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Fort Max

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Everything posted by Fort Max

  1. Sweet, so glad to hear that this back on the release books.
  2. This is looking like a knockout!
  3. Gubaba, I'd like to see Xabungle myself, there was the first six episodes fansubbed once and it was pretty cool.
  4. My thoughts exactly and if anything can get her noticed in the west then it's involvement in a big Spielberg flick.
  5. Aye, I want to see more of L-Gaim myself, and Layzner, hell I'd pay for Layzner subs!
  6. I had no idea Zanbot was a Tomino show, I might have to give it a look now.
  7. Wow, quite a lot of stuff then, lol. Thanks for the info burst. The PS2 OG games look great, it's a real pity none of them have come out in English, I guess the GBA games didn't do well enough.
  8. Sorry to bump an old thread but after hearing about Bandai's plans to do an (as yet undisclosed) SRW mech in the SOC line I got to wondeirng the other day about where the franchise has gotten to? I haven't seen anything new in SRW land since the DS game and the Divine wars anime, anyone knwo of anything new coming up?
  9. DX is any toy over 8" tall or so, I think, don't know how big those old valks are myself though.
  10. Bandai did this with Gaiking though and didn't a classic version come out of that?
  11. This is cool, I thought E7 was going to get forgotten. Perhaps Bandai will make some better toys this time. *fingers crossed for any kind of diecast transforming LFO*
  12. I just got a CM's Gokin Labor from HLJ's generous sale, is it still possible to get a command car?
  13. Full official adverts are already up for Deathscythe, Wing, Heavy Arms and sapce type Tieren. Wing pros all have great display stands and cool effects parts (Heavyarms is instant awesome), space Tieren has alternatable armour parts. http://www.1999.co.jp/search.asp?Typ1_c=10...p;ItKey=HCM+Pro
  14. Should Logan's Run be on that list? The whole crazy population control thing. It's not the same idea at all but some of the more outspoken politicians here in teh UK have recently started talking about compulsary sterilaisation for aprents who don't work and have children just to live off the benefits. What about Silent Running, will we be forced to preserve Gardens/wildlife etc as we use up more and more of our planet's surface.
  15. So what was that actually about? Looked like just a boatload of clips.
  16. Conversely, future shipments might not sell so well and e-tailers could be left with a lot of stock to shift.
  17. Any word of these coming to dvd in the US yet?
  18. More to the point, if they do release a Hargun, will it be weaponless? That would be a bit dumb imo and Yamato don't seem to be making stupid mistakes like that anymore. And for the umpteenth time, please do an E=X Garland Yamato peeps.
  19. As I understood the interview from Toyfair, the Beagle version is the Masterpicee one and the MH version is some kinda standard version.
  20. I paid half that much for CM's limited Genesic GaoGaiGar and Great BaanGaan each and those were huge crazy awesome toys.
  21. Oops, I meant £300. My maths is just fine, my typing however...
  22. Ouch, you buy one and touch it maybe once.... I wonder if Toynami's will be any cheaper, I can see them having a great deal of trouble marketing a $300 toy.
  23. It's only a model.
  24. HLJ says the shield and smaller rifle are meant for the Hargun, anyone think that's a good indicator of Yamato making one? Btw, if anyone is on the fence about Proto Garland Twin moons anime has them at $132 but right now they're offering an extra $5 off cos they're on holiday. The catch is it won't ship until April 20th at the earliest but I can wait so I went for one based on Josh's glowing review on comments here.
  25. Cool, I was hoping they'd do these again, I still don't have them. Edit: Are these the Super/Strike versions or just the basic Valks?
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