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Fort Max

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Everything posted by Fort Max

  1. Gunota has listings for Aprill and Mays Plamodel releases, interestingly the first kit of the "Destiny" Gundam is due before the "Freedom 2". Both are still unconfirmed names.
  2. I was always taught that you get what you pay for, unfortunately we live in times where what you get isn't worth what you have to pay. I like going to the cinema but I never buy any foood or drink specifically to keep the cost down so I can go see anothe rmovie in the not too distant future.
  3. Er, it's beacuse... ok there is no real answer but it's one of thsoe things I never really questioned untill somebody else mentions it. I suspect that later on it may very well take off fully or even half completed, V gundam did some pretty imaginative things with it's system so I hope to see at least some of that in this series even though there's only one total suit.
  4. Awesome! My fave (besides the idealsiticness of T-birds) has been brought back to life and it looks pretty damn good for it's first episodes. Im pissed that I missed teh first episode though, my TV books were too busy raving about Joey to give this the time of day. Like how they've rename dall the vehciles yet it's till obvious what they are to old fans (barring the new stuff). My only fears are that the acting sounds terrible and that the cheesy fake trucks used to hide the old SPV's won't reappear. Hope some good toys come of this, I own all the Dinky and Matchbox models.
  5. There was an article on this series in the 3rd issue of the UK's first mainstream anime/asian culture magazine. Hows that for permeation. I'd like to see this but I'm not down with downloading licensed series, I'll wait a while and see if it gets announced for a UK release since a few more recent Geneon titles are finding their way over.
  6. I don't know if it's news or not but there's a picture (allbeit a small one) of treh Batmobile toy in the latest Argos catalogue over here in England. Looks like a nice toy, I can scan it if anyone wants to see it. The film is looking very good, this along with War of the Worlds are teh only moves I'm excited for.
  7. Athrun was never in deep enough danger to trigger the whole seed thing. I think, I still haven't seen the last 10 or so eps so no lectures if I'm wrong please. Athrun vs Sting, As well as territory and Sting being more used to the chaos. The reverse can be said of Athrun and the Saviour in that he isn't used to it yet and it's aslo hella fast which might have thrown his accuracy off. Discipline, I aggree that Shinn got off well easy, especially compared to past characters such as Uso Ebbing (V) or Garroad Ran (X). He shouldn't have disobeyed orders so openly but he did deal that upcoming base a significant blow. Abyss's development, As wella s Australia, ZAFT still has their base at Carepentaria which is costal based so it's fair to say that Abyss is a test bed for future underwater suits to defend their exsisting territory. That's certainly how I'd sell it if I was dullindal, speaking of which I still don't think he's going to be the main bad guy here. Their just doesn't seem to be any foreshadowing or indication that he's anything otrher then his appearence belies. That would seem rather unusual to me given the blatentness of the "clue" surrounding Neos identity in the new Op. Windams vs Gundams, Several points to throw out here. The EA pilots are only regular troops and second to that, they're naturals as well. All the Gundam pilots and Neo are co-ordinators of one kind or another and are elite well trained pilots on top of that. The phase shift armour isn't just for show. Shinn & Stellar, Awww, another young love tradgey in the making. I hope it's as involving as Camille and Four. I think that's everything, all in all it was a good epsiode. I hope shinn can move forward from here no matter where that may take him.
  8. Anime is a very vast medium, what type of shows do you like?
  9. HLJ has the new HCM Pro pics up in much larger formats, Force Impulse Zaku Warrior HyakuShiki AEUG Gundam Mk II They all look so great and this line isn't even into double figures yet*. *Repaints don't count. Gotta admit, I am slighlty disspaointed that the Mk2 is just a straight repaint. If they'd added the G-Defensor or even just the re-entry sledge then I'd have no qualms about buying it again. As it is, I'll be leaving it for now in case they do just that. Which brings me to a question for all of you, who here is concerned about buying the HyakuShiki now when Bandai will likely release it again with the much loved Mega Launcher later on?
  10. First pics of Cosmic Reigon Freedom Gundam can be seen here and some more of those wack I-doll figures. http://groups.msn.com/rlhmnqs8dd8puj7pei4u...508611873631544
  11. If only it was complex as the Victory then I would have brought the first GQ allready. Perhaps Shinns new unit will rectify the lack of complexly engineered suits in this series. A transforming "Freedom Mk2" would be logical after they did the same thing to the Strike to get Impulse. btw, New pics of all kinds of fgures and models posted on Gunota including final catalogue shots of the Force Impulse HCMP. Finally, has anyone else actually watched the edited epsiode? I did and as recaps go it was pretty good, got to see all the cool bits again and it reminded me that quite a bit has actually happened in the series so far.
  12. I'd buy one for sure, I like it so much that it's first and so far only the only Macross toy I've brought.
  13. Surporised nobody has mentioned this bit of info posted on Gunota, Sounds very cool. Chaos kit looks very nice too.
  14. Freedom is on the way, it was hown in shillouette with a few others back when the HCM Pro line was first shown in magazines. I love these little figures, they are to my mind the perfect balance between figure/model & value/size. Very impressed that the HCMP Impulses shield actually compacts at that small scale. Looking forward to lots of Zaku varients.
  15. Well, considering that Rob is in Japan, and Cap is in Canada. I would say there's a pretty good chance that they'll ship internationally... Well that sounds hopefull. Actually, it's the first I've heard of these guys so I have no idea where they are.
  16. Please tell me you ship internationally?
  17. That SRX is amazing, I so need that. There was a bigger scan of the gattai page posted on ToyboxDx which I'll repost for you here,
  18. Athrun hasn't done much to try to placate Shinn or even thank him for saving his life when Junius 7 was falling. I kept thinking in this episode that he would try to reconcile with him since it shoudl look to both of them that they are going to be fighting together more often.
  19. I don't know what show you guys were watching because SEED did not have four recaps. It had two and a half. First half of episode 14, all of episode 26 and most of episode 27. Opps, should have said I was basing that off what someone else said. Still, that means there isn't as much filler as I thought, yay!
  20. Recap eps are only fair for those who aren't collecting the series on their hard drives or have missed 1 or 2 or even a chunk of episodes. Seed had 4 which works out more or less as one at the end of ecah 13 ep season with one final reminder before the finale (which I still haven't seen) 15 was ok, nothing really special but the brief sparring between the Saviour and the Murasume's was cool and made me think of Zeta's variable suit skirmishes. Really was stupid of Orb to just fire on him without answering his questions at all, it should have been clear that he had no idea what was going on. Lunamaria must be pretending to be dense, she saw Cagalli and Athrun arrive practically clutching ecah other. And yet she seems surprised at his reaction to the news.
  21. Said it there and I'll say it here, these are amazing!
  22. Well they have been really churing out the Seed dvd releases but untill the fansubs are pulled we have no idea when to expect Destiny discs.
  23. I just got done watching the first epsiode of new anime series "Jinki Extend" after the title caught my eye on animesukis frontpage list. It's based on a manga according to ANNs info archive by other then that it seems all new, or does it? Watching the first epsiode I couldn't help but notice how many similarities there were to what seems to have become the formula for those hoping to follow after Evas success, you've got the little helpless kid who is needed by figures who sit around a big flashy table and hide in halflights and all the foreshadowing and hinting at things to come you'd expect and don't forget the modern art monsters of course. (The kid is even painting at the start like Ayato from Rahxephon.) Where this series differs is in the mecha itself, unlike eva the lead mecha here isn't mysterious or alien in it's appearence. It's purely mechanical and is found just sitting around out side a hangar, no mechadramtic launch sequences here. It doesn't show any signs of life or unexplicably save the girls life in the nick of time either. In fact save for a beam cannon finishing move the mecha is very relaistic and wholly convincing like Gundams used to be or perhaps full Metal Panics asthetically pleasing but semi realistic Arbalest would be a better comparsion. The strange thing (to me at least) is that I found this unmysterious, completely lifeless mecha more intriguing then the"yes, I get it, it's alive" "machines" of Eva and it's peers and imitators and I'm interetsed in how the story will progress without a reliance on the machine to drive the narrative. Will it *gasp* actually focus on the pilots and what they have to do or will it turn around and reintroduce them back into the dreaded high school setting with the usual ups and downs of school life to entertain us. Right now as it stands, it shows real promise to be this seasons "must see" arty mecha show. But lets hear your opinions, something refreshing or just another rehash? Check it out here, http://www.animesuki.com/series.php/545.html
  24. The Destiny MSiA are actually pretty detailed. I'm very happy with mine so far. My favorites so far are the Force/Sword/Blast Impulse and the Blaze & Slash Zaku Phantoms. The Savior, Gaia, Abyss and Chaos are also pretty good as well. Yzak's big double bladed axe can't exactly fold, but the haft (handle) is made of two parts consisting of a long and a short section. You can remove the long section to make the axe shorter for storing it on the rear skirt armor of the Zaku. The spike on the end of the axe does fold. The two beam blades are removeable and the two beam emitter parts are hinged, so that they fold down into a more compact form. Graham Thanks Graham, That actually sounds pretty slick, I'll wait and see if all these varients make it out into the HCM Pro line though since I've started collecting those rather then try and catch up to msia's. Would it kill Bandai to make a GQ Zaku warrior though, they could varient the hell out of it and I bet a lot fans would want one or two of them. Just watched ep14, I really liked both the new themes straight away. Nice to have something so different once in a while. The Freedom Mk2 does look very fancy but I hope it's design is a bit more advanced then we can see there. I'm looking forward to seeing Waldfields Murasume, there's a very brief glimpse of it in the hanger and it looked an awful lot like Zeta in that shot.
  25. I just love these beautifull arty intros/outros they do. The Seed ones have to be some of the best I've seen. New suit looks cool, an evolved Freedom was kind of expected though. New Uniforms are nice too, so AEUG it hurts. Graham, I don't really buy MSIA's so I don't know how detailed they are but I was just wondering if the Axe on Yzaks Zaku folds up at all like it does in the anime?
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