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Fort Max

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Everything posted by Fort Max

  1. It's not that bad, they just punch a hole in the barcode. I'll take a pic in a minute.
  2. I'm not sure, even Bandai isn't mad enough to try and sell three or even four different versions of their highest priced SOC's.
  3. lol, I saw a full uncut version of this in a cinema here months ago. Go UK! (for once) I saw the Speilberg message but missed the Luc Besson one, too busy watching Tuk, Tuks.
  4. Mo Pros, http://www.toysdaily.com/phpBB2/viewtopic....99963a69a115b2c From [aeug.blogspot.com] HCM-Pro Destiny Gundam (September) HCM-Pro Strike Freedom Gundam (October) HCM-Pro Destiny Gundam + Strike Freedom Gundam Deactive set (October) HCM-Pro Asshimar (November) Strike Freedom has some very impressive details for it's size & they've using removeable panels on the shoulders as well. Asshimar looks like a worthy debutant for transforming technolgy in this line.
  5. More Tachi goodness and you get some kind of Mook for your 2000yen as a bonus, http://www.hlj.com/product/HBJ25381
  6. Not totally certain about the Brockary just yet but I thought it was supposed to be included in the set. 322293[/snapback] That would be cool, but the price point on the xabungle is so low I don't see how they could do it. Perhaps it's a FIX type thing where you get extra parts to turn the xabungle into a Brockary..? If anyone's seen a size comparison of this toy, post it! I dunno how tall this little guy will be. Hopefully not too small. 322373[/snapback] I think that's one of teh reasons why they made Xabungle so small, so they could get all of his weapons and parts (some of which are quite big) & a bonus opponet figure all into the one set.
  7. Oh Noes, It's all gone Eva! I had hoped that we were past the mindmashing eva wannabe series's but this show is so good that it's easily forgiven. I also noted that episode 12 is the first to really show off what those battleships they've been flaunting can really do. Kinda makes me think that a reasonably priced diecast with some accurate gimmicks (launch ramps, weapons etc) would be well recived.
  8. No, it's still by the same sub group, http://rapo.no-ip.com/prog/relweb.pl?q=nanashi+eureka
  9. Not totally certain about the Brockary just yet but I thought it was supposed to be included in the set.
  10. Hilarious.
  11. Sweet, another classic show I can finally see without having to hunt it down.
  12. It turns up in episode 5, don't know any more then that at the moment.
  13. I like this idea, let's sell it to Fukuda.
  14. I know who he is but what has he got to do with Southern Cross?
  15. Just watched the two newly subbed eps, pretty good stuff. The end is actually quite killer looking.
  16. It's an extra gimmick, I think it really is as cynical as that at this point. Or perhaps the hard shield is a back-up if the beam shield fails for whatever reason.
  17. The second set ia a much older set, I belive it was made by Ertl but I could very easily be wrong.
  18. That sounds awesome and very much my thing, I'm going to have to look into that.
  19. That is Soooooo my life! *wakes up* Awww, man...
  20. Original Red Alert & zelda: OOT nearly did me in, like A1 it was only because of my mother that the machine got turned off.
  21. More, looks like some OG mecha for J, http://www.visualmedia.com.hk/cgi-bin/news...em=180839&utag=
  22. I only really watch mecha shows so that's all I can recomend but I'm currently watching, On torrent, Full Metal Panic:The Second Raid, I think that quality wise this has allready surpassed the first series at the same point but I said that about Seed Destiny which has sadly gone badly downhill since. Gun X Sword, only just started on this last night and I think it's BLINDING, ep 3 has a beautifully done homage to old skool combiner robos with a Mexican twist. Seems like another attempt at the "new Trigun" but it's hiding what could turn out to be a very interesting show in it's shadows. Eureka Seven, In a nutshell it's the Gundam for the new generation that Seed was without just being a remake. Bleach, don't usually stick with anything that doesn't have robots but this has held my interest nicely with it's mix of comedy and stylish magical samuraing. Space Runaway Ideon, Old skool Tomino class being subbed by the Shin Getter group. OVA's, Gunbuster II & Super Robot Wars Original Generation. DVD, Just got the whole Series of Aura Battler Dunbine from ADV's online sale and am working my way through it. More old school Tomino at his best. Also got Megazone 23 in that sale which was excellent, reminded me how good some of the 80's sci-fi animes really were. Ghost in the Shell: Stand alone complex. Can't not mention this, in dividually not as good as the original masterpiece but taken overall it's a series which shouldn't be missed. Full Metal Alchemist, only one vol in my clutches so far but I'm allready hooked and baying for the next one. I think that's enough of my choices.
  23. I think i'll stick with my memorys, rewatching MASK was a traumatising experience to say the least.
  24. Now that's an inititive I would get behind.
  25. Nope... Banpresto delayed the game to July 28. 311100[/snapback] Ok so it must be out by now since I saw sales figures for it in the "which console?" thread. So who's getting it? I'm still wading through the copy of Dreamcast Alpha I brought on your recomendations and I'm loving it. Just got to the Macross levels. There's some more SRW news too, for the guy who wanted to know what the song at the end of the 20 odd minute trailer was. It's "Gong", is by Jam project and is allready on torrent sites. Not their best but a pretty cool song regardless. Also, there's this news of the next Gb version that will be featuring Full Metal Panic for the first time, Joy! http://www.visualmedia.com.hk/cgi-bin/news...em=180314&utag= http://www.visualmedia.com.hk/cgi-bin/news...em=180337&utag=
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