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Fort Max

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Everything posted by Fort Max

  1. From superhero hypes comments; Posted by: BATMAN HATE on August 27, 2008 at 02:34:08 Riddler?? Catwoman?? What are you people smoking! those villains are lame. Give me CLAY FACE and Mr. Freeze (Patrick Stewart or Christopher loyd) I think the Mr. Freeze and Clayface orgins would transition good on film if taken seriously. (Lets forget Arnolds version of Freeze he sucked!) Ohh, Picard as Freeze, I think that idea has potential.
  2. I presume that's meant to be Stark in the background, I'd have trouble telling him apart from Gotham Knights Bishie Bruce.
  3. Just a thought but it could be an alternative head and not an actual mechanical retracting faceplate.
  4. As of their last Q & A at SDCC Hasbro are still denying any possibility of an Omega Supreme. If they are working on one it probably wouldn't come out until right before the end of the line/start of the new movie line.
  5. I'm another one who doesn't like the animated Starscream toy. I have all animated released in the UK so far plus Grimlock and Lugnut with him and Bumblebee being the only ones I dislike. Starscream to me is a nice figure but an absolute mess in jet mode, particularly from the side. Hasbro have made (Energon Starscream, combiner jets) and are even making some good TF jets now (see Marvel crossovers hate em or not) but Starscream seems to so often suffer a crappy jet mode that makes me keep it in bot mode. I'm currently waiting to find Blitzwing who also has a crappy jet mode but at least he has an excuse!
  6. That's a great poster, I like how they copied over the clever use of the bat symbol from the dark knight posters in particular.
  7. Sort of, Fox said that the plan for the bridging mechanism involved two tumblers leaping a river and dragging the tow cables over with them. He never said anything about there actually being two tumblers, though since he also said they couldn't get the bridge to work it wouldn't make sense for there to only be one prototype. That said, there is a teaser of a new sleek looking Batride in the gotham knights dvd shorts and I think it would be pretty cheap to bring the Tumbler back after such a big sendoff with Fox saying, "You broke her already, just be more careful with her sister" Btw, fans of the Batman can now (hopefully) get a good videogame at last From NeoGaf
  8. Awesome, do want!
  9. Any news on the anime for this?
  10. That's usually a pretty good sign that someone's ok in my experience. That video was brilliant but he really should have stopped in the toy aisle, he is sorely in need of a new Batmobile after all.
  11. I love this time of year, it's just one event after another.
  12. Just another reason why the Batmissile was so cool, it was plausible and as I recall there was actually a toy of it.
  13. Pre Christmas I imagine, along with the much rumoured but thus far unconfirmed videogame. That's defintely what I saw, the armour around the wheels (and presumably the front of the cockpit) all moves out of the way and (I thought) different guns appear on either side of the front left wheel. That wheel is then ejected, dragging Batman on the frame with it and finally the other front wheel is ejected off it's mount and sort of snaps into postion as the Batpod's back wheel. Very odd way to go about it, I doubt it'd really work in real life without severe difficulties in engineering but it certainly looks good on screen. I stand by my statement that the Batmissile was cooler though.
  14. Saw this last night, overall awesome film but I felt the gadgets were a bit overdone. Felt like I was watching a bond movie at one point. And I just don't buy the Batpod ejecting from the Tumbler, cool as it was. It didn't look very believable, I mean I just don't see how Batman got from being in the cockpit to being on that thing. I like the Batmissile in Batman returns loads better, it was cooler looking and you could see how it transitioned. That said, the Batpod was very cool once it was doing it's stuff and that turn up against the wall was brilliant. Amazing film though, true masterpiece of our time. I'm going to have to watch it several more times when the dvd comes out to really appreciate it.
  15. Loosk like Graham's not gonna regret his magazine purchases this month.
  16. In my mind it was an RX-78 that got the nasty suprise but that works too.
  17. Detachable horse heads eh? I think we all know what's going to result from this .
  18. I voted Rock Band 2 but I'll likely get both games, and why not, for only another £30 odd I can have a whole bunch more songs to play on top of the backwards compatibility (world tour has this too btw, with the DLC from GH 3 and possibly Aerosmith). I will however only buy one new piece of equipment, the GH:WT touchy feely guitar on account if it being gorgeous, well designed and my GH 3 Les Paul owning the Rock Band Stratocaster.
  19. Cool, Ultra Scourge and crossover Captain America & Thing are all new to me. Hope Scourge is good.
  20. Got Gotham Knight today ahead of it's UK release on Monday. I gotta say, it's realy dull and dissapointing for the most part. I think this was intentional as the stories are supposed to lead straight into each other so there's a feeling of escaltion and start/middle/end about the whole thing but it really doesn't work when you have such different styles that it feels like you're watching different fictions altogether. I reckon they should have just used a single director/style and made the whole thing as one feature, they could have kept the kids imaginative interpretations of Batman as a good way to intorduce the idea that the citizens of Gotham are only just starting to come to terms with the Batman's existence. It did rather rip off that episode from season 4 of TAS, though mecha Batman riding around in an osprey was pretty cool. It was worth watching for the about the 2nd half onwards, as others have said the last two are the best, the scene with Batman in the pile of rubbish at the end of "Working Through the Pain" was very well done. I also enjoyed Field test even though the Batmobile is so mercilessly teased but never really shown. The special features are very lacking too, no galleries or interviews, not even a trailer for the main event! Glad I only paid a tenner for it.
  21. I don't have any Bandai toys, collector or otherwise with stickers. Everything is either painted or stamped onto the toy like Transformers.
  22. Is "The Batman" worth getting? I have all the TAS sets but haven't seen the new show at all.
  23. Well said Graham, The problem with debating the merits of SOC's in this way is that just about all of them are of older mechs that were simple by the nesscity of their animated designs, none of which had altmodes even approaching the realism of Transformers or Macross. This however pretty much is Bandai's first transforming real robot SOC and from what I've seen this is what Bandai can really do when they get something challenging.
  24. Hmmm, if that price is without packs then it's not so great. Plus it makes these releases a bit pointlessq. It's not like Bandai to miss out an important accessory though, ah, who knows...
  25. Hot toys stuff. nice as it is has a habit of ending up in HLJ's sale section.
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