I only really watch mecha shows so that's all I can recomend but I'm currently watching,
On torrent,
Full Metal Panic:The Second Raid, I think that quality wise this has allready surpassed the first series at the same point but I said that about Seed Destiny which has sadly gone badly downhill since.
Gun X Sword, only just started on this last night and I think it's BLINDING, ep 3 has a beautifully done homage to old skool combiner robos with a Mexican twist.
Seems like another attempt at the "new Trigun" but it's hiding what could turn out to be a very interesting show in it's shadows.
Eureka Seven, In a nutshell it's the Gundam for the new generation that Seed was without just being a remake.
Bleach, don't usually stick with anything that doesn't have robots but this has held my interest nicely with it's mix of comedy and stylish magical samuraing.
Space Runaway Ideon, Old skool Tomino class being subbed by the Shin Getter group.
OVA's, Gunbuster II & Super Robot Wars Original Generation.
DVD, Just got the whole Series of Aura Battler Dunbine from ADV's online sale and am working my way through it. More old school Tomino at his best.
Also got Megazone 23 in that sale which was excellent, reminded me how good some of the 80's sci-fi animes really were.
Ghost in the Shell: Stand alone complex. Can't not mention this, in dividually not as good as the original masterpiece but taken overall it's a series which shouldn't be missed.
Full Metal Alchemist, only one vol in my clutches so far but I'm allready hooked and baying for the next one.
I think that's enough of my choices.