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Fort Max

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Everything posted by Fort Max

  1. HCM Pro Re-Gz comes out today but I haven't got Sazabi yet...
  2. As if the SOC Gunbuster wasn't enough, another company is bringing out this figure of Nono in her BM-7 guise at 10'000yen, thanks to Runaphen on toyboxdx.com for posting this first, http://www.toysdaily.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=49844 I don't know who's making it but it's really nice. edit: No sign of her goggles though, seems weird that they'd leave those out.
  3. My Garland is still back in it's box, I haven't had any time for toys lately.
  4. No problem, as for the one out at the end of September, that is the original release date for Bandai's Gunbuster but that has now been delayed untill Nov. The Bandai one is the one you want, it's big (around 10-12"tall) and it'll be an actual toy you can fiddle with.
  5. Bandai's big Soul Of Chogokin Gunbuster isn't scheduled for release untill Novemeber so untill then you're just going to have sit tight like the rest of us. As for where to buy it, I'd say HLJ.com because there is no where in the UK that will sell it but if you're in america then you have the luxury of being able to get it in comic shops as Diamond imports most SOC's now.
  6. The ship was attacked 10 years in ago in real time which means that ten years has passed on earth. But, because the ship is moving so fast time dilation effects it and time on board the ship moves much slower then time outside. So because time on board the ship is so slow the ships computers have only advanced two days (or whatever it was).
  7. Gunbusters ending is nothing like Eva's, GB has a very satisfying and definte end. Noriko, as for that picture, I'm unable to do that at the moment as I only have the internet at work but I'm talking about the top two grey points in the star formation around the GB's head. It could just be my imagination but they look a little too long in that shilloutte but it was just an observation. As for the line art, cheers in advance, I'll be gratefull for anything you can give me. Now for the SOC again, someone on toyboxdx pointed out that the crotch is painted wrong in that official looking bot mode pic. It's solid orange when it should have a band of grey.
  8. Did you miss the Super Inazuma Kick picture? It's looking fantastic and still plenty of time for bandai to polish it before release. Thanks for posting that back shot again, it's really cool because it shows (assuming bandai didn't cheat and remove them for display) that all of the parts covering the buster machines cleavages can fold inside the torso. I am so looking forward to this, I've started working overtime to make certain that I can buy it as soon as it's released.
  9. You are seeing things. That is Gunbuster's proper silhouette. If the items you are talking about what I am thinking of, then they are part of its head. 421307[/snapback] That makes it's head look massive then, I can understand that the trasnforming toys may have small heads but even Kaiyaido's recent well proportioned figure has a similar sized head. btw, Noriko, you're the foremost expert so I need to ask you for a favour. Do you have any good really accurate lineart or schematic style drawings of the Gunbuster? I'm hoping to be able to do a scale 3d model.
  10. I hope that poster goes on sale somewhere.
  11. The Golden Bough is a real book, I googled it way back when the show was in the teens.
  12. Ah, I've been waiting for this, I heard the game was pretty good if you can understand japanese since what you're supposed to be doing isn't made clear through other means.
  13. Great to see that teaser on BV's page but the shilloutte looks a little odd, there seems to be some things sticking out from the shoulder pods just above the engines. At least from the looks of things the finale of top 2 is going to have plenty of arm crossing.
  14. No news on either of them but plenty on the SOC, courtesy of Bizzio over at Robot Japan, http://img108.imageshack.us/my.php?image=ichi45585la4.jpg
  15. How about, Batman: Gets on with it
  16. HCM Pro has gotten to the point where it seems like it can do no wrong.
  17. I saw it on sunday with a group of friends and we all aggrreed that it was great fun and eagerly look forward to the finale. btw, I thought there were some genuinely impressive stunts in the movie, particulary Depps antics when escaping the islanders.
  18. Twin moons, same as Ginrai. I should point out though that my Garlands been back in it's box for nearly three weeks as I was about to leave home when I got it.
  19. I'm thinking that the plastic tower is an actual accessory but the base is not, it's on wood for one thing. The "mat" may be a piece of card included in the box though.
  20. Nice one, Gundam X will be a very welcome addition to my shelves once it goes Pro. btw, Project Pheonix, could you post a link to that toy show gallery? I spy with my little eye a very big super robot begining with G!
  21. I'm not trying to start anything here but I was gave mine a very through going over when I got it because of Ginrai's posts. I worked the shoulder joints around a bit and nothing looks in any danger.
  22. Oh sweet ass, a super robot parody from Gainax could be awesome. With this, Marmorou Naganos Gothic Made and SRW:OG:TV there is plenty to look forward to for mecha fans. That Clamp mecha show with the Nirvarsh copy cat robot is allready all but forgotten by me and it hasn't even aired yet.
  23. Now that's another of my wishes but I wouldn't want to see it come from Yamato, the best company for this would be Max Factory. They are the only pones with the kind of craftsmanship, mad details and shear breath taking finishing skills to do Naganos designs justice.
  24. Make that two votes for the original Dangaio (My fav bot). Also add in one Megazone Hargun bike complete with parts truck and crappy BD figure (to go along with Shogo) I'd like a super posable Detonator Orgun too. Valks, BGC Hard suits, Gunbuster, Garlands, and Dangaio.... I could die happy then. 415782[/snapback] Gunbuster is in production as a 12" SOC masterpiece from Bandai and Dangaioh is being tackled by Stdio Halfeye. edit: Just saw the other thread.
  25. 8/25/2006. 415399[/snapback] Bandai USA just licensed the movies so fansubs may become a little thinner on the ground now. Stargazer has an interesting design but I'm really not expecting much from a series with a total runtime of just over 40 minutes.
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