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Fort Max

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Everything posted by Fort Max

  1. I don't mean to be condescending but I know all that, I've been watching it as long as you have. But then these mechs wouldn't be any different from others which was the whole point, in an interview in "protoculture addicts" Shoji said that the surfing was his idea as he wanted to utilise the trappar concept in his robot designs when the world/story etc was laid out to him. Besides, the animated engineer explained it perfectly well, they were just aping what was popular at the time to see if they could do it better.
  2. Shoji fans should wait for "Glass No Kantai" to surface.
  3. I got the impression that the Spearheads were a lot newer, hence the different tech. However, Dewey referred to it as old and we also saw one in a flashback to their military days when Adrock was still around so they're hardly fresh from the factory either.
  4. Now if they ever actually build giant robots then that is how I want it to be done.
  5. Seed Destiny was a disaster & Sky Blue was so bland and uninspring that me and my mate just sat and took the piss out of it instead of watching it with any real interest.
  6. something else from Gun X Sword...that's Dann of Tuesday, the main mech in the series...It transforms from a sword to a robot 372169[/snapback] Almost, it's Thursday.
  7. It looks nice but the joints are a nightmare, WolfX has the right idea, namely waiting for the SOC.
  8. Re-posted from my own posts on Toybox DX.com. Enjoy! pictures, mostly of Scopedog, revolver joint figures and also some escaflowne trading figures, http://www.toysdaily.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=33552 one very poor pictures of Yamatos Garland & Shogo, Takaras Great Exkaiser & some random woman, http://www.toysdaily.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=33558 SOC's, http://www.toysdaily.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=33557 massive gallery, incuding batshit crazy SHE's latest work & cosplay girls among dozens of other things, http://toycan.net/g/r/750/ a static MZ23 figure from Max Fcatory (can't remember the name) http://www.toysdaily.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=33509 still more from max fcatory, http://angelsrep.plala.jp/~fumiyuki/figure.../2006wfw02.html Stop the presses and check this out, Tachikoma with opening cockpit and in scale fully articulated Motoko figure, Is it the Good Smile companys now mythical product or someone elses product? More must be known! edit: and so it was found! edit: Due in December, for 17'800yen, I'd better get saving! clearer picture, http://cgi.2chan.net/y/src/1140372268134.jpg a different angle, http://cgi.2chan.net/y/src/1140371925937.jpg Big album of very clear pictures of Kaiyodos new revolver joint figure line, good looking figures from a random selection of subjetcs. http://photobucket.com/albums/v51/Fortmax/revoltech/
  9. Does anyone know what codec works for .mkv's? I can never watch those files.
  10. I think it's fine to discuss fansubs here, has the fansub you found got a decent translation?
  11. With regards to this SOC Valkyerie rumour, What happened was that when Bandai gave their "hints" earlier this year as to what SOC's would be coming out this year, a "large size" robot was the last one listed. ZP then posted a list of the largest anime robots that had a shot at getting the SOC treatment, the SDF-1 was inculded in their list of posisble candidates. As it happens, the actual mecha in question is the Gunbuster & so there is no Macross anything currently rumoured for the SOC lines near future. These 1/100's are looking very nice, I want a couple and they would make great presents for some less zealous fans that I know.
  12. The HCM Pro Forfce Impulse has tricks that some of the other versions don't, the completely accurate collpasing shield is the size of a coin for crying out loud.
  13. Perhaps the $20-25 statement was to cover their plans for the figures to come immeadiately after the basic nine VF-1's.
  14. They look pretty well held together in those pics.
  15. So, $20 for a nice HCM Pro sized near perfect transform figure that can actually be played with? Count me in.
  16. Which one should I vote for for ToyBoxDX Toy of the Year? Hmm...... 368056[/snapback] They've still got the Garland to hit us with.
  17. This toy has been looking good from the beginning but even so I am impressed. From looking at the pictures of all these fine details, it is clear to see just how far Yamato has come as a company. I hope we can expect this same level of sheen from the Garland.
  18. Looks like the Zeta HCMP has slipped out quite a bit earlier then expected, http://www.toysdaily.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=32649
  19. Really? Drat! And i can't wait for a KLF..... 367446[/snapback] They are continuing with the HG kits and they have a KLF planned for that range but it won't transform into it's tank mode. Before I watched this show I would have been hard pushed to even pick a favourite anime, let alone one I considered the best but It's a clear cut choice now. Never having watched Macross when it was "new" so to speak this is the show I will always remember discovering as the defining moment of my hobby.
  20. Close, it's ep41 next to air according to Nanashis status page http://forums.nanashi-fansubs.com/index.php?showtopic=728 Also, saw this on their forum, cheap pre-order for Bandai DVD's http://forums.nanashi-fansubs.com/index.php?showtopic=804 Those new episodes were horrible to watch, I felt almost sick watching Ray near to the end. This show pulls no punches and I love it all the more because of it. I wasn't certain what was going on with the washed out look of the new op when I started on 27 but it's pretty clear now. I can't belive Bandai doesn't seem inclined to put out any more action figures, I hope we won't have to wait untill it's considered a complete hit to see an SOC Nirvarsh etc.
  21. There's only a few pros I don't own and I think they're all repaints with the possible exception of the Seed ZAKU pair.
  22. Hambrabri is looking much, much better painted, the optional stickers are a nice touch. Good to see that Bandai does think about the little things it can do to make a figure standout. Speaking of which, the Hi-Zacks white flag accessory is inspired, mad props to them for even thinking of including that. OTOH, I curse them for their overzealousness when it comes to limited items.
  23. Do you mean for a licensed release? I haven't sene any mention of it on the news sites since it started airing,
  24. Their Godannar (an absolute beauty of a figure) is out later this month and they're currently working on their own line of 1/35 scale Votoms figures (see HLJ). After that I imagine we'll find out what's next in the Gokin line, should be the Garland but they did also make mention of a TV version GaoGaiGar Gokin for summer 06. Bear in mind that MF's stuff is very expensive, Godannar costs more then Yamatos Garland and it doesn't even have any gimmicks besides some clever jointing. I hate to think what a transforming Max Fcatory Gokin is going to cost. Bang on.
  25. It's allready been a year and a half since it was announced, I'm sure another 4 montsh won't kill you.
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