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Fort Max

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Everything posted by Fort Max

  1. Looks like you're right, I just found these pics from wonderfest. 6-11
  2. Draging this back up because I found a whole treasure trove of pics from wonderfest page 1 (ignore the first two) page 2 and this is the pic I was talking about earlier on that shows how the new joints work.
  3. Could be but another series of Seed seems more likely. An animated sentinel would be too much to hope for I guess.
  4. Those look much better made then the ones I posted earlier. Does it say who's making them?
  5. I get the feeling that this series is going to be the 0083 of FMP, bringing complete closure to the past history and opening up the future. Except they've actually made them in order this time. Either way, this has been one hell of a series. Better even then the first one in my eyes. If they can top this with an FMP equivalent of Zeta then it will be one hell of an acheivement. Right now though I just want to see the last episode...
  6. If I was Nintendo then I wouldn't bother with a singular charging station. I'd make it either modular and include the base with the console with expansions coming with each new controller or just a set quad version and sell it cheap.
  7. But that shoudl be regular Freedom An HCM Pro Psyco would be a great end to the stream of Zeta suits.
  8. I've just found this out for myself, the hard way. Quite the dissapointment, I really hope Bandai does an SOC GB one day.
  9. That's strange. When I click on the link, I get this: I had to copy and paste the URL to see the picture. 335623[/snapback] Stranger still, all of their wonderfest galleries have that bandwith theft picture in varying sizes and KB... still, whatever.
  10. This was on show at wonderfest and has what Kaiyaido is calling their "revolver joint system". If you think of a ratchet inside a ball joint then you begin to get the idea, they sound very interesting and I will certainly pick up the Eva, new Getter Robo and probably the Dougram as well. More info but still doesn't have the pic I was looking for, http://www.zincpanic.com/article/23886.html Some where out there is a wonerfest roundup with a pic of these figures along with a background ad board that had a diagram on it of how the revolver joints work.
  11. Yeah alot of the more current anime, 2000+ stuff, have been changing little bits every few shows to keep it more current, but they've not started to remake the them every episode though. They changed the O&C at episode 14 and not 15 or higher. I hope that others start to follow this trend and it evloves to every episode. 335388[/snapback] I think that'd be seriously expensive and as a result the actual animation in the opneings probably wouldn't be quite as nice. The opening scene of the new one where it pans over the tropical waterfall is just gorgeous. I see what you're getting at but depsite the ability for Bandai to ram even more debut artists into a popular shows run I think it'll be closer to Seed with different opening/endings for each quarter. Putting the openings aside for a moment though, I just got the Transmodel Terminus R909, http://www.hlj.com/product/BAN932990 Sorry there's no pictures of my own but I can't find my camera. I'm not usually a fan of PVC figures (actually, I detest them) but hearing that these were mostly ABS I decided to get one and it had to be Hollands. A lot of online reviewers slated these figures when the Nirvarsh came out, citing inexcuseably sloppy paint and poor parts fit as being it's biggest woes. Well after spending some time wrestling it from it's package as this thing has more twist ties then a transformer and sadistically tied ones at that. Then taking some more time fiddling with it's parts and setting it up on the inculded stand I finally got around to the important matter of making use of a great deal of time to check out the paint applications. I'm pleased to say that the paint on this 909 isn't anywhere near as bad as the pictures I'd seen of the Nirvrash, the worst spot is the upper dome of the head and even this is no worse then most other mass production toys. Indead, I've seen transformers with far more sloppy paint. The paint is a little bit uneven throught where panel lines are concerned are there is some overspray where there are no sculpted boundaries but again the quality is above average. Speaking of sculpting, the figure overall seems very accurate to the show even down to the underside details and small panels on the back of the legs. The cannon that takes up one of the cockpit blocks is particulary nice and suffers no noticeable warping. When transforming, the following concessions are made from top to bottom, Head - pull off the whole neck and head, remove the upper dome of the head and replace in the car modes receptacle. Rear wheels - remove, plug in the unfolded armatures and replace the wheels. Spine - there is a nicely scuplted piece that slots in between the spine and the cockpit block that prevents the robot from using the transformation joint to fold in half when it's standing. This is removed for car mode. Hands - remove whatever hands you're using (clenched fists, flat palms with curved fingers for gripping the board or gripping hands for the baldes) and replace with completely flat hands with pegs that stick out to be plugged into the back of the vehicle. Board - swap the one piece board for the transforming one and attach it to the side skirts. Overall the parts swap wasn't as bad as I thought it could be and certainly better then the Nirvrashs which required you to insert a spacer piece between the wheels in robot mode. Construction wise, the figures shoulders, forearms, knives, mid torso, hips, upper legs and boards are all ABS. Everything else is PVC, this includes the rather large wasp like cockpit block that sticks out from the figures upper back. Because it's solid pvc it's rather weighty and thus makes it near impossible for the figure to stand unaided in anything other then a lunging forward pose. This is my only major problem with the figure, unfortunately it's more of a running theme then a single bugbear. The theme all too predicatably is half arsedness, they made it half pvc and half abs, it's half anime accurate transformation while other bits (the head for instance) are parts swap when they could have been done properly if they'd made the whole thing out of ABS. Things like the hands are unavoidable as they completely change their form for vehicle mode and I actually like having both a solid posing board and a transforming one. The same goes for the swappable cockpit canopys (one clear and one solid) though that's more along the lines of option parts rather then straight parts swap. Regardless, had this whole figure been ABS then they could have done a number of simple things that would have noticiably improved it. First and foremost the head should retract into the body, it's not complicated and they could have done it had the whole upper body not been one solid chunk of pvc. Following on from that, if that block were abs then they could have had actual folding rear wheel armatures with some kind of simple friction clip to hold the wheels up in robot mode. I don't mind it so much but they could have gotten around the cockpit swap with a rotating piece that is clear on one side and solid on the other. That would have also added a simple gimmick which apart from transformation and poseability these figures lack completely. Finally, it's not really related to the choice of pvc/abs but if they'd made the boards and feet magnetic then that would have not only made posing easier but given almost infinite range to how the feet can be positioned on the board. This would have also done away with the four little pegs that have to be inserted into the side skirts for attaching the board halfs in vehicle mode to boot. All of that may sound rather negative but I actually really like this figure, it's fun, nicely sculpted, detailed and a lot of thought went into it. It's because I like it so much that the things I went into above bother me like they do. This figure could have been near flawless with a little more money thrown at it. But at the moment the show is still an untested property, perhaps if it does well enough and becomes another Eva then I may just get my "perfect" Terminus yet. In the meantime I'll console myself by purchasing the bananabot (aka the 606) and dreaming of the end.
  12. seconded. 335258[/snapback] Thirded. 335312[/snapback] Fourth 335320[/snapback] Pentupled? That aisde, some one asked what it was like in other countrys. Well here in the UK it's heading pretty much the same way, we are however fortunate that Guns are nowhere near so prevalent. None the less, politiocal correctness made corporal punishment a big no, no a while back and kids know this. There are some real spoilt brats around whose parents either don't care or are too afraid/ignorant to bring them up properly. I as a kid used to get bored and hit my sister, my mum always gave us both one hell of a smack and not always on the arse either. Then video games finally rolled into the UK and we all (me, my sis and my mum) liked making Sonic whiz around loops too much to get bored enough to hit each other. These days, my younger brother is even more of a games freak then I ever was but I keep in touch with the industry so my mum always asks me which games are suitable and which aren't. He wanted Killer 7 last month, I gave her a brief idea of what it included and she quickly decided against it. He got a Starwars game instead which he semed happy with.
  13. Matt Alt posted a short article on this new store recentely opened in Akihabara. It was too cool to not share it with the folks here, http://toyboxst.inwards.com/rumblizer/view...article_key=559
  14. They allready had some variences in the earlier openings, in the fast paced bit where it flashes items of importance, the book, the seriously scary needle that Dominic has, Rentons father etc. I was certain that the composition of this sequence changed, for instance I don't recall Amemone being in the first few intros at all.
  15. I just watched the last episode, what an utter disaster. It's clear to me now that Shinn was never meant to be the main character at all, they just had him chew up some screen time so that Kiras triumphant return would seem like a surprise. is anyone actualy going to buy this when it comes out on dvd? I know that waiting for a uk release won't be hard at all...
  16. 14 is out now, thoughts in about half an hour. Ack 14 is a recap episode but don't worry because it has nothing on Destiny and even has new information, mostly on the Coralian but some more hints about the LFO's origins. New Op & Ed too, Op is decptively slow, Ed is nice and quite clever in the final frames.
  17. Aquaruion is falshy and good in places but Eureka Seven has held my interest with far more consistency.
  18. Totally, that, Eureka Seven or Gun Sword. It's hard for me to choose so I'm watching them all. I think that Seond raid is much darker then the first series, espcially that bit on the rooftop in ep 9, ..ouch. But there's a whole thread on that show allready here somewhere...
  19. Or even a "what if..." story like Gundam X. Astray should be easier for them (they already have the plot, so no space for another Destiny plot trainwreck). BTW, is the Astray manga any good? I just like the design. 333634[/snapback] Yes, the mangas are decent. Not quite on the same level as something like Hellsing but they're certainly entertaining and even fill in some gaps in the Seed storyline. I've got all of the first Astray series and two volumes of Astray R so far. Also read a fan translation of Destiny Astray vol1 which was even better imo.
  20. I desire either a Sentinel anime, an Astray anime, a Turn A sequel/prequel (something, anything of that quality) or failing all of that sometrhing completely new. I'd be happy with another round of Seed so long as they can pick up the pieces and make the whole series as good as the closing eps of Seed/Opening eps of Destiny.
  21. I saw it as well, it was pretty good but it's a shame that it's just the new generation crew. Imagine if Bandai were brave enough to fund a year long tv series with the kind of cast that the Alpha games have... The second ep is allready available from some subbers but I'm waiting for TV Nihons version.
  22. The arms are still there, hanging off the back. look between Lunas arms (grren) and those fold out panels atop Vector Sol (red chest).
  23. 333515[/snapback] So close to being released and no photos of it at the Tokyo Hobby Show? 333520[/snapback] Minerva was there but no one really mentioned it in any of the discussions I read through.
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