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Fort Max

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Everything posted by Fort Max

  1. Flaws and unforseen errors not withstanding this toy has been designed from the word go with the fastpacks and fold booster in mind so I don;t think they'll be any major issues there. I'm sad to say that I won't be buying one straight away after all, partly because I can't afford it and also because I pre-ordered Gunbuster first.
  2. Ya just have to be paitent a little while longer, 20th-25th of every month is the the release window for the Japanese hobby magazines.
  3. Pro me up! http://www.gundambase.com/community/news_v...mp;news_idx=376
  4. Fort Max

    Graham's Sig

    I wonder how much work Graham is getting done in between all the laughing at us he must be doing...
  5. What subs did you get in the end?
  6. Working ejector seat.
  7. Fort Max

    Graham's Sig

    What was the YF-21's codename? Will that fit?
  8. Fort Max

    Graham's Sig

    Sixteen spaces huh, I know just what to put in them, GRAHAM=COCKTEASE!
  9. Good god.... I NEED THAT!
  10. I'd say he's brought a new washing machine or similarily sized piece of equipment and is just using your own expectations of his behaviour to mess with your minds without actually lying.
  11. I finally got internet in my new flat and promptly downloaded Stargazer. Having watched it I was angry at Bandai once again for making such a mess of Destiny when this is so spectacular. Can't wait to see the finale.
  12. A haircut, A VF-0A, stop me if I guess it.
  13. Thanks for the heads up man, gonna cheack this out when I finish catching up on E7 and Diebuster.
  14. Yay, the return of the G-Box. SOLD
  15. Dang, I meant to have brought Alpha 3 by now.
  16. Holland only really hates himself.
  17. I second that, if the Charles & Ray arc doesn't go for the balls then the show just isn't for you.
  18. I see they couldn't stay away from CGI robots, other then that it looks fine.
  19. That is fantastic, thanks for sharing it with us Noriko.
  20. Well Nu is due in Nov so Jegan might just make it out before years end, he's the last in the CCA line up so it would be nice and tidy if he did. I want to see some sneak previews of what they have in store for next year.
  21. Now I just need to actually get my new flat netted up and I can finish it at last.
  22. There are so many of my favourite games on this machine, Mario 64, the Zelda's, Goldeneye and my all time most "out there" fave, Blast Corps! J-Bomb forever...
  23. Swap parts are generally hated on when it seems like a cop out in the transformation engineering but if it's for the sake of asthetics then by all means give us the option! Bandai's Gunbuster has transforming/astheticlly pleasing hands and feet and is all the better for them.
  24. I ordered mine from Amenbo, not everyone knows them but I've been buying toys from them for some time now and they never dissapoint. http://www.amenbo.com/toj.html Go to super robots in the drop down list and then at bottom right of the page is the pre-order menu. You need to sign up for a membership but it's free and relatively painless, bar a little engrish here and there. They've got one pre-order slot open at the moment but have been putting more up when they run out. I missed the first batch and had to wait weeks before I could get my order in.
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