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Fort Max

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Everything posted by Fort Max

  1. Not to mention the mess afterwards.
  2. This is looking pretty poo hot now, I'm really starting to want it.,
  3. Bandai are doing a "movie realizaition" New Batsuit and Batpod as well.
  4. What exactly is the top right drawing showing? http://ga.sbcr.jp/mreport/010308/08.html This placard is for the model but it's a safe bet that most if not all of these features will be in the DX as well. The price for the DX is great, more Masterpiece Prime then Yamato Valk.
  5. Regarding the final scene with Banner, I thought it was pretty Ominous, the look on his face seemed to imply that he was starting to like it.
  6. I think even Bay ruled that out due to costs.
  7. Did anyone else lol at the bit where Banner turns a computer on and Norton antivorus pops up.
  8. I saw it last night and both me and my mate loved it, not overall as good as the excellent Iron Man but hulk had better actions scenes and pacing. The acting and writing for both is brilliant though. I'm not a massive Hulk fan so I didn't know who the excitable scientist in blue was untill I read this thread but it was clear from what happened that he will be an important character in the next film. Ed Norton was really good as Bruce Banner, far more convinincg then I was expecting from him and Liv Tyler was good too. Tim Roth was playing a right savage from the get go. As far as the numerous cameo's go, I caught Lou Ferringo but missed Bill Bixby. Tony Stark's scene did seem a bit shoved in there due to the reshuffling that they must have done. I wonder, did so many people walk out of Iron Man without seeing Fury that they decided not to do that again.
  9. Well that was certainly, different. What are Gainax doing with these OVA's, alternate universes? Each one a poarody of a differnt anime template?
  10. Well that was certainly, different. What are Gainax they doing with these OVA's, alternate universes? Each one a poarody of a differnt anime template?
  11. "Their War, Our Wallets!"
  12. This could be one to watch, like the designs a lot, especially sir cape-ful-o-knives.
  13. I watched a few episodes of Slayers once and I found it fun if a little simplistic. Any hidden depth to it?
  14. It may not actually be Jetfire in name, Bay used numerous code names and such during the production of the firsl film. Then again, filming a big plane like that isn't something he can hide so they may not have bothered.
  15. Does anyone know what the Bandai special edition gl vol.1 dvd will have?
  16. Looking much nicer with the new post diet hinge. Lots of hints and teasers in that pic too, more money needed here...
  17. A lot of it is painted grey instead of black but it looks pretty good. Looks like it should have some nice mechanical details.
  18. Wow, I want that Kamina. The price isn't oo bad considering all the detail and the excellent scuplting quality.
  19. I think Botcon attendees might have seen it but it hasn't been on the internet yet. Does anyone know what's up with TFW2005.com? It's been completely inaccessible since Saturday lunchtime (GMT)
  20. It's the same on all mine.
  21. I agree that the canopy hinge is off putting but the rest is decent enough.
  22. Wow, it's only 23cm tall. I though people here had been certain that the VF-25 was the same size as the YF-19 et all? Looking good though.
  23. What if they remade it in the way that Batman Begins is a remake, i.e. not a remake at all but a different take on it, modernised and by a competent director? Failing that, I want to see Robocop vs Iron Man, Stark goes off the rails and Robodude is sent in to get him! :lol
  24. Looks interesting, is it meant to look like it's been filmed in the eighties.
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