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Fort Max

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Everything posted by Fort Max

  1. Fortunately, not all 'fans' are anally retentive and will be happy to just have a toy at all. Megazone 23 came out 20 years ago. The fact that someone is actually doing something with the license is amazing in itself. As well as Yamatos toy Max Factory have a diecast figure in development.
  2. I thought it was very good, the characters aren't the best but it had some very cool sequences.
  3. It's been licensed so time for me to pull out and wait for the dvd's.
  4. According to Matt Alt of toyboxdx.com thes epictures are of Altieri Sais original sculpt and are NOT of Yamatos version now in development. http://toyboxst.inwards.com/phorum/read.ph...81993ba08e02d76
  5. It's wrong but I want it.
  6. Those pics really show off how awesome that scuplt is looking, full cockpit and all. Thanks for sharing.
  7. SG-1 is a great fun show that and my sci-fi fan mother have enjoyed watching since day one but Atlantis has bettered it before the first season was even done imo. It has a dark edge to it then you see in SG-1 very, very rarely.
  8. They're heavily teasing out this new Gundam, Gunota has 3 more shilloutte's.
  9. It does have a rider and when it transforms the open saddle becomes a fully enclosed cockpit, http://www.mahq.net/mecha/megazone23/megaz...3-1/garland.htm
  10. two sizes, Gasgapon and action figure.
  11. It's a bit soon for subs, it takes a few days. Seed fansubs version usually comes around Tusedays. Quick question, does Kiras "group" have a name for itself yet?
  12. Gunota have posted some info for the 3rd Ed, For those who haven't heard of her, Rie Fu is ace. She did the first ed for the anime Bleach which is currently airing.
  13. If you watch Saviour's startup, when the GUNDAM acronym is highlighted in red, Unsubdued Nuclear is overwritten by Unrestricted Network, like Impulse and the stolen units. Damn, that's sneaky. The scene cuts literally just after Unsubdued changes to Unrestricted.
  14. Sorry to bring this back up but a couple of pages back I mentioned that I thought Saviour was of the nuclear drive persuassion. I was reminded of the original pre series info which clearly stated that it was powered by the newer deuterion battery system. But when I was watching this episode, Saviours power up sequence clearly flashes up the "Generation Unsubdued Nuclear Drive Assualt Module" start up screen. Also azreal said that the shape of Freedoms wings was different in the closing animation, I saw this as well this time now that you mentioned it. I'm surprised I didn't see it before, the difference is quite clear. Not only are the wings more sword like in shape but it seems to be carrying new weapons and it's back to back with another gundam, I think Saviour though it could be the new suit we've yet to see. The episode was quite cool, a lot of stock footage (no gimmick forgotten) but a vicious albeit short battle. I'm surprised no one has mentioned how uncomprimising Shinn is when fighting. The Gelsgee MA is so badass, I'm going to be praying for a figure of this in some form, preferably HCMP. A lot has been said of Shinn and Athrun but I think Athrun has the measure of him and they even seemed to start bonding at the end when Shinn was telling his tale.
  15. From TNI's Wonderfest coverage, their Konami section features two robots and figures from a presumably new anime. Does anyone know anything about it? http://afigures.com/g/?mode=album&album=Wo...ize=800&start=0
  16. TNI have lots of pictures from the current Wonderfest and in the Kaiyaido section... http://afigures.com/g/?mode=album&album=Wo...ize=800&start=0
  17. Yamato seems to be leaving Macross after punping out 1/48 varients to pump out varients of it's newest masterpiece the 1:12 Scopedog. Anyone sense a theme... Garland looks great so far though it has a messy crotch.
  18. Didn't X do badly because at the time it was competing with Eva?
  19. Freedoms power certainly doesn't need an upgrade, I think it's funny that after all those other new suits last years model is still the most pwerfull in the field. Maybe though it will get some kind of minor refitting that gives it a V-Gundam style beam shield since that seems to be an emerging technolgy in Destiny now. Either way, I'm dying to see some art of these new suits.
  20. Victory would be very cool, I've been working my way through the fansubs this month and I like the design a lot. I'd really like to see the X or even the Double X get some love, to the best of my knowledge they haven't even got msia's.
  21. The XI Gundam is amazing, someone on ToyboxDX said that this was the pinnacle of MS size and technology in the UC so it's only fitting that it finds it's way nto this line.
  22. Caught the second episode, the graphics are very nice, the acting isn't as dire as it seemed in the trialer, there are a lot of really nice mecha designs including a big arse russian tank and it maintains the originals principle of not talking down to it's audience. all in all, a very good start, hope it doesn't get canned.
  23. It would seem a bit bizzare to release a ver2 of the cheapest kit type though. I'm going with Freedom Mk2 being Shinns new suit and Destiny being the supposedly big suit seen in the background of the current intro.
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