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Fort Max

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Everything posted by Fort Max

  1. This is easy, Yamato could make an aboslurme killer Gasaraki Raiden if they did it in the same scale as their Scopedog but with the modern militray super detailing rather then 80's toy asthethic they used for that. Failing that, FMP: Arm Slaves (too big for 1:12 unfortunately) or a nice line of Nadesico Aestavalies with all the swappable frames.
  2. HLJ says the SOC has been delayed untill Nov, I am saddened by the extra wait but relived by the release of financial pressure
  3. A (hopefully) full length TV show that centers around Ruysei gives me hope for a DX SRX toy in the same vein as last years Aquarion.
  4. Heh, I had a feeling that this would happen alongside the SOC. Awesome news, I can't wait to see what kind of superstar treatment they give it.
  5. Cool, I saw variying dates from today to early august so I had no idea. JBO, could you please post a note to let us know when it is out? I don't mind them using Taisen on the box, it marks it out as a japanese game and also makes it different from every other title with war in it.
  6. I found some shots of this on Toysdaily of all places, the translations look like they'll actually be in the true spirit of super robot pilots. http://www.toysdaily.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=44956 I don't think it's out yet, does it have a release date?
  7. Not everyones has been broken, only an unfortunate few. Mine is just fine and survives being handled without trouble, if you're really worroed then just gently lift it out and test a few parts before you try to transform it.
  8. I don't think so, one of the clever things about 3d printing is that it can make objects seamlessly that would be impossible to make in one piece in real life. e.g. a ball inside a ball, it will be seamless all over & you just need to make a small hole to drain the unused plastic powder out of it.
  9. If Yamato are smart and up to date then they should have a rapid prototyping machine, these can produce parts straight from 3d cad data in a cheap plastic for testing fit and such without having to go to the expense of contstructing moulds first.
  10. I really want an SDF-1 before any more VF's.
  11. Ah, now it's sounding promising! A new Aqua machine could be really cool but I wa sactually hoping that the Super Robot Wars Original Generation tv series would get all the good merchandise this fall. But that's just me being selfish for my want of a DX SRX.
  12. My Garland arrived today from TMA and seems to be rock solid, I tested all the reported weak spots before transforming it and nothing gave out so I went ahead and Tf'ed it and then back again and then once more.. this is a fun toy, I'm so sorry for those people who missed out because their figures were less then up to scratch. Shogo is junk though, it's a pity because he looks pretty nice from a distance.
  13. In says in the articla that the main three have allready signed on.
  14. Well My Garland has been delivered at home but I'm at work. Can't wait to get back and finally see the damned thing for myself.
  15. The fourth op totally makes up for the third one. Really nice. 39 was a bit offputting but I really like how they were almost making fun of the shows music by usng the overly dramatic pieces for those comedy moments. 40 was a nice build up epsiode, looks like it's gonna be all out plot from here to the finish.
  16. He was also in Thunderbirds and some Sky Movies adverts over here.
  17. Awesome! But what happened to those straight to dvd movies that were talked about?
  18. And you know where they got it don't you, from the corpses of the more... vocal fans.
  19. Not sure if it should go here or in the model thread buty I guess it's more toy then model. Anyway, less waffle, more news! Bandai announces the followup to the cutaway sapce battleship Yamato candy toy... White Base! Spotted on ToyboxDX where it was posted by Anavel.
  20. Silent running is a pretty good film as I recall but it was some time ago that I watched it. Disneys Black Hole is another one I remember since you mentioned Silent Running.
  21. What scale was it to be WolfX? Looks pretty good to me, legs are certainly very nice. The scared line art may portray them a little on the chunky side but I prefer them thinner given how fast and agile this thing is in the show. btw, Those missiles that shoot out if it's legs in ep4, weren't those in the fast packs?
  22. Talk to Graham. I suspect that he wont tell or you need to bribe him. 410283[/snapback] Ah, but even his knowledge only extends as far as Yamatos secrets, I was talking about the whole Jpn toy hobby in general since this year it's been one great toy after another.
  23. Amazing news, there have allready been so many fantastic toys this year with more to come and now this, the one we've all been waiting so long for... Who knows what else is on the horizon. The cad drawings are looking good, the gunpod is a little thin but surely that would be easy enough to change. I like the idea of a light up fold booster very much.
  24. Are those meant to be it's colours before Shogo "Accquired" it? I can't remember too well but I think it was more like a rusty brown colour. These reports of weak arse swings bars have me a little jittery, I should get mine in the next couple of days.
  25. I would have mentioned Night Watch save for the fact that it isn't sci-fi at all, I saw it in the cinema and brought the dvd cos it's such a good film and just so different. Does anyone consider Event Horizon a good sci-fi flick? Sure it was mostly psychological/slasher horror type stuff but there was plenty of talk of Black Holes etc
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