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Fort Max

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Everything posted by Fort Max

  1. Let the drooling commence anew! Super sweet Arbalest pictures from toysdaily, opening cockpit and Lambada driver hatches as well as weapons and option hands.
  2. These are toys all the way!
  3. Ah, yeah AS started the Garland and did some BGC figures as well. Ingrams have only just been released, http://pony-hp3.web.infoseek.co.jp/BRAVE-INGRAM.htm It has very visible screw holes marring it and a fair few swap parts for very simple operations, the pop up lights for instance do not pop up at all. Legioss and Tread has it's own thread now in this very forum so go there to lust!
  4. CM's have done some Tyrants from Patlabor so a couple of Invids/bits/whatever wouldn't be beyond their means.
  5. Hilarity and awesomeness all in one! In scale with the Garland.. that wouldn't make it much taller then a Microman figure.
  6. Another update from TBDX's forum: "Gonzo toy journalist Matt Alt just called me to say that the Legioss prototype is about the same size as the Toynami Masterpiece Alpha." - Roger Harkarvy Twoducks: Quality is high (almost to Bandai's standards) but they have a penchant for complex engineering that can leave their toys a little finicky. I haven't actually brought a CM's high end toy since their first release the TV GaoGaiGar which was finicky and kind of annoying in the way Yamatos original YF-19 was. People who have brought their more recent products say they are getting better though. Saverobotech: Did CMs have their new DX Brave toy on show? Big blue and red robot with a Dragon mouth chest and yellowy/gold wings if you don't know it.
  7. Chowyunskinny, this is already being discussed in the "I'm going to wonderfest" thread started by the G-man in the toys fourm, I was too slow. Also, CM's has nothing to do with Yamato (to my knowledge), they've established themselves as a wild card that does whatever it pleases. They seem like an anime fan with his own toy factory to me. But since this is "my" Gokin thread, here's some more. (Though both of these might not actually be Gokins) CM's go for SHE's throat as well with their own line of (possibily combining) Gaiking figures from the recent remake, http://www.sgcollect.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=55666 Max Factory pick a bad time to do another Eva 01 http://www.sgcollect.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=55668 Does anybody know what those mechs that are next to CM's Leigoss and Tread are? The one on the back shelf next to the Tread looks pretty whack.
  8. For anyone who doesn't already know, here's a warning. CM's is expensive, real expensive. Their Gokins cost almost three times what they would if they were Bandai made. btw, Legioss/Tread is due summer, I think, read it somewhere but I've lost it since in a sea of tabs and windows...
  9. Oh yeah, this is at wonderfest alright, full set of pics here, http://wildcats.pupui.jp/mt/archives/2007/02/cms.html
  10. I really dig the hover transport but I don't have the time or patience to build it. ;( Same with the Ex models really.
  11. CM's really start to kick arse and Toynami get one in the eye! Aka, Brave Gokin: LEIGOSS AND TREAD! http://wildcats.pupui.jp/mt/archives/2007/02/cms.html
  12. I've heard that those large scale Takatoku Orguss toys are pretty complex and impressive, I'd like to get a Nikick as the look of it is just great. How much should I expect to pay for one?
  13. I hope he's gonna spill the beans on this secret 80's mecha project soon, I'm dying to know what it is I'm gonna be drooling over.
  14. Fort Max

    1/100 WF YF-21

    Beautiful, I love seeing these and dreaming of what Yamato could do to equal it.
  15. Suddenly it's looking a lot more appealing.
  16. The Ideon is a thing of beauty, and it weighs well over a kilo to boot!
  17. Where are they available at those sort of prices?
  18. Aye, it's either the full deal or no deal.
  19. I've been surprised that people seem to prefer the metallic sheen of SOC 01 to the SPEC's anime accurate colours, perhaps they're just looking for a reason not to buy it. Didn't know the slide moved on the gun, that is a sweet detail.
  20. Sorry, I didn't mean this was an actual remake just that all the recent attempts at bringing old favourites back from the dead have been pretty lacklustre.
  21. Word on the new series from Gunota, "The new VOTOMS series, tentatively titled "Armored Trooper VOTOMS: Peruzen Files", is slated for the Summer." All the recent old mecha show remakes have been pants though so my expectations are suitably low.
  22. Is there anything new there? Very disappointing.
  23. Uh-oh, wallet rape time again! http://cmscorp.jp/product/dx_gbg.htm Can I afford it - all signs point to no. Do I want it - Oh hell yes.
  24. I keep going through a phase of wanting the Gakken Legioss (and other old DX's) without actually buying any.
  25. Jeez, you guys make it sound safer to get a Gakken!
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