whwich gets slated by every games journo that goes. Fort Max
  13. That's just the angle the pic is taken at and the fact that the ship is also resting at an angl. But it quite clearly is the VB-6, the alignment of the cannons can be seen to be the same as the line art/proto pics and you can also see the battroid mode claw at the top right of the ship (in the image sense). Fort Max
  14. It's only just debuted and it's a protoype, nobody knows anything more then wahat can be translated from the tag. HLJ usually puts some notes with each pic they take so just wait for their report to go up tomorrow. Fort Max
  15. Bloody hell, that's twice now it's been on display and left unphotographed. What is it about this toy that makes it invisible to people with cameras. Fort Max
  16. Crap, you're right Why none of the websites have taken any pics I don't know, hopefully HLJ will rectify this with their own report. Fort Max
  17. £100 sounds fair to me FM
  18. I thought it had been seen in one of those magazine scans Graham was kind enough to post, perhaps I was wrong. Fort Max
  19. I'm confused as to how this can possibily be legal. Isn't Toynamis stuff titled as "Robotech" and Yamatos toys are "Macross" so how can they order someone selling products licensed under a different name? It's not like the "Takara can't reissue Jetfire beacuse bandai owns it" thing, I can belive that because it's excatly the same toy but these are two very different product lines. Fort Max
  20. Not to mention Macross X, Turn A Macross and of course the all new Macross Seed. FM
  21. I'd like to see the VF-X sort of thing Graham metioned just so I could see the Koenig monster in animated form. If not that, then newer, bigger even more ingenious mechas are always welcome. Fort Max
  22. Fort Max

    Almost there...

    Perhaps that post came across the wrong way. I wasn't dissapointed with it, quite the opposite in fact. It's a great looking toy and has as Dr Clay pointed out, Charm which is unusual in most of the modern diecast robot toys. As I said it has it's flaws but It was Yamatos early attempt so I'm not going to hate on it for them. Shin Densetsu, don't worry mate I have every intent of getting a 1/48 fairly soon but not this month as I only just got paid for the first time in my new job and the money's gotta last Y'know Fort Max (putting a fiver aside for the Koenig)
  23. Fort Max

    Almost there...

    I just got it this morning in about two days from Asia, surely that can't be bad going It's a nice toy, I was surprised by how big is it and it's weight, however it is a little floppy and awkward looking and it really needs some locking joints to keep both the upper and lower torsos in place. Everytime I try to move the arms it gets taller But as it was Yamatos first stab at the concept, I'll forgive the falws and I eagerly await the newer stuff. Fort Max
  24. Fort Max

    Almost there...

    Whoa, the seller sent it out today and I can safely say that he (stealth639) is the best ebay trader I have ever had the pleasure of dealing with. He has e-mailed no less then three times to confirm recepit of payment/shipment of the valk/and to provide a scan of the EMS receipt respectively. At the rate he works at, I might even have it before the end of the week I'll post my feelings on it when I've had some quality time with it Finally, thanks guys for your positive comments. I was half expecting to get a torrent of "that toy suXXors" messages but you've been great. Shin Densetsu, Yeah I hang out here now as well but TFW is still my home on the net. Fort Max
  25. From the looks of it, I'd say that they are going to tease it out with prototype Destroid pictures next month then Battroid the month after that and then maybe some colour pictures followed by sketchy release details. Fort Max
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