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Fort Max

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Everything posted by Fort Max

  1. After watching Hero Legends fansubs I'd like to see another series like Turn-A myself. Doesn't have to be UC though, Another CE rehash might be interesting.
  2. Damn, I've never played any of these but now I really want to. I'm sorry if you guys have anserwed these questions a 100 times before but I need to know a few things. 1) How do these games play? Is it a turn based beat em up kind of thing? 2) Is it like smash bros where you pick your favourite character and play through the whole roster of enemy characters or does each character have it's own complete story game? 3) With absolutely no knowledge of japanese, how easy is it to get the bots you like to do thier best moves from the respective shows? 4) DC is the only console I have that can play imports at the moment, Lord Bretai mentioned an Alpha game for DC. How many more are there available for DC? 5) Apart from different character rosters is there any real difference between the varoius versions? Sorry, there's so many questions and thanks for your patience.
  3. yeah, I really like the music in this show. I hope a soundtrack isn't too far off.
  4. Yo, wake up y'all. Episode 6 is out from Nanashi.
  5. Got the soundtrack today, very, very nice. A lot of the music sounds even better seperated from the show.
  6. I have no idea now, PS3 is looking like a farce trying to live on past success and Revolution has so far dissapointed me with it's 2007 release and the news that old games won't be free downloads. I trust that Ninetendo does have something really impressive up it's sleeve but the release is so far away.
  7. Juat what I was going to say, minus the bit about the cannon though that would is clever. Plus of course, Forget Impluse, there's no way Kira could have surived that and if he's dead then we'll all be seriously shocked. Perhaps Freedom rises up from it's watery grave, spawning half a dozen gashapon mini dioramas as it does so.
  8. Since most people here reckon that explosion was Minervas cannon hitting the water rather then Freedom actually detonating then maybe the bext epsiode will open with a cool scene of Kira ripping that sword from Freedoms chest.
  9. I saw the trailer and while it does look a lot like Macroos plus without robotsI was reminded more of Short Circuit by the plot. This left me thinking that it's nothing more the Johnny Five with wings, missiles and a serious distaste for life...
  10. Just got back from this, there was some really terrible jokes but overall it was better then I expected. Not a total waste of your time.
  11. That was an amazing episode, Shinn may have beaten Kira but he really had to give it every ounce of his skill and stamina just to wear him down. I do like how he used the Sword flyer as a mid air wepaons rack. I'm so looking forward to seeing those new Doms but I bet we won;t actualy see any action from them for at least another couple of weeks.
  12. Just watched it and it was pretty good, very classy animatioon and a no. of real wow! moments when the screen was filled with fighting. Interesting story as well, I look forward to the next one, whenever that may be.
  13. I'm going to see this tomorrow, mostly for a laugh.
  14. The first sub of this is finally out from Cellphone^2 subs.
  15. Nope, no Windam kits, not yet anyway.
  16. Have you guys seen this artwork of the Gunbuster II prototype yet? http://www.visualmedia.com.hk/cgi-bin/news...em=176186&utag= Not as smooth as the original but still very nice.
  17. Sweet, new Doms and Goufs in one episode.
  18. Glad to hear the show is getting more exciting at last. Meanwhile, here's a new pic of the upcoming DX Chogokin toy from toyboxdx.com, Looking very nice.
  19. Dig the new Doms mad flares.
  20. You'd have to swap all of the joints to make it Strike Freedom, I dont think convertable figures is going to be a feature of this line. If it were, they coudl have made the Impulse a must buy by packing with three sets of armour panels and every weapon.
  21. He may have said that about his future aims but new zelda is still going to be something like 70 hrs long. There will always be plenty of endurance games as well as time wasters.
  22. The Ex-s is one of the most impressive plastic kits short of a PG, period. I brought one when it came out but for one reason or another I haven't finsihed it yet.
  23. Don't I know it, I am officially addicted to these things. I have six so far with another two on the way and that Jaburo assult set is simple but oh so sweet, I hope they expand this line in all directions. More new pics, Z'gok, http://www.noda-ya.com/html/syohin/gundam/02600156.htm Acguy, http://www.noda-ya.com/html/syohin/gundam/02600157.htm Jaburo set, http://www.noda-ya.com/html/syohin/gundam/02600165.htm
  24. I might go see this once the decent films are done (Sin City on Wednesday , can't wait) and me and my mate are bored and need entertaining for a hour and a bit.
  25. I already forgot, but is Xbox 360 backwards compatible like its competitors? If so, that might make it a more attrative choice for you. I didn't know Sega ported HotD 3 to the Xbox and released it in the States until it's been out for a while, when I saw a floor demo of it at the local Fry's. I guess it was too gory to be carried by most mainstream stores. I was heavily into the original HotD when the lightgun bundle of HotD2 for the Japnese Sega DC came out. After I bought it I had to get the console. This was before the system's US launch. Yeah, 360 is backwards compatible allright but Revolution is my first choice and as I said I'll end up with a PS3 eventually as well. I just don't fancy owning more then two current consoles at a time. I had (still have) HotD2 for DC, I brought DC when it first came out here in the UK and eagerly awaited HotD2. I wasn't dissapointed.
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