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Fort Max

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Everything posted by Fort Max

  1. No kidding, I thought it was weird when I was just seeing Solar and Lunar, scroll across to Mars and it's a WTF? moment. But that is one hell of a toy and I want it bad, and the military version if they do one.
  2. Well it certainly took it's time but with the latest batch of subbed episodes Aquarion has finally proven worthy of keeping up with after all of the build up & special training episodes. The toy looks amazing, there seems to be a few swappable parts but they also included all the weapons as well. I see now that the stand is meant to be a bonus for prolonged display rather then a nessacity. The military versions look hardcore.
  3. That would be me. In case it wasn't just a fluke/blatantly obvious I also requested a MBL for Hyaku Shiki, a Psyco Gundam based off the HGUC kit and a big arse Meteor toy for the Freedom that you know is coming sooner or later. Asshimar is awesome, not sure about the stains on the chest but not too bothered either. If Zeta is even this good then my brain could just melt... Big, massive props go to Bandai for including the "sled" as well as the G-Defensor. As Anubis said, it's less of a kick in the teeth for people who allready brought the AEUG MkII and even more of a reason to buy this set. The metallic Blue Asshimar is even sweeter but what is it from, anyone know? Finally I wish they'd just make those ZAKU varients instead of just teasing hobby show crowds with them. In closing, Pros Rule! I saw a pic, I'll find it in a sec for you. Found it, first pic on this page, http://www.hobby.co.jp/hobby_show/japan/pla/19.htm
  4. Speaking of out-frame, is this it? http://pam.main.jp/jpg/event/ths2005/ths2005_056.jpg If it is then it could be the first new model I've brought in ages. Looks like there is an Outframe kit in the works, http://www.hobby.co.jp/hobby_show/japan/pla/324.jpg
  5. I'd say it's a poseable non transforming kit like their 1/24 Tachikoma. http://www.noda-ya.com/html/syohin/plastickit/02700070.htm
  6. Nice figure but the sword looks like a construction kit in and of itself.
  7. There are loads of pics out actually... Some of the best are in Figure Oh magazine, they've got the thing doing high kicks and everything. You could try pestering Graham or somebody to get the scans, but I'm sure they're up on the net somewhere... 330212[/snapback] Now those pics, I definately haven't seen. You're making the show sound cool now, I'd still be downloading it but the subs have disaapeared.
  8. We'd have to actually learn martial arts in order to play the game, wouldn't that be terrible. I look forward to this idea selling well and nintendo expanding it to include a "wand" for each limb or some such idea. Kind of a stripped down home version of those virtual reality machines that used to be all the rage in sci-fi. I also like the idea of a sword fighting game where you have to really train just to be able to play it well.
  9. They take their time yes but you'll get your orders and only the barcode/plastic wrap is damaged.
  10. Ok, I take it back, it does look a pretty decent size. Sorry to obsess but could you please ask your friend just how tall it is? I've got to wait for the end of the month before I can order one.
  11. Episode 8 is available now from Bakuzaku.
  12. It's beautifully sculpted and detailed (check the bellow joints all over it) but it's a) tiny (it's using a microman cape for crying out loud) b) Has no accessories outside of the hands and infamous crossed arms, no colliders, no shield, no buster homerun etc It's only a short show and I would have gladly paid more for all of the options seen within it but I will be buying it none the less as it is the best Gunbuster toy bar none. Dix Neuf is a great companion piece, a shame that it's totally static.
  13. Yes, I wants to see that pronto.
  14. I really like the Revolutions controller and the ideas that have gone into it, I particulary look forward to a Zelda game that could incorparate the sword fighting, fishing and Miyamoto only knows what else. I am however relieved to hear that the stick add on will come with the machine and that the magic wand will not be needed for evey game.
  15. Coming soon, http://eurekaseven.bandai-ent.com/
  16. All of the recent pics I have seen show it having a stand in each mode holding it up from the back. Could just be a proto looseness thing but it's not a good sign, I'm waiting for reviews now.
  17. If I recall correctly the other Aquarions in the show were kind of low-viz. Anyway, they weren't all primary-coloury. Wonder who will make a custom...? 328170[/snapback] I'm glad you said that, if they're just repaints or even slight variations then I wouldn't expect Bandai to pass the idea by.
  18. Eureka Seven, seems very cliche and same old, same old at first but each new episode has drawn me in further and further. I was hooked weeks ago but it still continues to dangle tantalising glimpses of a great many secrets that are being held back. The battle animations area nimated with a fluidity and sense of speed that I just wasn't expecting otoh, it has that monologing you dislike so much and the character designs aren't breathtakingly beautifull. It's animated by studio Bones with mechs designed by Shoji Kawamori himself if that helps any. That'd be my top of my head vote for current best show, you allready poo, pooed my other choice though which would have been the new Full Metal panic.
  19. If you hate anime that much and are so confident in your belief that it is all now pathetic then just stop watching it. I live in Britain, We used to make fantastic sitcoms many of which are considered classics even by culures other then our own. Nowadays however they are nearly all rubbish and trite, uninspired, shallow reminders of what went before. And so I never watch any of the new ones, not even a glimmer of interest. It's much easier that way.
  20. Ep 13 is up and running from Nanashi. Watched it now and I reckon that this show kicks the crap out of Aquarion and Destiny.
  21. It says it's from a subline of the Fix series so preseumably it's the Cosmic Region figure.
  22. When did you order it? Did you get the one with the stand? 327584[/snapback] I ordered in early August. I don't know if mines comes with a stand yet. I'll know in a few days. 327675[/snapback] I had to look this up first to know what you're talking about bt now I've found it on HLJ. I shouldn't really be surprised, but I am nonethless. They've started putting ltd first press extras into model kits now...
  23. Destiny HCMP is due on the 15/09, http://www.hlj.com/product/BAN934089 Strike Freedom in Nov, http://www.hlj.com/product/BAN938420 Or there's this, http://www.hlj.com/product/BAN938421 I'm very tempted by the extras in the set but I prefer the coloured versions... stupid Bandai. Ep 46 was nice, very light on actual Gundams and rather predictable but still nice. 47 however looks pointless.
  24. Voltes is the next big SOC, perhaps that will revive enough interest for at least an OVA.
  25. Yep, neither would I. I mean, you could always get a new case and cover if need be. Anyone know what an international guy like me would need to do to get an order in? Don't see any options on the screen. 325838[/snapback] You'll have to do what I did and get a US resident to help you out, I ordered a buttload of dvd's through a friend on TFW2005. Speaking of which, here's that pic of the damage done, http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v51/Fortmax/P9040127.jpg
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