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Fort Max

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Everything posted by Fort Max

  1. I'm afraid to even take mine back out of it's box now. I got it at launch, transformed it three or four times the packed it back up cos I was moving house & it's been in there ever since... Edit: Felt the sudden urge to get it out tonight! Anyway it's nice and stiff and shows no signs of distress. Seriously though, My Garland is still fine and dandy, I have no idea why some people have had so much trouble with theirs. I guess Yamato really is a lottery...
  2. Whoa, Hi Nu is disturbingly small for the price, http://dalong.net/review/mg/m99/m99_119.jpg From Dalong, which has the usual shed load of pictures here, http://dalong.net/review/mg/m99/m99_i.htm So whose getting this? I was thinking of making this my return to the Gundam kit hobby but a brief look around for the Strike Gundam full burst pack has seen me turn my attentions to just trying to get a hold of one.
  3. Isn't it wonderfest this weekend, maybe all will be revealed.
  4. Kotobukiya has a really cool looking generic mecha hanger plastic kit planned for their 1/144 Super Robot Wars series, no idea where to find any pics at the moment but HLJ had some up in their last show report.
  5. Wow, that page alone shows Daltanious, Daimos (He'll be well received by Robot Japan's posters) and old Reideen for the main SOC line. Plus Dragonar for the Spec line (meh) and L-Gain (Woo!) Finally, there's stuff about the new Reideen and Dancougar animes possibly indicating toys for them as well. If all those are true then that's pretty much Bandai's line up for most of this year.
  6. Given it's bright n' breezy style he's gonna be hard pushed to make it seem more violent then Manhunt to punters. But I like this guy, I like his style and I very much like the idea of him working with Kojima! On another note, the modem in my Wii is working fine now, it was just a crappy server on their end. Thanks for your help though guys.
  7. Fabbo, thanks guys. a Bleaching I will go.
  8. Heh, it didn't give anything away that you couldn't get from the trailer. Oh, Jam sandwiches, how I remember those days.
  9. I know nothing about Yamato but the engineer in me freaked out at the stuff that "kit" can do. Painting a few barrels and being careful with photo etched parts aside it's another of Bandai's "all but a self assembly toy" specials. I'm very tempted but I think I'm gonna wait for the inevitable White Base model which will (at this rate) probably have working catapults...
  10. I am way, way more pschyed for Hot Fuzz then I ever was for Shaun of the Dead, John Woo is gonna get it good with this one.
  11. Cool, Hi Nu is a whole new kit. I had this nasty feeling it would be a modified MG Nu. It looks gorgeous, I'm so tempted.
  12. Fantastic, it's been a while since I er, "obtained" any Bleach and it's licensed now. Which group should I be looking to?
  13. It's the SPT Layzner (Super Powered Tracer) from the 80's anime of the same name. This toy is hugely disappointing to me because I thought it would be the be all and end all of the Layzner popularity resurgence and it is but'll it cost you and you won't like the numbers. The sticking point is that it's 8000 odd yen for a figure that's 4-5" high, has very few accessories and whose main selling point seems to be a talking base. If Bandai were to release it without the base for less then 4500 then I'd be all over it.
  14. This voting channel would be 100 times more appealing if they gave you Wii points for taking part, even if it was a miniscule 1 or maybe even 5 point(s) per question it would still be something.
  15. They're back on the main story now? Hurrah!
  16. That's the kicker here, it updates just fine, I have the news and weather channels & I managed to get into the shop once to download the internet browser. It flashes when it gets a message etc but it won't connect to the shops server except on rare occasions.
  17. Does anyone else have a really hard time getting into the shop? Every time I can be bothered to try it I always get a "cannot connect to server" message.
  18. Since the pictures taken at these things are often so sporadic could someone going please keep an eye open for Aoshima's up coming gokin Aliens Power Loader?
  19. She's just pandering to the latest fetish. I dig the old Snake figure.
  20. LOL It looks nice, I just wish they'd release the damn thing since Yamato shows no inclination of doing likewise.
  21. Thanks for the sweet pics Godfather, I want that.
  22. Wow, that site is nuts. Thanks for the link man.
  23. My sister said pretty much the same thing to me a few years back so I got her a 1/100 Justice, she loved and she digged the whole Hobgoblin glider thing it has going on to boot. I haven't built a Gundam model in an age and only two MG's at that (GP03 and Ex-S) but Bandai's latest round of kits, X- bone full Cloth, Hi Nu and Strike Noire has piqued my interest again. I heard that they don't use screws or even polycaps any more?
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